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Simon Prinsenberg, Ingrid Peterson, Jim Hamilton and Roger Pettipas

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1 Variability in 12-years of transports through Lancaster Sound of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Simon Prinsenberg, Ingrid Peterson, Jim Hamilton and Roger Pettipas Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Presentation - Early data from Barrow Strait mooring Mooring data from 1998-present from Lancaster Sound Far-field wind forcing of the transport variability Work underway and conclusions

2 Map of Canadian Arctic Archipelago
North Magnetic Pole 1994 winter surveys mooring array

3 1969 ESSO Manhatten in McClure Strait of the NWPassage helped by CCGS MacDonald
Sovereignty issue – Can. Government research redirected to Canadian Arctic

4 winter surveys Current meter mooring


6 Year long mooring 1981 What we learned for the mooring work in Lancaster Sound Summer and winter CTD sections Estimate yearly transport ~0.5Sv for for Barrow Strait (summer maximum) Probably ~0.65Sv in Lancaster Sound for Southern Beaufort Sea –Resolute Bay

7 1998-2012 survey North Magnetic Pole Problem
Magnetic North pole survey North Magnetic Pole Problem ADCP in a streamlined float and Watson compass

8 1999-2000 annual mean currents Northern site southern site

9 Salinity, temperature and geostrophic current cross-sections derived from CTD profiles along mooring array stations (▼) on Aug. 11, 1998.

10 Fluxes through Lancaster Sound 1998-2012
Cross-section of Lancaster Sound with year-long full mooring array south north Cold , low salinity Arctic surface water Warm, high salinity Baffin Bay water

11 Weekly along-strait velocities of 0 to 60m surface layers for Sept
Weekly along-strait velocities of 0 to 60m surface layers for Sept., 2001-Aug Top: surface layer means for the southern and ¼ and ½ across the Sound. Bottom: surface layer means of the southern and the three moorings’ average.

12 Other results: ULS data: small solid freshwater signal due ice plug to the west of mooring.(In AO paper) ICYCLER profiler: 3-5% additional surface freshwater is not available florescence data more for phytoplankton production. ADCP data: backscatter intensity used as zooplankton index CTD data: late summer data used to predict the onset of ice cover similar as done in Gulf of St. Lawrence, To be published in JGR by Jim Hamilton.

13 1998-2001 results in 2005 Atmosphere-Oceans 43(1): 1-22
12-years of 6-hourly filtered Flux estimates passing through Western Lancaster Sound results in 2005 Atmosphere-Oceans 43(1): 1-22 results in 2008 ASOF Book by Dickson –Rhines (eds) results In Liege “Climate Change” book by Nihoul-Kostianov results in JGR 2011 being corrected Analysis results: Data files:

14 Monthly Volume Flux Estimates
12-years of Monthly Flux estimates passing through Western Lancaster Sound Monthly Volume Flux Estimates AO ASOF Liege JGR Monthly Freshwater Flux Estimates High coherence between Freshwater Flux and Volume Flux

15 Monthly Volume Flux Estimates
Summer Arctic Ice extent


17 Monthly mean volume flux through eastern Barrow Strait derived from 6-year of mooring data (Aug – Aug. 2004). 0.7Sv

18 Reduced transport estimate from 0.7Sv to 0.5Sv
Analysis of (6yr) to (12y) Reduced transport estimate from 0.7Sv to 0.5Sv Summer peak delayed from July to August Weak winter peak earlier

19 Brian Petrie (BIO Davis Strait program) took the transport and did and did a decomposition of the annual and semi-annual components The annual phase is moving earlier in time by about a month (1.1) from mid-June to mid July; the semi-annual phase behaves in the opposite fashion, becoming later through the series (from first quarter of February to first quarter of March). i.e. is “spring” buoyancy forcing occurring earlier in the Arctic Ocean while the BSea wind forcing remains the same and thus counteracts this annual shift.

20 Wind Stress inferred from sea level pressure gradients have been used Ingrid Peterson to explain seasonal variability of the sea level on the Beaufort Sea Shelf and observed transport variability at the Lancaster Sound mooring array. Maximum wind stress correlation found by Peterson NCEP winds Mooring data

21 Monthly transport anomaly through Lancaster Sound regressed with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis wind anomalies shows - transport anomaly is significantly correlated (r= 0.65) with far-field wind forcing in the Beaufort Sea - Residual transport anomaly also correlated (r= 0.37) with far-field wind forcing east of Greenland


23 Comparison of wind regression transport estimates and observed estimates - blue observed transports - green annual + Beaufort Sea wind r= red annual + Beaufort Sea and Greenland winds r=0.84

24 Physical Process: NW Passage fluxes show a max in the summer when winds off the western CAA are northwards increasing the Sea level in the eastern Beaufort Sea and the SL slope along the NW Passage.

25 Summer ice extent Parry channel AO Index
Yearly mean transport from wind data (light line) Observed transport (dark line) Summer ice extent Parry channel AO Index

26 ASOF Book: Aug June2006 Weekly-monthly fluxes ? Notice the danger of short time series and their trends (green and red lines)

27 Ice drift and draft data
CSA RADARSAT-2 imagery, Amundsen Gulf Presently real-time CTD data Data assimilation DND-DFO Iridium Stn. Gascoigne Inlet DFO-CCG Ice drift and draft data ice-ocean model - Weather and Ice forecasts Onset of ice cover biological production

28 Mooring came out this August (one more year of data)
Work underway and conclusions Mooring came out this August (one more year of data) Shift in seasonal peaks (annual and semi-annual) Internal ice pressure and regression analysis Validation of climate ice-ocean models (S. Nudds talk) Is the water passing through the CAA freshening?? Real-time mooring and ice-ocean forecasting Onset of ice cover from late summer CTD data Biological production evolution

29 High correlation between freshwater flux and volume flux meaning Freshwater flux variability is driven by circulation and not by freshwater content

30 Seasonal (3-month) mean salinity
Question: Is the surface Arctic waters passing through the Lancaster Sound getting fresher Problem: CTD depths Seasonal (3-month) mean salinity Deep layer Hard to tell as: salinity content depends again on strength of currents Surface layer Surface (40m) salinity increase as currents decrease

31 But is it just the fall season we should look at i. e
But is it just the fall season we should look at i.e. all local ice growth/decay are gone and we are just looking at the far filed trend (Arctic surface water)l In fall after local ice melt is gone the surface (40m) and (80m) salinity do decrease while the deep water salinity (140m) increases . It also takes 100days at 10cm/s for a particle to move from the BSea to the mooring (1000km).

32 Conclusion
Simon Prinsenberg, Ingrid Peterson, Jim Hamilton and Roger Pettipas Conclusion Continue to do data analysis Numerical modelling Real-time ice drift and draft data Ice cover onset and biological production Climate mooring ??? Analysis results: Data files:

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