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Newborn baby check Isabel Ng.

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1 Newborn baby check Isabel Ng

2 Introduction WIPER Gloves Questions:
Ask parents if they have noticed any problems/worries How was the pregnancy and labour Has the baby been feeding, crying, wet+dirty nappies? Family history of eye, hip or heart problems Weigh baby and plot on growth chart

3 Inspection Skin Rousability and alertness General tone Stepping reflex
Posture – flexed position normal Baby’s cry General proportions and maturity

4 Head Circumference 3 separate measures, take largest and plot, tape facing DOWN Shape, dysmorphic features Birth injuries Fontanelles – tense/sunken Eyes – shape, infections?, corneal opacities, red reflex Ears – shape, position, patency of external auditory meatus Nose – nose-bridge, press gently, could reveal jaundice Mouth – colour of mucous membranes, observe palate, check suckling and rooting reflex, feel palate with little finger Top – bottom: head circumference (note tape should be face down), cleft lip, tongue tie

5 Upper limbs Palmar creases
Check neck, shoulders, clavicles for traction birth injury Erb’s palsy Number of fingers and shape Shape and movement of arms Brachial and radial pulses Palmar grasp Top – bottom: normal palmar creases, shoulder dystocia, erb’s palsy

6 Thorax Respiratory effort and rate
Palpate praecordium and apex beat ( bpm normal in term babies) Central capillary refill Auscultate heart and lungs

7 Abdomen Observe girth and shape
Any masses/organomegaly/hernias? (expect liver to be 1-2cm below costal margin, spleen tip and left kidney may be palpable) Umbilicus health – surrounding skin, hernias? Inspect genitalia and anus – patent orifices, hypospadias, palpate testes Observe nappy

8 Back Look at skin Spinal curvature and symmetry
Inspect vertebral column for neural tube defects – palpate Pilonidal sinus/dimples/hair?

9 Lower limbs Femoral pulses and radio-femoral delay
Feet: Talipes, number of toes, skin colour, shape Babinski and grasp reflexes Barlow Middle finger on greater trochanter, thumb around distal medial femur. flex and adduct hip, femoral head gently pushed down, if hip is dislocatable, femoral head will be posteriorly dislocated Ortolani Abduct hip and apply upward leverage, if hip was dislocated with Barlow’s manoeuvre, it will return with “clunk” into acetabulum Moro reflex

10 Remember Keep baby warm Talk to parents through the examination
If baby crying – take opportunity to observe mouth and palate Find opportune moments to listen to heart and lungs Minimise time without nappy After newborn baby check, follow-up any abnormalities, baby has newborn hearing screening (4-5 weeks), baby is checked again at 6-week check at GP’s.

11 Exams… Station with several components Check head circumference
Barlow and Ortolani manoeuvres Examine baby’s eyes Viva on abnormal findings

12 Leukocoria Causes: Congenital cataracts Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinoblastoma Urgent referral to ophthalmologist Genetic screening, laser/surgical removal/correction Top image: normal red reflex; bottom image: leukocoria

13 Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Dynamic ultrasound screen if positive barlow and ortolani or family history of 1st deg relative or breech presentation >=36weeks pregnancy or at delivery Refer to orthopaedics Many resolve by 6 weeks <6months: bracing, splinting and Pavlik harness >6months or failed bracing: closed reduction or surgery Complications: premature degenerative joint disease and back pain long-term disability  hip replacement Image: Pavlik harness – keeps hips and knees flexed and hips abducted

14 Spina bifida Refer to neurosurgeons USS/MRI
Possible need for surgical closure/removal of cord tethering

15 Talipes equinovarus Foot inverted and supinated
May be positional talipes – try to manoeuvre feet Conservative: strapping, passive manipulation and boots - Ponseti and French functional method XR, USS to monitor during manipulation If conservative management fails, surgery at >6 months old – tendon release (Achilles tenotomy) Clockwise from top: Talipes equinovarus; Ponseti method of correction; French method of correction

16 Skin changes Mongolian spots Naevus flammeus – capillary malformations
Stork bites/angel’s kiss/port wine stains Strawberry naevus/haemangioma Erythema toxicum Clockwise from top: Mongolian spots; Port wine stain; Stork bite; Angel’s kiss; Infantile haemangioma; Erythema toxicum neonatorum

17 Down syndrome General: Hypotonia Hyperflexibility Head:
Epicanthal folds on inner corners of eyes Oblique palpebral fissures Brushfield spots Flat nasal bridge Enlarged tongue, high-arched palate Brachycephaly Neck: loose skin on nape of neck Hands: Single palmar crease Clinodactyly (curved fingers) Feet: “Sandal gap” – extra space between big toe and second toe Congenital heart defects Duodenal atresia Clockwise from top: Facial dysmorphia; Brushfield spots; Simian line (single palmar crease) and clinodactyly of little finger; Sandal gap

18 Newborn bloodspot screening
Taken at day 5 or in exceptional cases day 5-8 MC PHIGS MC Maple syrup urine disease Cystic fibrosis Phenylketouria Homocystinuria Isovaleric acidaemia Glutaric aciduria type I Sickle cell disease MCAD – medcium chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase deficiency Congenital hypothyroidism

19 Paediatric immunisations
Isabel Ng

20 8 weeks 12 weeks Name of Vaccine Protects against Site
5 in 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type B IM Thigh PCV Strep pneumoniae Rotavirus vaccine Rotavirus Oral MenB Meningitis B 12 weeks Name of Vaccine Protects against Site 5 in 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib (Dose 2) Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type B IM Thigh Rotavirus vaccine (Dose 2) Rotavirus Oral MenC Meningitis C

21 16 weeks 12 – 13 months Name of Vaccine Protects against Site
5 in 1 DTaP/IPV/Hib (Dose 3) Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type B IM Thigh PCV (Dose 2) Strep pneumoniae MenB (Dose 2) Meningitis B 12 – 13 months Name of Vaccine Protects against Site Hib/MenC booster H. Influenzae type B, Meningitis C IM Thigh MMR Measles Mumps Rubella PCV (Dose 3) Strep pneumoniae MenB (Dose 3) Meningitis B

22 2 – 6 years (annually) 3 years 4 months Name of Vaccine
Protects against Site Flu vaccine Influenza virus Nasal spray 3 years 4 months Name of Vaccine Protects against Site 4 – in – 1 dTaP/IPV or DTaP/IPV Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio IM Deltoid MMR (Dose 2) Measles Mumps Rubella

23 Girls 12-13 years 14 years Name of Vaccine Protects against Site
Gardasil HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 IM Deltoid 14 years Name of Vaccine Protects against Site 3 – in – 1 booster Tetanus, diphtheria, polio IM Deltoid Men ACWY booster Meningitis A, C, W and Y

24 Thank you and good luck!

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