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Shetal & Karen W– morning narrators

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Presentation on theme: "Shetal & Karen W– morning narrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shetal & Karen W– morning narrators
Mary Hanna & Lynne—evening narrators Kindergarten Transition Meeting Welcome to Paulding County School District!

2 Typical Kindergarten Schedule*
7:30-8:00 Drop-Off and Independent Activity 8:00 School Starts 8:00-8:10 Attendance & Announcements 8:10-9:10 Whole Group Reading & Language Arts 9:10-10:00 Small Group Reading (students work on tasks for remediation or acceleration) 10:00-10:30 Science or Social Studies 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-11:15 Lunch 11:30-12:15 Specials (PE, Music, Art, Media Center, Guidance) 12:15-1:15 Whole Group Math 1:15-2:00 Small Group Math (students work on tasks for remediation or acceleration) 2:00-2:15 Pack-Up/Read Aloud 2:20 Dismissal *the actual order of events may differ from school-to-school AM Shetal PM Mary Hannah

3 Breakfast & Lunch Breakfast - $1.25/day Lunch - $2.00/day
Free/Reduced Lunch Forms are available online and sent home the first day of school or during open house. It takes up to 2 weeks to get approval. You may prepay your child's meal account online with MasterCard or Visa. Please log on to for more details. For more information about school breakfast and lunch. AM Shetal PM Mary Hannah

4 Transportation Paulding County School District Website
Find It Fast (right hand side) Bus Stop / School Locator Click on School/Bus Locator Enter your child’s information (grade and address) Car Rider Process Establishing the process AM Shetal PM Mary Hannah

5 Learning Bridge (Private After School Daycare)
Their goal is to provide a fun, safe environment for children who need consistent care in the afternoons In order for your child to stay in learning bridge they must be registered. We are pleased to offer the following two program choices for a very competitive rate: Full Time Program (4 or 5 days per week)–$35 weekly per child Part Time Program (1, 2 or 3 days per week)–$21 weekly per child Yearly Registration Fee (non-refundable)–$15/child or $30/family No drop-in or short term services are available. AM Shetal PM Mary Hannah

6 What is Open House? Visit your child’s classroom
Complete beginning of school year paperwork. Meet with the School Nurse if needed Bus drivers to assist with pick-up/drop-off times. Opportunity to register for Learning Bridge Pay for student lunches Visit the Parent Resource Center Meet administration AM Karen W PM Lynne

7 Ready, Set, go!  Social Cooperate with adults
Play and cooperate with other children Share and take turns Sit for short periods (15 minutes) Follow class rules Understand and follow directions Communicate about wants and needs AM Karen W PM Lynne

8 Ready, set, go!  Academic Show an interest in books
Hold book and turn pages correctly Identify labels and signs in the environment Use crayons, pencils, scissors Express ideas with drawings Identify 10 basic colors by name – (red, blue, green, yellow, blue, purple, brown, black, white, pink) Begin to identify letters of the alphabet Write first name using capital and lower case letters Tell about an experience Identify shapes – square, circle, oval, diamond, rectangle, triangle Count to 20 by ones Recognize groups of one, two, three, four, and five objects Begin to identify numbers (0 – 10) AM Karen W PM Lynne

9 What English/Literacy Skills Will Your Child Learn in Kindergarten?
Naming upper- and lower-case letters, matching those letters with their sounds, and printing them Comparing the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories, such as fairy tales and folktales Retelling familiar stories and talking about stories read to them using details from the text Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to describe an event, including his or her reaction to what happened Stating an opinion or preference about a topic or book in writing (e.g., “My favorite book is…”) AM & PM Trina

10 What English/Literacy Skills Will Your Child Learn in Kindergarten?
Taking part in classroom conversations and following rules for discussions Speaking clearly to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas, including descriptions of familiar people, places, things, and events Asking and answering questions about key details in stories or other information read aloud Understanding and using question words in discussions Learning to recognize and spell sight words National PTA Parents’ Guide to Student Success for Kindergarten AM & PM Trina

11 What Math Skills Will Your Child Learn in Kindergarten?
Counting objects to tell how many there are Comparing two groups of objects to tell which group, if either, has more; comparing two written numbers to tell which is greater Acting out addition and subtraction word problems and drawing diagrams to represent them Addition with a sum of 10 or less; subtracting from a number 10 or less; and solving addition and subtraction word problems Adding and subtracting very small numbers quickly and accurately (e.g., 3 + 1) Correctly naming shapes regardless of orientation or size (e.g., a square oriented as a ‘diamond’ is still a square) National PTA Parents’ Guide to Student Success for Kindergarten AM Karen W PM Mary Hannah

