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Genetic Continuity.

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1 Genetic Continuity

2 Mutation Genetic Code Proteins Uses Extras 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Which of the following are factors that can cause a mutation
Mutations – 100 Which of the following are factors that can cause a mutation Sunlight Radiation Cigarettes All of the above D) All of the above

4 Mutations - 200 A Mutation: Only cause by sexual reproduction
Do not occur at random The only cause of natural selection Cause changes in genetic information d) Cause changes in genetic information

5 Mutations - 300 If a mother has a homozygous recessive disorder, will she pass the trait on to her offspring? Yes/No Yes

6 Mutations - 400 If an individual with Sickle Cell Disease gets their marrow altered and transplanted, can they no longer pass the disease on to their offspring? Yes/No No – Still Can pass on

7 No, same amino acid code Mutations - 500
Using the codon chart: Does this mutation create a different protein? Original:TAC CGA TCA CCC ATT Mutation:TAC CGA TCA CCA ATT No, same amino acid code

8 a) Codes for lipid structure b) Codes for protein structure
Genetic Code - 100 The structure of DNA a) Codes for lipid structure b) Codes for protein structure C) Codes for carbohydrate structure

9 Genetic Code - 200 The structure of DNA can be described as:
Triple chain with twisted structure Single chain with twisted structure Double chain with twisted structure c) Double chain with twisted structure

10 Genetic Code - 300 RNA differs from DNA in which of the following:
Adenine bonds with Thymine Single stranded Guanine bonds with Uracil Created through Translation B) Single stranded

11 Genetic Code - 400 Replication is when:
DNA is copied with a whole new set of DNA being created from an old set DNA is transferred into RNA DNA is transferred into protein DNA is copied with a new strand bonding to an old strand d) DNA is copied with a new strand bonding to an old strand

12 Genetic Code - 500 David Beckham and his son look similar because
His son is his clone His son produces all of the same proteins His son has half of his genetic information His son was produces through genetic engineering c) His son has half of his genetic information

13 Proteins – 100 The overall structure of the protein is a result of
Genetic code RNA production Amino acid transfer Hydrogen bonding between nitrogen bases a) Genetic code

14 Protein folding is a result of the sequence of
Proteins - 200 Protein folding is a result of the sequence of Amino acids DNA bases RNA bases Enzymes used a) Amino acids

15 Proteins - 300 Himalayan Rabbit has different colored nose, ears, and paws due to: Inactivation of RNA Inactivation of mutations Inactivation of Proteins Inactivation of DNA c) Inactivation of Proteins

16 Transcription, Translation
Proteins - 400 Proteins are created when the process _________ creates RNA and then the process _________ creates proteins Transcription, Translation

17 Proteins - 500 Identical twins can develop differently due to:
Activation of translation Environmental influences on genetic code Creation of mutations in DNA Altered proteins due to mutations b) Environmental influences on Genetic code

18 Uses - 100 DNA can be used to: Identify a suspect in a crime
Study extinct species Compare parents to offspring All of the above d) All of the above

19 Uses - 200 Cloning is method that
Creates identical copies of offspring Creates male and female identical twins Creates genetically unique individuals Creates baby sheep that live forever A) Creates identical copies of offspring

20 Uses - 300 If a sickle cell patient gets a transplant with altered bone marrow All the cells in the body will have the altered gene The patient can no longer pass the sickle cell trait on to offspring The cells produced by bone marrow will no longer have the trait The cells in the body will reject the transplant because it is nonself c) The cells produced by bone marrow will no longer have the trait

21 Uses - 400 Selective breeding is responsible for:
Different species of humans All the different breeds of dogs Round-up resistant plants b) All the different breeds of dogs

22 Uses - 500 We have used genetic engineering to alter the genetic code in a bacteria to create the protein __________. Insulin

23 Extras - 100 Asexual reproduction has one parent and produces identical offspring, while sexual reproduction has: One parent and produces identical offspring One parent and produces unique offspring Two parents and produces identical offspring Two parents and produces unique offspring d) Two parents and produces unique offspring

24 Extras - 200 C bonds with __, which is a _______; while A bonds with __, which is a ______ in DNA. G, pyrimidine, T, pyrimidine G, purine, T, purine G, pyrimidine, T, purine G, purine, T, pyrimidine D) G, purine, T, pyrimidine

25 Extras - 300 To replicate DNA enzymes are used to first:
Bind to DNA and create RNA leader Untwist DNA and break H bonds between bases Carry amino acids to DNA Bring new nitrogen bases to polymerase b) Untwist DNA and break H bonds between bases

26 What is the complimentary DNA code for:
Extras - 400 What is the complimentary DNA code for: A T C G G T T A C T A C G T A G C C A A T G A T G C

27 What is X in the following, based on size: Nucleus > X > genes
Extras - 500 What is X in the following, based on size: Nucleus > X > genes Chromosome

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