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JEOPARDY The Progressive Era.

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1 JEOPARDY The Progressive Era

2 Categories Legal Issues 100 200 300 400 500 Vocabulary 100 200 300 400 500 People 100 200 300 400 500 Progressives 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Women’s Rights Hodge Podge 100 200 300 400 500

3 Final Jeopardy

4 ?

5 What is the Meat Inspection Act?
Federal officials were required to inspect meat packing plants under this:

6 What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?
The meat industry and medicine industries were required to list all ingredients under this. Began the FDA

7 Sat in the wrong train car; 1/8 black – what court case?
Plessy v. Ferguson Sat in the wrong train car; 1/8 black – what court case?

8 This court case made 8 hr workdays illegal
What is Lochner v. New York This court case made 8 hr workdays illegal

9 Limited women’s workday – sets a double standard
What is Muller v. Oregon? Limited women’s workday – sets a double standard

10 This person revealed the “dirt” or scandals about an organization.
What is a muckraker? This person revealed the “dirt” or scandals about an organization.

11 A forward thinking person who wanted to improve American life.
What is a Progressive? A forward thinking person who wanted to improve American life.

12 Someone who supported the fight for women’s rights
What is a Suffragist? Someone who supported the fight for women’s rights

13 “Don’t Choke!” Daily Double

14 Citizens can suggest and pass laws
What is the initiative? Citizens can suggest and pass laws

15 Kick out an elected official before his term expires
What is recall? Kick out an elected official before his term expires

16 Legislators propose and voters decide on certain laws.
What is a referendum Legislators propose and voters decide on certain laws.

17 What are labor unions? These organizations worked for better working conditions, higher wages, and shorter work days

18 Who was Booker T. Washington?
This African American founded the Tuskegee Institute and was a spokesperson for the rights of blacks.

19 This African American man created the NAACP.
Who is W.E.B. DuBois? This African American man created the NAACP.

20 Who was “Boss” William Tweed? During the 1860s and 70s, this person cheated New York out of more than $100 million.

21 Who was Upton Sinclair? Author of The Jungle

22 “Don’t Choke!” Daily Double

23 Name 2 progressive goals
1. Reform big business, not destroy it 2. Solve social issues through social science 3. Intervene in people’s lives 4. Reliance on the authority of the government 5. Protestant belief in duty to reform 6. Focus on efficiency in society 7. Rise of professional licensing Name 2 progressive goals

24 This reporter exposed the terrible treatment of the mentally ill
Who was Nellie Bly? This reporter exposed the terrible treatment of the mentally ill

25 Political cartoonist who revealed how corrupt Boss Tweed was.
Who is Thomas Nast? Political cartoonist who revealed how corrupt Boss Tweed was.

26 He was a photographer who took photographs of the city slums.
Who was Jacob Riis? He was a photographer who took photographs of the city slums.

27 Star of Iron Jawed Angels – went on a hunger strike
Who is Alice Paul? Star of Iron Jawed Angels – went on a hunger strike

28 This amendment gave women the right to vote
What is the 19th Amendment? This amendment gave women the right to vote

29 According to the map- which states were the last to grant women the right to vote?
What are States in the East & Southeast?

30 Let government set max prices for RR
What is Hepburn Act? Let government set max prices for RR

31 Who was Susan B. Anthony? This was a famous suffragist (hint--she was on the one-dollar coin). Asked for an ERA in the 1860s.

32 What is the Pure Food & Drug Act?
Which Act would have been passed after this cartoon?

33 What is the Meat Inspection Act?
Which Act would have been passed after this cartoon?

34 Who is Boss Tweed? Who is this?

35 What did the 16th amendment accomplish?
Established the income tax What did the 16th amendment accomplish?

36 What are political “bosses”?
These corrupt politicians/business leaders gained power by attending to the needs of new immigrants.

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