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Biology Mollusk Review Game

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Mollusk Review Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Mollusk Review Game
Jeopardy Biology Mollusk Review Game

2 Squid Dissection Anatomy
Select a Category Gastropod Cephalopod Pelecypod Squid Dissection Anatomy 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

3 Gastropod refers to this underwater or terrestrial organism.
1 point Check

4 Gastropod What is a snail or slug? 1 point Back to Category Slide

5 The Latin meaning of gastropod.
2 points Check

6 Gastropod What is “stomach foot”? 2 points Back to Category Slide

7 A gastropod has this to protect it from attack.
3 points Check

8 Gastropod What is a shell? 3 points Back to Category Slide

9 The name of the gastropod that has a lethal bite to humans.
4 points Check

10 Gastropod What is a conus snail? 4 points Back to Category Slide

11 This is the name of the type of venom of a conus snail?
Gastropod This is the name of the type of venom of a conus snail? 5 points Check

12 Gastropod What is neurotoxin? 5 points Back to Category Slide

13 The Latin meaning of cephalopod.
1 point Check

14 Cephalopod What is “head foot”? 1 point Back to Category Slide

15 These are three types of cephalopds.
Cephalopod These are three types of cephalopds. 2 points Check

16 What are the squid, octopus, and nautilus?
Cephalopod What are the squid, octopus, and nautilus? 2 points Back to Category Slide

17 The name of the backbone or former shell of a squid.
Cephalopod The name of the backbone or former shell of a squid. 3 points Check

18 Cephalopod What is a pen? 3 points Back to Category Slide

19 Cephalopod The name of the mouth-like tissue or structure that surrounds the beak or radula. 4 points Check

20 Cephalopod What is the buccal mass? 4 points Back to Category Slide

21 Cephalopod The name of the cells that change color or blend in of a squid or nautilus. 5 points Check

22 What are chemoreceptors or chromatophores?
Cephalopod What are chemoreceptors or chromatophores? 5 points Back to Category Slide

23 Another name for pelecypod is “bivalve” which means this.
1 point Check

24 Pelecypod What is “two-shelled”? 1 point Back to Category Slide

25 Pelecypod Most pelecypods are missing this tounge-like structure that is common to most other mollusks. 2 points Check

26 Pelecypod What is a radula? 2 points Back to Category Slide

27 This keeps two shells of a clam connected together.
Pelecypod This keeps two shells of a clam connected together. 3 points Check

28 What is the hinge ligament?
Pelecypod What is the hinge ligament? 3 points Back to Category Slide

29 This organ is important because it covers that organs of the clam.
Pelecypod This organ is important because it covers that organs of the clam. 4 points Check

30 Pelecypod What is the mantle? 4 points Back to Category Slide

31 The name of the oldest part of a shell.
Pelecypod The name of the oldest part of a shell. 5 points Check

32 Pelecypod What is the umbo? 5 points Back to Category Slide

33 Squid Dissection Anatomy
The name of the hearts that are connected to the gills. 1 point Check

34 Squid Dissection Anatomy
What are the brachial hearts? 1 point Back to Category Slide

35 Squid Dissection Anatomy
The most inferior anatomy part found on the mantle. 2 points Check

36 Squid Dissection Anatomy
What is the mantle collar? 2 points Back to Category Slide

37 Squid Dissection Anatomy
This anatomy structure found deep within the mantle is used to help get away from enemies. 3 points Check

38 Squid Dissection Anatomy
What is the ink sac? 3 points Back to Category Slide

39 Squid Dissection Anatomy
The name given to the ends of tentacles. 4 points Check

40 Squid Dissection Anatomy
What are clubs? 4 points Back to Category Slide

41 Squid Dissection Anatomy
The scientific name given to the “ink” found in the ink sac. 5 points Check

42 Squid Dissection Anatomy
What is sepia? 5 points Back to Category Slide

43 Congratulations! You have completed the game of Jeopardy.

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