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Evaluation and Revalidation 2016/17 Briefing Seminar

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1 Evaluation and Revalidation 2016/17 Briefing Seminar
Catherine Avery Academic Office 5 October 2016

2 Programme Approval Aims of evaluation and revalidation
Revalidation Units and Cycle Overview of revalidation process Panel membership Papers The Meeting Curriculum Management System (CMS) Documentation Programme Review and Development Process (Pilot) Issues raised by Panels (2015/16) Issues raised by students (2015/16) Key changes (2015/16 & 2016/17)

3 Purpose EVALUATION: accords with the University’s purpose and core strategic aims; academic structure and content appropriate; accords with the University’s scheme of qualifications; modular structure; credit framework and general regulations for the award; standard and student workload comparable to those of other programmes nationally; resources sufficient to meet aims and objectives; evidence of reasonable employment and progression opportunities. REVALIDATION: re-affirmation of standards continuing currency and relevance of curriculum to University’s Aims

4 Revalidation Units and Cycle
Subject units Groupings of cognate programmes for the efficient organisation of the re-approval process Reflect discipline and/or campus, level (UG/PG) Revalidation course listing Five year cycle Units/sub-units allocated to a specific year within the cycle (related to period of approval)

5 Revalidation Process Faculty response
CA Faculty Revalidation Unit Coordinator Document prepared Revalidation meeting CASC LTC Faculty response

6 Panel membership Chair
Dean (or nominee) (collaborative provision only) One internal member One student representative (revalidation only) Two external members (subject experts) Industry/employer representative (optional except for Fdn degrees) PSRB representatives (joint events only) In Attendance: Secretary (Academic Office) Subject Partnership Manager (collaborative provision)

7 Papers for the Meeting Handbook for Panel members
Guidelines for panels Agenda and programme Contextual information e.g. benchmark standards, external examiner reports Course/subject documentation Aide Memoire Preliminary comments - CA7 (panel members) CA4 form (collaborative provision)

8 The Meeting Introductions and tour of facilities
specialist teaching facilities Private Panel session to exchange opinions on the provision to plan the conduct of the meeting Meeting with Senior Faculty Team to discuss higher level strategic issues

9 The Meeting contd. Meeting with Students (revalidation only)
students’ opinions – what’s good and what’s not so good Meeting with Course Team(s) to consider the provision in detail Private Meeting of Panel to reach a decision on the provision Meeting with Senior Faculty Team to feedback conclusions and recommendations

10 Curriculum Management System (CMS)
System to support production and approval of curriculum documentation for internal University courses (Phase 1) Resource for: Modules – creation and revision Programme Specification Courses/Subjects – preparation of validation documentation Approval processes – course revisions, course withdrawals, validation documents, credit-bearing short course modules

11 Key Benefits Online documentation and approval process
Automatic creation of PDFs of programme specifications and module descriptions Facility to update reading lists and teaching teams Online accessible, single repository of full module and course information Information can be used for other curriculum-related documents HEAR - programme-level learning outcomes KIS – teaching, learning and assessment methods Online prospectus

12 Documentation Section A: Introduction
Section A: Introduction Brief summary of rationale, origins, demand, relationship with other courses Projected intakes for next 5 years Section B: Course/Subject Provision B1 Programme Specifications

13 B2 Commentaries: Recent and proposed changes (revalidation only)
Academic progression, internal coherence, choice Structure diagram(s) Transfer to and from course, progression opportunities Work-based learning/placement/study abroad Learning, teaching and assessment Research and/or scholarship-informed curriculum and teaching Creativity, innovation and good practice Standards Relations with PSRBs Employability Graduate Qualities and Student Experience Principles

14 B3 - Regulations (standard templates on AO web-site)
B4 - Module Descriptions Section C: Resources C1 - Physical resources C2 - Staff resources Appendices

15 Programme Review and Development Process (PRD): Key Features
Internal, outcentre and franchised provision School/subject based units (approx. 40) Documentation to include a course handbook Panel engagement with externals Panel composition Programme Documentation in SharePoint

16 PRD Pilots School of the Built Environment (2015/16)
April & June 2016 Panel Meetings 18 courses Reported to Learning and Teaching Committee (June 2016) Pilot extended in 2016/17 (International Business, Law, Psychology)

17 Examples of Issues Raised by Panels 2015/16
Recruitment and Marketing the marketing of programmes internationally; the availability of a fully online version of programmes to make provision accessible internationally; clarify projected intakes by study mode; pathways and study routes to be clear in promotional materials.

