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Welcome to J.H. Rose High School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to J.H. Rose High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to J.H. Rose High School 2016-2017

2 JHR School Counselors Mrs. Chynna Grady (A-E) Mrs. Martha Dudley(F-L)
Mrs. Christa Monroe (M-R) Mrs. Paige Fuqua- (S-Z) Ashley Wagoner -Special Populations/Career Development Counselor

3 What are the Main Differences?

4 Attendance Requirements
No more than 10 absences in one class are allowed. Excused and/or Unexcused You must be in your class for at least 1 hour to be counted present. Sign in after 1 hour = ABSENT Sign out prior to 1 hour = ABSENT

5 Each Year Is Divided Into Two Semesters
First Semester (August through January) Second Semester (January through June)

6 Each Student Takes 4 Courses Per Semester,
Each Course that a student passes earns them 1 credit A student who passes all four classes will earn 4 credits for the semester. *If you do not pass a course first semester you will have to take it again, in order to graduate. *You can re take the class 2nd semester or next year with the younger class! *There is no more summer school. Total = 8 units of credit per year!

7 Promotion Standards 10th grade – a student must earn 6 credits
(one of which must be English I) 12th grade- a student must earn 20 credits (one of which must be English II)

8 Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements
English: 4 Credits English I, II, III and IV Mathematics: 4 Credits Math I, Math 2, Math 3, and a 4th Math course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans Science: 3 Credits Earth/Environmental Science, Biology and a Physical Science course (either Chemistry or Physics) Social Studies: 4 Credits World History, Civics and Economics, & US History I & II

9 Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements
Second Language: Not required for graduation but required for admission to any of the UNC universities Health & Physical Education: 1 Credit Health/PE Arts Education: 1 Credit (Can count towards an arts concentration)

10 Future-Ready Core Concentration
4 Credits in Career and Technology Education Cluster OR 4 Credits in JROTC OR 4 Credits in an Art Discipline OR 4 Credits in a Second Language OR 4 Credits in Advanced Placement OR 4 Credits in College Courses OR 4 Credits within one of the following areas: English, Math, Science, or Social Studies (Excluding courses that meet other graduation requirements)

11 Electives and other Requirements
2 Electives must come from one of the following: Career and Technical Education, Arts Education, or Second Language (both credits in the same language) Total of 28 credits

12 Athletics and Drivers Permit
You have to pass 3 out of 4 classes in order continue to be an athlete. You have to earn 3 credits out of 4 during your first semester in order to be eligible to receive your driver’s license.

13 Questions?

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