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Softball Pitching Biomechanics

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1 Softball Pitching Biomechanics

2 Video










12 Sports Medicine Nightmare

13 Year-round seasons Multiple teams/sports Long practices (6-8 hours Sat & Sun) Lots of reps Lots of overuse injuries at all positions Underserved population

14 Overhand Throwing




18 Windmill Pitching

19 2 million 12-18 year old girls played fast pitch softball in the U. S
2 million year old girls played fast pitch softball in the U.S. in 2003 60 ft bases and 200 ft fences Flat “mound” with ft pitching distance Pitchers can throw > 6 games in a weekend tournament Pitch counts > 500 documented in 3-day span

20 Injury Literature 50% of pitchers at 1989 College World Series had a time-loss injury 80% of injuries were to the upper extremity Stress fractures, radial neuropathy, biceps/labrum complex and rotator cuff pathology Loosli et al, AJSM, 1992

21 Injury Literature 1995 NATA Injury Surveillance on HS baseball/softball players Percentage of injuries requiring surgery were equal in football and softball players Percentage of baseball players requiring surgery was less Powell et al, JAT, 1999

22 Injury Literature 73% of collegiate pitchers surveyed were injured during the season Web-based survey of 181 Division I, II and III pitchers 131 injuries were reported (36 acute & 92 chronic/overuse) 80/131 were directly pitching related (33 shoulder &16 low back) Hill et al, JSCR, 2004

23 Injury Literature 33% of injuries to the upper extremity according to the NCAA Injury Surveillance System from Ankle sprains, knee internal derangements, sliding injuries and overuse shoulder and low back injuries were most common Preseason practice injuries 2X that of in-season and 1.6 X more injuries in games that practice Marshall et al, JAT, 2007

24 Injury Literature 14 youth (14-18 yrs) windmill pitchers evaluated for strength and fatigue changes across 2- and 3-day tournaments Pitchers asked for VAS (1-10) for shoulder fatigue and pain at the beginning and end of each tournament day Shoulder abduction, flexion, ER, IR and elbow flexion and extension strength measurements taken Significant increases in VAS for fatigue and pain over the course of a day and the tournament Significant strength loss in all motions tested over the course of a day and the tournament Skillington et al, AJSM, 2017

25 Biomechanics Literature
Very few published studies on kinematics and kinetics in windmill pitching 8 college pitchers 70-98%BW distraction at elbow and shoulder joints Concluded that biceps/labrum complex at risk Barrentine et al, JOSPT, 1998

26 EMG

27 Ranges of Motion Angle Throwing Non-Throwing Shoulder ER 128 ± 16º
122 ± 20º * Shoulder IR 54 ± 13º 58 ± 13º * Elbow Extension -2 ± 7º Carrying Angle 11 ± 4º 10 ± 4º * p ≤ 0.05

28 Time Level TOB – SFC SFC – REL (msec) Youth 43 ± 19 119 ± 17 Olympic
50 ± 16 102 ± 15

29 Kinematics Stride length: 89/62 %hgt Upper trunk : 779/877°/sec
Lower trunk : 616/519°/sec Elbow flex : 1194/702°/sec Windmilling : 2190/1237°/s Ball speed: 60/54 mph

30 Kinetics Elbow Distraction Force ~ 61/44 %BW Elbow Valgus Torque
~ 159/58 Nm Elbow Extension Torque ~ 104/75 Nm Shoulder Distraction Force ~ 80/89 %BW

31 Braking GRF 115 ± 46%BW


33 Braking GRF 115 ± 46%BW Vertical GRF 139 ± 43%BW


35 Summary REST and RECOVERY Underserved, overworked, often injured
Loads are high Time is short Train accordingly REST and RECOVERY

36 Thanks!


38 Reducing Stress on the Shoulder Hip Angle at Release Follow through (short arm)

39 4 Keys to Pitching Speed Ball Spin Arm Speed Explosive Leg Drive Resistance on Front Side





44 Softball Pitch Counts 10U: 60 pitches in a workout/game and 1 day rest after 12U: 70 pitches in a workout/game and 1 day rest after 14U: 80 pitches in a workout/game and 1 day rest after 16U: 90 pitches in a workout/game and 1 day rest after 18U: 100 pitches in a workout/game and 1 day rest after

45 Instructional DVDs



48 Thanks!

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