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Quick Overview: The Coca-Cola Company

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2 Quick Overview: The Coca-Cola Company

3 Brazil – Water Quick Diagnosis
Society Business The water crisis is an acute moment of a "water economy " misfit in allocation, use and governance Population increase with higher concentration in urban centers Pricing, availability and regulatory environment will experience adjustments and changes over the next few years. Incorporation of water as an element for decision-making : managing efficiency (decrease WUR), product development and business models Water for production of soft drinks : appropriation, commodification and building an image of companies as great consumers External agenda of water security focused on: ( 1 ) access programs and community water management ( 2 ) increasing the supply through the action with farmers

4 We are doing our homework in a well-balanced combination of:
People and capabilities Material and financial efforts Social-environmental investments Communication Water neutrality achieved since 2013 (7 years before goal) Five projects Total of hectares 179 billion litters of water generated Brazil BU WUR: 1,83 l/l (Benchmark: 1,22 l/l) But how can we go beyond?


6 It’s about new working models and paradigms…
Integrating social investment to business vs. Bringing business to higher purpose Having a branded isolated initiative vs. Co-creating and working together for solutions Leading and teaching home-made methods vs. Cooperating and learning with diversity Equating interests with government and society vs. Influencing and co-create public policies What’s more important for us: our logo attesting how bold is our contribution; or take part in social technology building and difusion to develop communities? Do we want to have a branded isolated initiative? Or do we want to work together even with organizations we see as competitors ? Do we believe a compensatory action is good enough because it solves our problems? Or do we want to go far and shape consistent solutions for complex questions? Is it because we want to sell Coke or because we want water for all? We must do the right thing We want to go outside We are not foolproof We want to be a development player

7 It’s about innovation and cooperation to combine our
scale with the agility and flexibility of startups… SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN THE AMAZON Water Sustainable Agriculture Health Biodiversity Entrepreneuship

8 It’s about modern approaches in water stewardship…

9 It’s about efficiency, integration and water-food nexus

10 Thank you! It’s about discovering that there is a lot to do.
We are open to discuss and work together. Thank you! Luiz André Soares Shared Value Senior Manager

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