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Daily Life in Mesopotamia

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1 Daily Life in Mesopotamia
By: Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker Grade 6 & 7 Division 2

2 Intro Civilization in Mesopotamia developed about 6000 ago(5300b.c.).
Mesopotamia is on a fertile crescent, mainly in Iraq. Today, much of Mesopotamia is under sand. Mesopotamia means “land between rivers”

3 Social Structure Four main classes in Ancient Sumer:
Priests Four main classes in Ancient Sumer: Priests, upper class, lower class & slaves Priests in charge of making everyone behave Slaves came from different towns in Sumeria Upper Class Slaves Lower Class

4 Marriage In Ancient Mesopotamia wives were bought & sold.
Wives could file for a divorce. Marriages were arranged by the bride and groom’s family. The West learned its ways of marriage from ancient Mesopotamia.

5 Family Life In a Family men had more power than women.
Boys were taught their family trading business Girls stayed home—learned to housekeep & cook for family. Men were masters of the house.

6 Childhood Rich boys were taught to read and write in school.
Lower class boys were taught a family trade like fishing. Girls, rich and poor stayed home with their mother to learn housekeeping and cooking. Girls were also taught to take care of children.

7 School Record keeping was very important to ancient Mesopotamians, they wrote everything down. There written language was called cuneiform. Schools were attached to temples, and only boys had the privilege of going to school. Students had to do a perfect job or they were beaten as punishment. Most students wanted to go to school in spite of punishments.

8 Housing The upper class lived in large homes that were wide and nearly three stories high. The materials used to make houses was sun-dried brick, because there was little wood and stone. The roofs were flat, so that it was like a fourth floor. The most important floor in the house is the first floor.

9 Food The average person in Mesopotamian ate about two meals a day except for the rich who ate three. Lots people ate unleavened bread, and drank large amounts of beer(up to a whole gallon a day). Meat was expensive so most people ate vegetables and stews There were cakes for special occasions were also made with butter, raisins, dates, flour, and cheese. A popular treat was the Kafta kabob ( in picture to right).

10 Celebrations Mesopotamians celebrated Akitu which is the earliest new year’s festival. The Mesopotamians celebrated the Moon, solstices, and equinoxes.

11 Art The Assyrians used art for military achievements and daily life.
Sumerians made jewelry from gold and lapis, but they weren’t good at molding stone sculptures. Sumerians also created beautiful mosaics that had colourful patterns, helmets, harps, jewelry, and decorated tablets. The Babylonians made massive sculptures including huge gates, all of the sculptures were for special events honoring gods. The Assyrians used art for military achievements and daily life. They also carved and painted.

12 Music Music in Sumerian was used in religious and civic life and wherever music was, dancing was usually near. Musicians were rich because they went to school. Instrument that Mesopotamians use include harps, lyres, lutes, reed pipes, and drums. Singers tried to express emotion through their song.

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