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Olfactory Groove Meningioma

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1 Olfactory Groove Meningioma
Case of the Month - January 2017 Cory Ozimok PGY-2 McMaster University

2 History 31 year old male with progressive hyposmia over 1 year.
Mild morning headaches. No change in behaviour. No focal neurological deficits. Past medical history: remote tonsillectomy, asthma

3 CT Head C-

4 CT Head C-

5 CT Head C- * *

6 CT Head C+

7 Summary of CT Findings Intrinsically hyperdense lobulated extra-axial mass along the planum sphenoidale measuring 4.2 x 2.9. x 4.3 cm Central calcification Associated perilesional edema and mass effect on bifrontal horns and regional convexity sulci Hyperostosis of jugum sphenoidale (arrow) Expansion of sphenoid sinus in keeping with pneumosinus dilatans (*) Avid homogeneous enhancement, displaces ACAs posteriorly



10 Summary of MR Findings Well circumscribed
Isointense signal on T1 to brain parenchyma T2 hyperintense with central low signal (calcification), significant perilesional edema Avid enhancement Mild diffusion restriction

11 Case Due to symptoms, the patient underwent a bifrontal craniotomy for tumour resection with duraplasty The surgery went well without complications Headaches resolved

12 Pathology Solid tumour cells forming whorled fascicles.
Cells are oval to spindle shaped with evenly dispersed chromatin and inconspicuous nuclei. Psamma bodies present. Diagnosis: Meningioma, Transitional Cell Type

13 Meningiomas Most common nonglial primary tumours of the CNS and most common extra-axial neoplasm Account for 15% of all intracranial tumours Arise from meningothelial cells (arachnoid cap cells) Common locations: Supratentorial 90% Parasaggital and convexities 45% Sphenoid Ridge 15-20% Olfactory groove/planum sphenoidale 10% Juxtasellar 5-10% Infratentorial 5-10% CPA most common Multiple meningiomas assocated with NF2

14 Meningiomas: Radiographic Features
CT 60% hyperdense to normal brain 20-30% have calcifications Avid homogenous enhancement Hyperostosis 5% (typical for skull base) MRI T1 isointense 60-90% T1 C+ intense homogenous enhancement T2 isointense to grey matter (50%), hyperintense (35-40%), hypointense (10-15%) DWI/ADC atypical and malignant subtypes may show greater restricted diffusion

15 Olfactory Groove Meningioma
May demonstrate intranasal or ethmoidal extension Cerebral edema can be seen in up to 60% of cases Associated with pneumosinus dilatans Differential diagnosis Esthesioneuroblastoma (AKA olfactory neuroblastoma) Nasal shwanomma Hemangiopericytoma Sinonasal SCC

16 References StatDx: A.G. Osborn, M. M. Thurnher. Meningioma.
Radiopaedia: F. Gaillard. Meningioma. M.P Buetow, P.C. Buetow and J.G. Smirniotopoulos. Typical, Atypical and Misleading Features of Meningioma. Radiographics, 11, (1991). MedScape: K.M. Fung et al. Meningiomas Pathology.

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