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Events Training Picture?.

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1 Events Training Picture?

2 Do events matter?

3 Successful events provide members with something tangible and memorable in return for their membership, and are a key feature of successful societies. Social events are a great way to get the whole society together, to share a common interest or just to enjoy yourself. Fundraising events help you to fulfil your aims and objectives by funding activities and projects, or otherwise allow the whole society and more to unite in helping a charitable cause. Cultural, arts, musical and political events allow you to promote your views and share experiences with the UoE community, and beyond.

4 Can you afford it?

5 Be realistic, but if in doubt always overestimate your costs
Be realistic, but if in doubt always overestimate your costs. If you think it will cost between £8 – £10, budget for £10. Don’t forget about VAT – if you aim to break even by charging £30 per ticket, you will make a loss when you receive just £25 per person. Create a table or spreadsheet to track income and expenditure against budgeted costs and predictions. Make sure all incoming money is paid into your society’s account, and all expenses are paid out of it (rather than being offset against income.

6 Where can you hold events?

7 Booking a Room Societies are able to book rooms free of charge via the Central Timetabling office, subject to the agreement of the Societies Department. Go to If you are inviting external guests or speakers to your event, you should make your booking at least two weeks in advance so that the necessary approval can be obtained. If your event falls outside the normal range of events for your society, you may need to complete a risk assessment. Should you wish to sell or give out food at your event, you will need to comply with food hygiene regulations and also complete a Food Agreement Form (more later). Please be sensitive and considerate about noise. If you are open about the fact that you may be noisy CTO will accommodate you – just don’t fib.

8 Booking an Event on Squares
If you wish to hold an event on Square 3, you should contact SU Reception either in person or via and ask them to book you a space. Our lovely Reception staff can also help you if you need to use a table, gazebo, or any of the Societies Guild equipment which is available to borrow. If your event will take place on another Square, or if it is a Square 3 event which falls outside the normal range of events held there, you will need to obtain permission from Estates by completing an ‘Events on Squares’ form, and also complete a risk assessment (see your pack and the Societies FAQs at Should you wish to sell or give out food at your event, you will need to comply with food hygiene regulations and complete a Food Agreement Form. Please note that music and amplifiers may ONLY be used on squares between and 2.00 pm, and after 6.00 pm.

9 Booking an SU Venue There are a number of options available to you, depending on: the availability of your chosen venue the nature of your event the time of the event the number of people realistically expected to attend the budget   so it is a good idea to think carefully about these factors beforehand. As a general guide, events involving collaboration between societies, or societies and clubs, have a greater chance of success, while for smaller events, non-exclusive use of the venue is easier to accommodate than exclusive use. Always book your venue as far in advance as possible, especially if your event is scheduled for a popular time of year, and remember that although the Societies Department will support you, you will have to promote the event yourselves. Once you have made a decision, complete a Venues Booking Form and send it to for a quotation and confirmation of availability.

10 Booking a Venue Off-Campus
There is no reason why you cannot hold an event off-campus, although you will need to take a number of additional factors into account, such as:  setting out clear written terms for your agreement with the venue, and having the contract signed by an authorised representative of the SU whether the venue will require a minimum number of ticket holders whether the society will make travel arrangements on behalf of members, and who will pay for it whether a hire cost applies, and whether a deposit will need to paid whether the society or the venue will be collecting ticket income and handling admissions if a third party site is used to sell tickets (such as Eventbrite), the effect of commission on profit margins You may also need to complete a risk assessment for the event, although the Societies Department can help with this.

11 Do you need permission?

12 Events Involving Food NEVER underestimate the dangers of food poisoning. You have no right to put others’ health – or lives – at risk. Food must be prepared and served by a someone with a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate. Online training takes 4-6 hours, and the Guild will supply one free access code to each society. You must also complete a Food Agreement Form and send it to at least one week before your event is due to take place. Please comply with all regulations, especially those relating to the listing of ingredients and allergens, and the temperature of high-risk food. The SU cannot allow you to sell food that carries a risk for those consuming it, even if you disagree.

13 Events Involving Alcohol
Remember that events involving alcohol exclude some members, so make sure you hold a mix of events to allow everyone to join in. Read the SU Alcohol Policy – your President is responsible for making sure that your society complies with this, and it forms part of your code of conduct. On campus, you cannot serve alcohol outside of licensed premises, but we and our Venues team will do our best to accommodate your requirements. You cannot use society funds to pay for alcohol unless this would prevent you from fulfilling the aims and objectives of your society, so members must buy their own alcoholic drinks (although you can always try to negotiate discounts.)

14 Events Involving External Speakers
University regulations state that you must obtain permission if you want an external guest to speak at your event. You can do this by notifying the Societies Department, either by or via your Room Booking Form. All room bookings must be sponsored – including Common Rooms – and failure to declare a speaker will be treated very seriously by the University. As a general rule, external speakers cannot be paid for out of society funds; however, you can pay their reasonable travel expenses, and for modest refreshments while on campus.

15 Film (Movie) Screenings
It is illegal to screen films on campus without a licence (although private, non-society screenings can obviously take place in private accommodation). A film licence costs around £80 – but it is not possible to licence all films. Society funds may be used, or you can cover costs by making a small charge to view. Alternatively, a defined sum of Societies Guild funding has been set aside to help societies with these costs. Complete an online Film Licensing Form at least one month in advance – more, if you wish to use Cine10.

16 Day Trips & Overnight Trips
Strict laws apply to ‘tour operators’, and if you organise more than one aspect of a trip you can be considered to be operating as one, so please check with the Societies Department before organising any kind of trip. If you decide to use a tour operator, this will involve a contract –remember that you cannot sign these, so please involve the Department as early as possible. You are responsible for everyone who accompanies you on a trip – complete a risk assessment in plenty of time. When collecting money, give members an earlier deadline than the real one – people will inevitably be late, and drop outs are common.

17 How can you promote it?

18 Create a event on your society page at essexstudent
Create a event on your society page at – this will automatically be displayed on the Societies ‘What’s On?’ page, and if it is being held in an SU venue, the main SU ‘What’s On?’ page will also link to it. As well as giving details of the event you can also sell tickets online from here, commission free! Just ask, and we will set this up for you. Contact the SU Marketing Department – if they are aware of your event, they have opportunities to promote it. Use social media, and send us the links or tag us so that we can publicise it further. Hand out leaflets along with freebies/music on Square 3 – use the weekly Hub for extra impact! Put posters up using the various free SU noticeboards.

19 Tips for Success

20 Ask your members what they want to do – they will help you to be creative, and are more likely to join in if they ‘own’ the idea Be organised – write things down, keep records of correspondence, and get everything ready well in advance Be flexible – expect the unexpected, and always consider worse case scenarios Your fellow execs are there to support you – make sure that they do.

21 HELP Familiarise yourself and the other members with the Societies FAQ section of the Students’ Union website – Picture? Alternatively, if you need to chat, we will be holding bookable SOS sessions every Tuesday and Thursday, starting next week.

22 Societies Guild Conveners
Activities Victor Yeung Nicolae Radulescu Arts Charlotte Cosgrove Cultural Alexandra Matei Tbc Departmental Rosie Redstone Musical Sarah Salman Political & Representation Nathan Casteler Religious Aizah Khan

23 Societies Guild Officers
Treasurer Salman Ayub Secretary Casheen Sim Events Officer Tbc Charity & Fundraising Officer Nad Shamsudin Community & Volunteering Officer Jan Laska

24 Need to email us? Societies Department –
Sam Miles –

25 Any Questions? Either Ask me now! Check out the FAQ’s at ______
Book a slot at a drop-in session via _____ us on

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