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The “BIG THREE” Religions

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1 The “BIG THREE” Religions

2 Judaism

3 Basic Facts: One of the oldest religions in the world
One of the first monotheistic religions 12-14 million people in the world practice this religion today Why is such a small religion considered ‘major’? -it has had an enormous impact on other religions, law, ethics and history Judaism is more than a religion it is also an ethnicity and a culture. The Jewish people were their own nation thousands of years ago. They had a kingdom, a common language and the religion kept them together. Jews consider being Jewish the same as being Italian or African-American. It is something you cannot change.

4 Basic Beliefs: The Patriarchs: Abraham (considered the founder), Isaac, Jacob (“Israel”) – origins of the Hebrew people (more than 3800 years ago) Enslaved in ancient Egypt and freed by Moses (more than 3300 years ago) Hebrew monarchy in the “Promised Land” (The Land of Israel), ends 6th century BCE

5 Basic Beliefs and Practices:
God has chosen the Jewish people for a special covenant (pact). If they worship him properly he will guide, protect and reward them. A Messiah will be sent by God to end this life and all the faithful Jews will have eternal life in heaven. The Torah (Jewish Holy Book) has the rules and ethics Jews should live by to lead a good life.

6 Basic Beliefs and Practices:
Jews also believe that to lead a good life you must care about your community. This is why many Jewish people go into professions where they can have an impact on their communities, i.e.: doctors, lawyers, teachers Jews believe that God is too great for there to be any kind of representation of God. No pictures & paintings. And many Jews don’t even write the word ‘God’. Jews worship in Synagogues on Saturdays and on Holy Days. Rabbis are the official clergy who conduct the religious services and act as counselors for those in the community who need help or guidance.

7 Kosher Laws: The Torah sets out some specific rules about preparing and eating food. Certain animals are seen as ‘unclean’ and are prohibited for Jews. These include: Pigs Shellfish Mice birds of prey (eagles, hawks, owls)

8 Kosher Laws continued:
Also, certain parts of the animals are forbidden: The hindquarters of animals (the back legs and rear end) Internal fats from the animal Any meat containing blood. (Like a very rare steak) In terms of preparing food there are also laws. Animals must be killed as painlessly as possible. Blood and milk products must never be mixed. (Many Orthodox Jews actually have separate refrigerators for meat products and dairy products) Foods that are “Kosher” are foods that have been prepared according to these laws.

9 History: The history of the Jewish people is a long one of persecution and war. The Egyptians and Babylonians made the Jews slaves The Romans and Christians persecuted the Jews The Nazis murdered 6 million Jews in the Holocaust

10 Types of Judaism: Over time people began to have different views on how to follow Judaism There are four major types of Judaism They differ on how strictly they follow the ancient laws More Strict Less Strict Orthodox Conservative Reconstructionist Reform

11 Orthodox Judaism – Very Strict:
These Jews believe the best way to practice their religion is to follow the laws of the Torah very closely. No work at all on the Sabbath (Saturday). Many Orthodox Jews don’t even drive on Saturday Follow the Torah and the Kosher (dietary) laws completely. Synagogues are segregated by gender. Women and men cannot sit together. Men perform all the ceremonies during religious services. Some Orthodox Jews even follow strict dress codes.

12 Conservative Judaism- strict
These Jews believe that the Torah must be followed but not as strictly as Orthodox Jews follow it. Laws about the Sabbath and Kosher laws are followed but not as strictly as Orthodox Jews follow them. i.e.: Conservative Jews may not work on Saturday but they might drive. Synagogues are not segregated, men and women sit together. But men still perform all the ceremonies.

13 Reconstructionist Judaism
The newest and smallest form of Judaism Believe that the Torah is important but everyone can modify the rules for their lives. Sabbath and Kosher rules are important but not completely necessary to be a good Jew. Men and Women are equal – women can be Rabbis

14 Reform – the least strict
These Jews believe that many of the laws in the Torah are out of date and that some of the requirements are more important than others. They may feel that leading a good life and helping their community requires them to work on the Sabbath, or they may feel that God cares more about being a good person than about what foods you eat.

15 Reform – the least strict - continued
Many Orthodox Jews do not even recognize Reform Judaism as a type of Judaism because it is not strict enough. Laws about the Sabbath and Kosher laws are not followed as much. Women are seen as equals in the synagogue. There are many Reform rabbis who are female.

16 Ceremonies Bar Mitzvah & Bat Mitzvah
These are initiation ceremonies like many other religions have. They occur when a boy, or girl, has reached an age of maturity and they can take responsibility for themselves in terms of following the Torah. Boys have Bar Mitzvahs when they are about 13. Girls have Bat Mitzvahs when they are about 12, but only Reform and some Conservative Jews have Bat Mitzvahs. The ceremony involves the boy or girl reading and singing parts of the Torah during a special service. The passages must be read in Hebrew. There are also questions the boy or girl must answer about their religion.

17 Death and Funerals It is customary for someone who has died to be buried quickly (within one-two days). This is most likely a practice that began because the early Hebrews lived in a very hot climate and a dead body would begin to decompose rapidly if it was not buried quickly. Jewish families also sit Shiva following the death of a loved one. Friends and relatives come to the home bearing food and they help the family through the grieving process. It is also customary for mirrors and clocks to be covered with cloth while sitting Shiva. This is symbolic – time and your appearance do not matter at this moment.

18 Holidays The most important Holidays for Jews are Passover, Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur. The Jewish calendar follows the lunar calendar (Phases of the moon) and so these holidays do not fall on the same days every year. (The Christian holidays of Easter and Lent also follow the Lunar calendar)

19 Holidays continued Passover is in the Spring and celebrates God’s intervention to help the Jews when they were slaves in Egypt. A special meal (The Seder) is made with foods that have symbolic importance, and a passage from the Torah is read.

20 Holidays continued Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur are related and occur in the Fall. Rosh Hoshanah is the beginning of the Jewish new year and is followed ten days later by Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). During this ten day period Jews are supposed to consider all the sins of the past year and seek forgiveness or make up for those sins.

21 Holidays continued Hannukah is more of a minor holiday but is more important here in the US. Many Jewish families give gifts to each other like Christians do for Christmas. The holiday, the Festival of Lights, celebrates an ancient military victory where Jews believe God made a miracle by making one day’s worth of lamp oil last for eight days in a Holy Temple.

22 Judaism and Christianity
Judaism predates Christianity – it is the foundation of Christianity but is not a part of it Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and the Apostles Jews do not believe that Jesus was anything more than a good and wise man who lived and died 2000 years ago – Jews still await their messiah The Jewish messiah would not be divine. He would be a political figure who restores the Hebrew monarchy and causes peace to reign on Earth Jews are not concerned about salvation and the “world to come”

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