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St. Mary Catholic School

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1 St. Mary Catholic School
Science Fair 2017 What effect does the size of the Alka Seltzer tablet have on how long it bubbles? Your Name May 18, 2017 St. Mary Catholic School

2 Acknowledgements The Young Scientist gratefully thanks:
His dad who helped him paraphrase the words on some note cards His mom who helped him brainstorm the topic for this Science Fair Mr. Fred Jones, executive director of marketing for Bayer AG, who kindly answered his interview questions.

3 Learning about Alka-Seltzer Is Important Because
It can help people understand the chemical reactions of Alka Seltzer and the properties of water It can provide information to subjects who suffer from upset stomachs It can help people use this substance to safely clean surfaces like jewelry and metallic surfaces

4 Previous Research: This study owes a debt to the following scientists:
1. Oswald Schmiedeberg ( ) Is generally recognized as the founder of modern pharmacology, the study of medicines Published over 200 articles and books describing the relationship between medicines and their effects upon the human body Was a professor of pharmacology at the University of Stassburg in Latvia.

5 2. John Jacob Abel(1857-1938) Did research in Baltimore, Maryland
Approached biology with a first-rate training in chemistry Believed that the study of molecules and atoms was as important as the observation of cellular tissues Was the first person to isolate adrenaline, an important body hormone

6 3. Claude Bernard ( ) Discovered the role of the pancreas in digestion Established the importance of experimenting in the study of life sciences including the statement of a hypothesis Studied the effects of poisons like curare and carbon monoxide Studied the effects that drugs on the digestive system.

7 This study of the effect size has on the time Alka Seltzer bubbles is based on an understanding of:
Mass It is a basic property of all particles of matter The amount of mass of an object affects its gravitational field According to Isaac Newton, “Every mass attracts every other mass in the universe.” (Source: Boundless).

8 What is Alka Seltzer? It’s an antacid and pain reliever that breaks up and dissolves the full feeling people get related to digestion Its ingredients include aspirin and a combination of sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, and anhydrous citric acid It makes a sound of plop-plop when dropped into a water solution – used in ads

9 How does Alka Seltzer work?
When dropped into water, solid sodium bicarbonate and citric acid in tablets form sodium citrate, carbon dioxide, and water. (Source: Senese).

10 What does Alka Seltzer do in the stomach?
) If sodium citrate = weak base And stomach acid = mainly HCl (hydrochloric acid) Then, Alka Seltzer neutralizes the acid by creating water and carbon dioxide gas Na3C3H5O7 (aq) + 3HCl (aq)  H3C3H5O7 (aq) + 3NaCl(aq) (Source: Senese).

11 What is effervescence? It is defined as the production of bubbles or foaming created when chemicals mix and a chemical reaction occurs Example: mixing of vinegar and baking soda It occurs when Alka Seltzer tablets mix with water SeparationsNow.comhttp://

12 What is a chemical reaction?
It is a process that produces chemical change resulting in new substances forming that are different from the original substances Includes reactants, the substances before the reaction Makes products, chemicals created as a result of the reaction Example of A Chemical Reaction Alka Seltzer creates a chemical reaction when tablets mix with water

13 An Interview with Pharmacist, Fred Jones
It is not recommended. The amount of fizz or full dissolution of the tablets could change meaning it’s longer for the medicine to take effect. Can I dissolve Alka Seltzer in a liquid other than water? The best temperature is room temperature. Cold water will slow down dissolution and warm water will can make it foam too much. What temperature of water should be used for Alka Seltzer? What if the tablets don’t fizz? This can be a sign that the tablets have started to break down. Don’t use them.

14 In summary, the following facts may be stated about Alka Seltzer:
It has mass – the more mass, the more concentrated It neutralizes stomach acid and relieves pain It creates a chemical reaction when it reacts with water It creates effervescence, gas bubbles, when it mixes with water. It is most effective with room temperature water

15 Based on the previous facts, the following hypothesis was developed:
If the size of an Alka Seltzer tablet is increased, then the chemical reaction will occur faster because the increased concentration of the larger tablet will cause the carbon dioxide gas to escape from the water more quickly.

16 Works Cited "Boundless." Weight of the Earth. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0, 2013. Web. 12 Jan < motion-and-gravitation/newton-s-law-of-universal-gravitation/weight-of- the-earth/>. "Interview with Fred Jones." interview. 15 Dec Web. "Mass." Definition of Mass. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0, n.d. Web. 13 Jan < Senese, Fred. "What Makes Alka Seltzer Tablets Fizz?" General Chemistry Online: FAQ: Chemistry of Everyday Life:., n.d. Web. 12 Jan < alkaseltzer-fizz.shtml>.

17 Appendix A: Some Facts About Alka Seltzer
Alka-Seltzer is an effervescent  antacid and pain reliever first marketed in 1956 by the Dr. Miles Medicine Company. Alka-Seltzer is marketed for relief of minor aches, pains, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, and hangovers while neutralizing excess stomach acid. Alka-Seltzer is currently owned by Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany.

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