12 GKIDS Assessment (Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills)
A year-long, performance-based assessment aligned to the state mandated content standards. Provides teachers with information about the level of instructional support needed by individual students entering Kindergarten and First Grade. Throughout the year, teachers assess students and record GKIDS data (Formative Assessments) about Kindergarten students’ developing skills in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Personal/Social Development, & Approaches to Learning. At the end of the year, summary reports and individual student reports will be generated based on the data the teacher has entered throughout the year (Summative Assessment), and scores in Language Arts & Math serving as an indicator of First grade readiness. AM Karen W PM Mary Hannah

13 Performance Levels ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science standards will be assessed using two to five performance levels for each element. Not Yet Demonstrated Emerging Progressing Meets the Standard Exceeds the Standard AM Karen W PM Mary Hannah

14 Summer Tips English Language Arts & Literacy
Read with your child every day. Encourage your child to tell you about his or her day. Keep paper, markers, or crayons around the house for your child to write letters or words to draw a picture about his or her day. Have your child describe the picture to you. Play word games like I Spy, sing songs, and make silly rhymes together. AM & PM Trina

15 Summer tips Mathematics
Look for word problems in real life. Some kindergarten examples might include: Play “Write the next number.” You write a number, and your child writes the next number. Ask your child questions that require counting as many as 20 objects. For example, ask, “How many books do you have about wild animals?” Ask your child questions that require comparing numbers. “Who is wearing more bracelets, you or your sister?” AM Sandra PM Lynne

16 How will the school Support parents?
Communication in a variety of ways: newsletters, s, One Call now, etc. Offer monthly parent meetings on a variety of topics (state standards and curriculum, child’s progress, Annual Title I meeting, etc.). Family Curriculum Nights Title I Instructional Lead Teachers Parent Resource Centers AM Sandra PM Lynne

17 Parent Resource Centers
The following schools have a Parent Resource Center. These centers act as a lending library of educational resources for parents to check out and use with their child at home. Allgood, Baggett, Dallas, Hiram, Hutchens, New Georgia, Panter, Poole, Ragsdale, Union, Roberts The materials in the resource centers are purchased with Title I funds. Parents are provided with opportunities for input on what purchases are made for the PRC. These resources are available to families to borrow at no cost. AM Sandra PM Lynne

18 West Georgia Regional Library
4 Locations Online Calendar Available, Paper Copies of Calendars from all Libraries available on table Elementary Age Activities Weekly unless noted “Baby Activity” Story Time Once a week and Baby Story Time Once a Week Monday Morning “Mini” meet ups (activities for socialization) Chalk Club-Vocab Work Math Club-Crazy 8’s Board Game Days, Movie Days, Lego Club 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Campaign (reading Log with stickers and prizes at 500, 750, and 1000 books), under age 6 AM Sandra PM Mary Hannah

19 Paulding County Parks and Recreation
Online Calendar of Educational Enrichment Activities: Camps and classes: Superheroes in Action Ballet Tumbling Hip Hop Dance Karate Bug Catchers Science Says: hands on experiments from Atoms to Zoology for age categories 3-5 & 4-12 I Want to Be a Firefighter: Saturday, May 20th, 1-2:30 for Ages 3-6, at Taylor Farm Park $11 Saturday, April 22nd Touch a Truck, 10-12, Veteran’s Park, FREE AM Sandra PM Mary Hannah

20 Quality Child Care Search---Afterschool Programs
Summer Camp Search Quality Child Care Search---Afterschool Programs Opportunities for Financial Assistance Information Cards on Table AM Sandra PM Mary Hannah

21 Volunteer Opportunities
Make arrangements to come on a specific day of the week Designate a location where copies/items to be made will be left for pick up (with instructions) the contact person if you are not able to come Check in at the front office Be sure to have your drivers license Mandated Reporter Training AM Karen W PM Lynne

22 Volunteer Opportunities:
At School: Classroom support Planning events Preparing material Etc. Reading to classes Parent Resource Center Spanish translator Book Fair: during conference weeks Room Mom/Dad PTA events School events Input in planning setting up sign-ins handing out materials At Home: Preparing supplies: cutting out items, filling bags, making resources Reviewing Title I documents and providing feedback PTA Hospitality for teacher luncheons and conference week snacks Assist room moms with needed supplies for the classroom and/or class party AM Karen W PM Lynne

23 2017-2018 Paulding County School District Calendar
Access at anytime via Click on “Calendar” & choose the school year Dates to be Aware of: Open House: July 27th, 2pm-6pm First Day of School: Aug 1st Early Release Days: Dismiss 2 hours early Fall/Spr Conferences: Dismiss 1 hour early (wks of Oct 16 & Mar 26) Breaks: wks of Sept 25, Nov 20, Dec 21-Jan 4, Feb 19, & Apr 2 Information about Dismissals & Closings (i.e. inclement weather) communicated through PCSD website, social media feeds, and REMIND telephone system AM Shetal PM Mary Hannah

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