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Block 6.3 – Head & Neck Assembled by Scott Korfhagen, Oran Kremen & Erika Osterholzer Images from:

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Presentation on theme: "Block 6.3 – Head & Neck Assembled by Scott Korfhagen, Oran Kremen & Erika Osterholzer Images from:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Block 6.3 – Head & Neck Assembled by Scott Korfhagen, Oran Kremen & Erika Osterholzer Images from: &

2 Identify Posterior arch of the atlas 2

3 Identify  Anterior arch with facet for dens 3

4 Identify  Transverse process 4

5 Identify Superior articular facet 5

6 Identify Dens 6

7 Identify Foramen magnum 7

8 Identify (Probe) Pharyngeal tubercle 8

9 Identify Right and left occipital condyles 9

10 Identify (Probe) Jugular foramen 10

11 Identify (Probe) Hypoglossal canal 11

12 Identify (Probe) Anterior scalene muscle 12

13 Identify (Probe) Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 13

14 Identify (Probe) Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle 14

15 Identify (Probe) Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 15

16 Identify Stylopharyngeus muscle 16

17 Identify  Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion 17

18 Identify (Probe) Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) 18

19 Identify Vagus nerve (X) 19

20 Identify Superior laryngeal nerve 20

21 Identify Superior laryngeal nerve, Internal branch 21

22 Identify (Probe) Recurrent laryngeal nerve 22

23 Identify (Probes) Accessory nerve (XI) 23

24 Identify Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII) 24

25 Identify Internal carotid artery 25

26 Identify Internal jugular vein 26

27 Identify (Probe) Choanae 27

28 Identify (Probe) Nasal septum 28

29 Identify (Probe) Opening of the pharyngotympanic (auditory, tympanic) tube 29

30 Identify Torus tubarius 30

31 Identify (Probe) Salpingopharyngeal fold 31

32 Identify Pharyngeal recess 32

33 Identify (Probe) Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) 33

34 Identify (Probe) Soft palate 34

35 Identify (Probe) Epiglottis 35

36 Identify (Probe) Palatoglossal fold 36

37 Identify (Probe) Palatopharyngeal fold 37

38 What structure would be in the fossa marked by the probe?
Palatine tonsil 38

39 Identify (Opening)  Inlet (aditus) of the larynx 39

40 Identify Piriform recess 40

41 Identify (Probe) Thyroid cartilage 41

42 Identify Vocal ligament 42

43 Identify (Probe) Cricothyroid muscle 43

44 Identify (Probe) Vestibule (Supraglottic Cavity) 44

45 Identify (Probe) Vestibular fold (false vocal cord) 45

46 Identify (Probe) Ventricle 46

47 Identify (Probe) Vocal fold (true vocal cord) 47

48 Identify I am not totally sure how this will be tagged on the real practical  Rima glottidis 48

49 Identify (Probe) Infraglottic cavity 49

50 Identify Superior laryngeal nerve, Internal branch 50

51 Identify (Probe) Nasal bone 51

52 Identify (Probe) Lacrimal bone 52

53 Identify (Probe) Maxilla 53

54 Identify (Probe) Frontal process of Maxilla 54

55 Identify  Anterior nasal aperture of Maxilla 55

56 Identify Nasal septum – bony part 56

57 Identify (Probe) Middle nasal concha 57

58 Identify (Probe) Inferior nasal concha 58

59 Identify (Probe) Cribriform plate 59

60 Identify (Probe) Middle nasal concha 60

61 Identify (Probe) Superior nasal concha 61

62 Identify (Probe) Palatine process 62

63 Identify (Probe) Incisive canal 63

64 Identify (Probe) Body of Sphenoid Bone 64

65 Identify Sphenoidal sinus 65

66 Identify Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

67 Identify Sphenopalatine foramen

68 Identify Horizontal plate of the palatine bone

69 Identify Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

70 Identify Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

71 Identify Vomer

72 Identify Nasopalatine nerve

73 Identify Artery & Nerve
Sphenopalatine artery & Maxillary nerve

74 Identify Inferior concha

75 Identify Inferior meatus

76 Identify (duct) Opening of nasolacrimal duct

77 Identify Middle meatus

78 Identify Semilunar hiatus

79 Identify Ethmoidal bulla

80 Identify – indicated by the red thingy
Opening of the anterior ethmoidal cells

81 Identify Opening of the maxillary sinus

82 Identify Opening of the frontal sinus

83 Identify Opening of the middle ethmoidal cells

84 Identify Superior meatus

85 Identify Sphenoethmoidal recess

86 What does the probe go through?
Opening of sphenoidal sinus

87 Identify (nerve & artery)
Greater palatine nerve and artery

88 Identify (nerve & artery)
Lesser palatine nerve and artery

89 Identify Pterygopalatine ganglion

90 Identify Pterygopalatine ganglion

91 Identify Infraorbital artery

92 Identify Palatine process of the maxilla

93 Identify Incisive foramen

94 Identify Greater palatine foramen

95 Identify Lesser palatine foramen

96 Identify Hamulus

97 Identify Medial plate of the pterygoid process

98 Identify Lateral plate of the pterygoid process

99 Identify Scaphoid fossa of the sphenoid bone

100 Identify Pterygoid canal

101 Identify Pterygopalatine fossa

102 Identify Pterygomaxillary fissure

103 Identify Sphenopalatine foramen

104 Identify Inferior orbital fissure

105 Identify Palatoglossus muscle

106 Identify Palatopharyngeus muscle

107 Identify Mylohyoid muscle

108 Identify Geniohyoid muscle

109 Identify Genioglossus muscle

110 Identify Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)

111 Identify Hyoglossus muscle

112 Identify Sublingual gland

113 Identify Submandibular duct

114 Identify Submandibular gland – deep part

115 Identify Lingual nerve

116 Identify Also the lingual nerve

117 Identify neuro structure
Submandibular ganglion

118 Identify probe Lingual artery

119 Identify probe Palatoglossal fold

120 Identify probe Palatopharyngeal fold

121 Identify Salpingopharyngeus muscle

122 Identify Salpingopharyngeal fold

123 Identify Median glossoepiglottic fold

124 Identify Torus tubarius

125 Identify Opening of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

126 Identify Epiglottic vallecula

127 Identify Stylopharyngeus muscle

128 Identify (sorry didn’t have any better images of these next few… be aware they are on the list!)
Styloglossus muscle

129 Identify Levator veli palatini muscle

130 Identify Tensor veli palatini

131 Identify Intrinsic muscles of the tongue

132 Identify Foramen Cecum

133 Identify Terminal sulcus (sulcus terminalis)

134 Identify (Probe) Lingual tonsil 134

135 Identify (arrow) Lingual Papillae 135

136 Net Anatomy Images and Radiologic Anatomy
Block 6.3



139 Ethmoid Sinus

140 Epiglottis

141 Frontal Sinus

142 Ethmoid Sinus

143 Maxillary Sinus

144 Frontal Sinus

145 Oropharynx

146 Sphenoid Sinus

147 Nasopharynx

148 Maxillary Sinus

149 so close, I bet you can taste it…
mmmm it tastes like beer.

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