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Building PADEE´s Farmers Managed Community Learning Centers

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1 Building PADEE´s Farmers Managed Community Learning Centers
A brief review and way forward Phnom Penh 01/04/2015 IFAD&PROCASUR ROUTASIA Programme Please add MAFF, MEF, IFAD and PROCASUR logos (in this order) Please add your names and s

2 Background From 2012 to 2014, 4 Learning Routes in Thailand were organized with the participation of MAFF, MEF and PADEE team and beneficiaries. The objectives: Train outstanding farmers in organic production, post harvesting techniques and access to markets by learning from the advanced experience in Thailand. Pilot Peer to Peer training as an alternative extension service supported by PADEE. Identify and package Cambodian´s outstanding farmers know how into knowledge products and services

3 Background 10 MAFF, MEF and PADEE team and 26 farmers from 6 provinces: Kandal, Kompot, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Preach Vihear and Takeo. Selected farmers are outstanding leaders of the IGRF or CIG under PADEE´s support (one per group). IGRF: Improved Group Revolving Funds CIG: Common Interest Groups

4 Background Follow up activities in Thailand:
2 Rice Field Days (200 participants app.) Piloting the establishment of the CLCs in 4 provinces through DAE (75% of the budget returned to PADEE). PADEE/PROCASUR M&E missions in the 6 provinces. One case study on the Champion´s innovation journey Funding approx. USD 100,000.- PADEE: app. USD 70,000.- ROUTASIA (implemented by PROCASUR): app. USD 30,000.-

5 Outcomes Farmers trained and implementing : Hard technologies:
Soil and water management (100%) Organic production (75%) Seeds and crops selection (75%) Post-harvesting techniques (75%) Soft technologies: Market oriented farmers organizations (75%) Peer to peer training (75%) Integrated farming (100%) (achievement rate %)

6 Outcomes Farmers and their HH have increased income due to crop diversification, better resource management (land, water, inputs and cash), better cooperation practices and a market oriented production and processing. Peer to peer training to 400 farmers, mostly self organized. Enabling conditions for the setup of CLCs in 5 out of 6 Provinces. 12 Outstanding Farmers in conditions to start CLCs (plan, skill, local partnerships).

7 Outcomes PADEE interest in local knowledge and local champions management ROUTASIA Focal point in Cambodia (since. Nov. 2014) Outreach to over 2000 people following through FaceBook.

8 Way Forward Objective: Based on the background and outcomes, it is proposed a PADEE-ROUTASIA ( ) partnership for the Successful dissemination of organic production, post-harvesting and access to market best practices through the start up and management of Community Learning Centers in order to improve agricultural productivity and to diversify the sources of income of rural households assisted by the PADEE project.

9 Way Forward Direct Beneficiaries: Indirect Beneficiaries:
12 outstanding farmers graduated as Local Champions form the first 3 provincial CLCs. 150 to 200 famers apply new knowledge, skills and tools, acquired through the CLCs´ trainings. 50 to 75 CIG develop an Innovation Plan for boosting the introduction of best practices. 3 provincial DAE teams enabled for supporting and monitoring the CLCs performance. Indirect Beneficiaries: 2500 HH that improve agricultural productivity and diversify the sources of income

10 Way Forward Knowledge products
12 Local Champions Life Stories and Know How Profiles (registered in 3 CLC training services packs: Learning Modules, Learning Materials, Promotional Video, Evaluation toolkit. 1 Impact Case Study on CIGs trained by the CLCs. Toolkit for the startup of CLCs, Training of Local Champions and follow up of innovations processes.

11 Implementation Strategy
1. Selection of the 3 provinces for the establishment of CLC 2. Training of 3 provincial DAE for the support of the CLCs. 3. Selection of 12 OF as CLC Managers 4. Training of OF as CLC managers. 5. Development of CLC´s training services and knowledge products. 6. Selection of CIG teams to be trained by the CLC (all 5 provinces) 7. CIG training by the CLC (3 training per province: 9 training in total; 3 days each training, 20 to 25 trainees each). 8. Design of Innovation Plan for boosting CIG performance. 9. Training’s monitoring and evaluation 10. In the field regular technical assistance to the trained and CIGs. 11. Monitoring and evaluation. 12. Documentation and dissemination of the partnership results Scaling up and KM Peer to peer CLCs setup Targeting right 1 month 2 months 6 months 3 months

12 Draft estimated budget
Financing mechanism ROUTASIA focus in providing the necessary HHRR for the project success: i. Country Focal Point, ii. methodological and technical experts, iii. international travel and allowances, iv. edition and layout of knowledge products. PADEE focus in the operational costs required for each phase, including: i. field missions, ii. Translation and printing, iii. Stakeholders meetings and workshops, iv. Training expenses (DSA, training fee/payment to CLCs); v. monitoring and evaluation missions. Draft estimated budget Stages/ Financing PADEE (USD) ROUTASIA (USD) Total Targeting right 2,000 1,000 3,000 CLC setup 6,000 12,000 Peer to Peer 30,000 8,000 38,000 Scaling up and KM 15,000 5,000 20,000  Total 53,000 73,000

13 On procasur and routasia (always good to take 30 seconds to introduce ourselves and overall and regional work) HERE HAVE PREPARED A PROCASUR AND ROUTASIA INSTITUTIONAL DEFINITION, YOU CAN USE WHAT´S SAID IN OUR NEWSLETTER

14 THE FUNDAMENTALS (a) recognize that in rural areas is possible to find successful solutions to common problems, to be adapted and multiplied in other contexts (b) enables participants to acquire direct knowledge and arise curiosity and interest for continuous learning (c) strength local trainers and technical assistance skills, local champions become experts (d) direct dialogue in the field and collective analysis sessions transforms knowledge into change (through the action plan)

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