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Department of Agriculture

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1 Department of Agriculture

2 Organizational Chart Advisor: David Malone Advisor: Kate Clement
Dr. Rob Rhykerd Agricultural Business De. Michael Barrowclough Dr. Maria Boerngen Dr. Michelle Kibler Dr. Don Meyer Dr. Iuliia Protopop Dr. Kerry Tudor Dr. Aslihan Spaulding Agronomy Management, Crop & Soil Science Mr. Rick Wills Dr. Ken Smiciklas Dr. Clay Robinson Agriculture Education & Communication Dr. Richard Steffen Horticulture & Landscape Management Nick Pershey Dr. David Kopsell Ms. Jessica Chambers Ms. Katelynn Clement Food Industry Management Animal Science & Pre-Veterinary Medicine Cori Harrison-Malone Mr. David Malone Dr. Justin Rickard University Farm Russ Derango Kathy Scott Marry Akers Advisor: David Malone Advisor: Kate Clement

3 Agricultural Business Agronomy Management, Crop & Soil Science
Majors Agricultural Business Agronomy Management, Crop & Soil Science Agriculture Education & Communication Horticulture & Landscape Management Food Industry Management Animal Science & Pre-Veterinary Medicine

4 •ISU Service Dog Organization
ISU RSO’S MANERS Dr. Boerngen •Ag Science Club Dr. Kibler •Alpha Zeta •Collegiate FFA/PAS Dr. Steffen •Horticulture Club Nick Pershey •NAMA Dr. Spaulding Dr. Protopop Dr. Barrowclough •ISU Service Dog Organization Dr. Kim Rhykerd •Sigma Alpha Kate Clement •SPVA (Pre-Vet) Dr. Kim Rhykard •ISU Trap & Skeet Club Dr. Rob Rhykerd CFB Hoof-N-Horn Dr. Boergen AGR Dr. Rhykard Farm House

5 ISU FARM Location: •Just off Interstate 55 near Lexington (just a 20-minute drive from campus). Directions: •Take Interstate 55 to the Lexington exit (exit 178). Proceed towards the town of Lexington (traveling east). At the stop sign, turn left. You will then be traveling north on County Highway 23. Travel over the interstate and take the next right. Follow this road to the new farm. (approximately 1/4 mile) The Lexington farm site is approximately 15 minutes from Normal. Total Acreage: •Approximately 610 acres (250 at Gregory Street property; 360 at Lexington farm) •Buildings and Miscellaneous 130 acres (both farms) •Corn: 300 acres •Alfalfa:10 acres •Soybean: 175 acres Livestock Species: •Beef: Approximately 130 Simmental x Angus cows •Swine: Approximately 200 Sows •Sheep: Approximately 70 Dorsett and Suffolk Cross Ewes Revenue: •Approximately $500,000 annually Employees: •Russ Derango, farm manager •Bob Crawford, supervising farm foreman •Jeff Bender, herder •Stan Kaeb, herder •Jason Lindbom, herder •Jeff Robb, herder •Randy Schroeder, herder • Anthony Wingert. herder Other Points of Interest: •Composting •Seed Variety Plots •Swine Manure Treatment

6 Hort Center About Us The Horticulture Center is a recent addition to the Agriculture Department at Illinois State University It encompasses 10 acres and is located on Raab Road, north of the University Golf Course. The Horticulture Center is also linked to Constitution Trail. Development Plans Big plans are in the works for the Horticulture Center. View the following artist renderings of the Horticulture Center and future gardens: •Horticulture Center Development Plan •Demonstration Gardens •Pond Interpretive Signage Area and Raised Walking Deck •All America Selections Garden Newsletters •Volume 1, Issue 1 - October 5, 2007 •Volume 1, Issue 2 - March 12, 2008 •Volume 1 Issue 3 - August 31, 2008 •Volume 2 Issue 1 - February 22, 2009 •Spring 2010 •Fall 2010 •late Winter 2011 •late Summer 2011

7 Ag Career Fair The agriculture department hosts an ag career fair. annually each fall More than 50 companies attend. The ISU NAMA chapter helps to run the event and help the company representatives .

8 Study abroad Study agriculture, agribusiness, & horticulture in France during four-weeks of summer in 2017! •A young city full of life and inspiration •Several higher level institutions are located in the heart of the city •Situated conveniently between Paris and the Atlantic coast •Paris is only 90 minutes away on the TGV (high speed train) •Study at Ecole Superieure d' Agriculture •The agriculture of this area is varied with a wide range of animal and crop production Academic Program: •A month long program •Receive six credit hours (pay for two) ◦Students may choose from the following classes: sections of AGR : Introduction to International Agriculture-a focus on France; IDS : French History, Culture, and Civilization (Outer-Core/Humanities), and INB : Business Studies Abroad (France) • Students will attend regular classes and field trips •Participants will specialize during the fourth week in Agriculture, Agribusiness, or Horticulture with an opportunity to meet with French farmers and agribusiness persons •Instruction will be in English

9 Fun Fact Our department is home to the one and only Kathy Scott

10 Contact info

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