18 Content and Standards title of programmes/modules to reflect content; academic level of programmes/modules; course structure, sequence of modules (full-time and part-time modes), study loads; provision of exit awards with learning outcomes expressed appropriately to reflect the exit award level; mapping of programme learning outcomes to modules for the final award and all exit awards; evidence of the internationalisation of the curriculum; currency/length of reading lists; articulation of arrangements for progression from Foundation degrees to the related Ulster Honours degrees to be reviewed/clarified and close liaison with Ulster subject specialists needed (Colleges).

19 Learning and Teaching expand overarching learning, teaching and assessment section; opportunities to use new digital technologies and learning resources and consider the potential for fully online learning to enhance the student learning experience and to increase accessibility; include evidence that the curricula and teaching has been informed by research and scholarship.

20 Assessment and Feedback
assessment strategy to clarify how the Principles of Assessment and Feedback for Learning have been embedded; the rationale for assessment weightings; more consistency in assessment load across modules to ensure equity in effort required in relation to credit value; avoid over-assessment; group composition and assessment, in particular the need to assign appropriate weightings of marks for group/individual work in final year beyond simply meeting the University’s threshold in this regard; the assessment arrangements and criteria to be communicated explicitly to students; take into account best practice and ensure there is equity and fairness across the student cohort and that marks awarded reflect individual effort and achievement; ensure students are aware of the University’s assessment feedback turn-around time expectations.

21 induction arrangements;
Support for Students induction arrangements; support arrangements for students entering with advanced standing.  Resources and Staff Development library resources; adequacy of resources to meet increase in student numbers (Colleges); use of existing online technologies and pedagogies to be optimised/exploited; the adequacy of full-time and part-time academic staff resources and technical staff; recognised teacher nominations to be reviewed and processed prior to commencement of teaching.

22 Examples of Issues Raised by Students in 2015/16
Organisation and Delivery   Internal Provision early participation in EDGE activities; support for students from a non-cognate background; more contact needed between different year groups; very large classes can lead to poorer student engagement and lead to lower attendance at classes; contributions from several lecturers to the delivery of a module can result in lack of continuity.

23 Partner Institutions part-time Foundation degree students, not in relevant employment, can find it difficult to find relevant work-based learning with another employer; the scheduling of the work-based learning module (Foundation degrees); an opportunity to share experiences with former students would be useful; different teachers using very different teaching methods in common areas of content can lead to confusion.

24 Assessment and Feedback Internal Provision bunching’ of examinations;
bunching’ of examinations; some modules required much more effort and work than others for the same amount of credit; some assignments were very lengthy and the weighting did not reflect the amount of work involved; group work – individual effort not reflected in assessment weightings; some students felt they ‘carried’ individuals who did not contribute to group assessments; students should not be advantaged or disadvantaged by the work of other students particularly where the modules contribute to the degree classification; students taking a module as standalone with students registered on a programme were viewed as being less committed to undertaking group work activities which had affected the marks awarded.

25 Resources Internal Provision students to be informed before enrolment of the estimated cost of equipment that needs to be purchased; External Provision some books out-dated and texts difficult to source; Wi-Fi speed slow and could cause difficulties at the time of submitting assignments online ahead of deadlines; organised social trips would be welcomed.

26 Key Changes 2015/16 Adoption of Principles underpinning the Ulster Student Experience Requirement for project/dissertation and period of work-based learning in Honours degrees, including Integrated Masters New Digital Learning Strategy 2016/17 Electronic Management of Assessment Policy (New) Guidelines on the use of Turnitin (New) New academic and management structures – transitional year

27 Academic Office Web-site:
Assessment Handbook Committees (Learning and Teaching Committee/Course Approval Sub-Committee) Course and Subject Management Documents and forms External Examiners Policies (A – Z) Programme Approval & Revision Regulations templates Regulatory Framework Staff Standards

Alan Faulkner ext 24566 Catherine Avery ext 24294

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