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Judaism and Christianity

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism and Christianity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism and Christianity
Jeopardy Islam Buddhism/ Hindusims Geography Judaism and Christianity Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 Judaism and Christianity
Jeopardy Islam Geography Judaism and Christianity Buddhism/ Hindusim Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question From Geography
The 0 degrees latitude and longitude lines.

4 $100 Answer from Geography
What is the equator and Prime Meridian?

5 $200 Question from Geography
The theme that tells you how a place is similar and different from another.

6 $200 Answer for Geography What is a region?

7 $300 Question from geography
Moving to a new location to be closer to family is an example of what.

8 $300 Answer from Geography
What is a pull factor?

9 $400 Question from Geography
The type of map that is used in textbooks to show the world.

10 $400 Answer from Geography
What is a Mercator projection map?

11 $500 Question from geography
The type of map that shows a specific topic.

12 $500 Answer from geography
What is a thematic map?

13 $100 Question from Judaism and Christianity
Common text between Judaism and Christianity.

14 $100 Answer from Judaism and Christianity
What is the Old Testament?

15 $200 Question from Judaism and Christianity
The Son of God for Christianity that is not in Judaism is__________________.

16 $200 Answer from Judaism and Christianity
Who is Jesus Christ?

17 $300 Question from Judaism and Christianity
The concept that means belief in one god.

18 $300 Answer from Judaism and Christianity
What is monotheism?

19 $400 Question from Judaism and Christianity
The Jewish and Christian holidays that are a time for renewal and fresh starts.

20 $400 Answer from Judaism and Christianity
What is Easter and Rosh Hashanah.

21 $500 Question from Judaism and Christianity
The concept of Tikkun Olam is important to Jewish beliefs. It means__________________.

22 $500 Answer from Judaism and Christianity
What is repairing the world, (helping others)?

23 $100 Question from Islam The prophet for Islam.

24 $100 Answer from Islam Who is Muhammad?

25 $200 Question from Islam The sacred text for Islam.

26 $200 Answer from Islam What is the Qu’ran?

27 $300 Question from Islam The holiday from Islam that has the followers fasting for a month is called _______________.

28 $300 Answer from Islam What is Ramadan?

29 $400 Question from Islam Islam’s spread from its origins across the Middle East would be classified as what type of movement or diffusion.

30 $400 Answer from Islam What is cultural?

31 $500 Question from Islam Islam’s name for Jews and Christians.

32 $500 Answer from Islam What is People of the Book?

33 $100 Question from Hinduism/ Buddhism
The meaning of the word Buddha.

34 $100 Answer from Hinduism/ Buddhism
What is enlightened one?

35 $200 Question from Hinduism/ Buddhism
Name for belief in more than one god.

36 $200 Answer from Hinduism/ Buddhuism
What is polytheism?

37 $300 Question from Human Environment
Word for soul coming back after you die.

38 $300 Answer from Hinduism/ Buddhism
What is reincarnation?

39 $400 Question from Hinduism/ Buddhism
Name of one of the sacred texts for Hinduism.

40 $400 Answer from Human Environment
What is the Vedas, Bhavagad Vita, and Ramayana?

41 $500 Question from Hinduism/ Buddhism
Main difference between Hinduism and Buddhism besides polytheism is _______________.

42 $500 Answer from Hinduism/ Buddhism
What is Hinduism was based on the caste system?

43 Final Jeopardy Question geographers often ask.

44 Final Jeopardy Answer Why do humans live here?

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