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Working Session: Finnish Case Study

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1 Working Session: Finnish Case Study
Workshop FMI Helsinki 16 February 2017 Peter Prak PSJ This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no The contents of this presentation are the author's views. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

2 Scope and Task Scope: Task:
Hazard and emergency response Land-based transport (rail and road) Energy and Telecommunications Task: Inventory of extreme storm in Gulf of Finland hazards vulnerabilities consequences mitigation and emergency response Identify categories Set Probabilities Output of our work will be input for the development of the Bayesian Network within the Finnish Case Study

3 Working Method Divide group into three groups Facilitator
Hazard assessment and emergency response (Peter/PSJ) Land-based transport infrastructure (rail and road) (Ciaran/ROD) Energy and telecommunications infrastructure (Julie/ROD) Interactive contribution from and discussion between participants Each group 10’ introduction 45’ collect input by ‘post-it’ mapping, two-three persons each question 15’ coffee break 45’ common discussion per question Return to common session 10’ to present main results by facilitators 10’ for conclusions

4 Working Groups Hazard Assessment and Emergency Response
Facilitator: Peter (PSJ) Hannu Rantanen Jyri Silmäri Ville Estlander Ahti Burtsoff Peter Johansson Taina Hanhikoski Tuomo Bergman Stefan Kirchner Susanna Pääkkölä Noora Veijalainen Pekka Tiainen Pekka Visuri Land-Based Transport Infrastructure Facilitator: Ciaran (ROD) Heikki Tuomenvirta Jari Gröhn Matti Aaltonen Pertti Nurmi Juha Kilpinen Maria Luskova Bohus Leitner Energy and Telecommunications Infrastructure Facilitator: Julie (ROD) Mats Fagerström Andrea Vajda Dominik Paprotny Marko Marjamäki Juha Rautjärvi Timo Hellenberg Noel Erp

5 RAIN Project Peter Prak

6 Hazard What is considered ‘extreme’ in terms of a storm surge event in the Gulf of Finland? Events greater than those that correspond to a 100 year return period; ...

7 Hazard What are the major hazard effects associated with the occurrence of an extreme storm surge event in the Gulf of Finland and how are these classified? Coastal flooding Low/Medium/High … …

8 Hazard What are the cascading hazard effects that may occur during an extreme storm surge event in the Gulf of Finland and how are they classified? Flooding-induced bridge scour Low/Medium/High … …

9 Hazard What defence measures against extreme storm surge events and the associated hazard effects are present in East Uusimaa and how is their effectiveness classified? Sea walls Full protection for events less than a year return period event … …

10 Hazard Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of an extreme storm surge hazard event?

11 Infrastructure Vulnerability
What are physical damage effects of an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects on road infrastructure and how are these effects classified? Road foundation collapse partial collapse, full collapse

12 Infrastructure Vulnerability
What are physical damage effects of an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects on rail infrastructure and how are these effects classified? Rail track flood damage Low/Medium/High

13 Infrastructure Vulnerability
What are physical damage effects of an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects on energy infrastructure and how are these effects classified? Fallen electricity poles due to high wind speeds Minor damage, collapse

14 Infrastructure Vulnerability
What are physical damage effects of an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects on telecommunications infrastructure and how are these effects classified? Fallen telecommunication poles Minor damage, collapse due to high wind speeds …

15 Infrastructure Vulnerability
What are inter-network damage effects that may occur during an extreme storm event and how are these classified? Fallen electricity poles along a road single lane closure complete road closure

16 Infrastructure Vulnerability
Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of the vulnerability of land-based, energy and telecommunications infrastructure to an extreme storm surge hazard event?

17 Direct Consequences What are the direct consequences of physical damage being caused to road infrastructure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are these classified? Road repair works Low/Medium/High cost of repairs Aside from the hazard effects, what parameters influence these consequences Availability alternative routes

18 Direct Consequences What are the direct consequences of physical damage being caused to rail infrastructure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are these classified? Rail disruption Local/Regional/National scale impact Aside from the hazard effects, what parameters influence these consequences Availability of contingency planning (buses provided)

19 Direct Consequences What are the direct consequences of physical damage being caused to energy infrastructure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are these classified? Power failure Local/Regional/National scale impact Aside from the hazard effects, what parameters influence these consequences Backup power supply

20 Direct Consequences What are the direct consequences of physical damage being caused to telecommunications infrastructure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are these classified? Disruption in cell-phone service Local/Regional/National scale impact Aside from the hazard effects, what parameters influence these consequences Population density

21 Direct Consequences Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of the direct consequences of land-based, energy and telecommunications infrastructure to an extreme storm surge hazard event?

22 Indirect Consequences
What indirect consequences are associated with land-based transport infrastructure (rail and road) failure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are they classified? Business losses due to the Low/Medium/High inability for people to travel to work What parameters influence the extent of these consequences? Population density

23 Indirect Consequences
What indirect consequences are associated with energy infrastructure failure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are they classified? Fatalities due to electric roller Number of fatalities shutters trapping people in houses What parameters influence the extent of these consequences? Population density

24 Indirect Consequences
What indirect consequences are associated with telecommunication infrastructure failure due to an extreme storm surge event and how are they classified? Business losses Low/Medium/High What parameters influence the extent of these consequences? Population density

25 Indirect Consequences
Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of the indirect consequences of land-based, energy and telecommunications infrastructure to an extreme storm surge hazard event?

26 Mitigation Measures What mitigation measures can be taken to reduce the vulnerability of road infrastructure to an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Prevention of moisture ingress Low/Medium/High

27 Mitigation Measures What mitigation measures can be taken to reduce the vulnerability of rail infrastructure to an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Temporary overflow storage tanks for Capacity: Low/Medium/High rail tunnels

28 Mitigation Measures What mitigation measures can be taken to reduce the vulnerability of energy infrastructure to an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Stockbridge damper Low/Medium/High

29 Mitigation Measures What mitigation measures can be taken to reduce the vulnerability of telecommunications infrastructure to an extreme storm surge event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Protection against water ingress Partial, complete protection

30 Mitigation Measures Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of the mitigation measures to reduce the impact of an extreme storm surge hazard event to land-based, energy and telecommunications infrastructure?

31 Emergency response What emergency response measures can be taken to reduce the impact of an extreme storm events and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Temporary flood defence measures Low/Medium/High level flood prevention ….

32 Emergency response What emergency response measures can be taken to reduce disruption to the road network due to an extreme storm event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Water pumping Rate of water extraction ….

33 Emergency response What emergency response measures can be taken to reduce disruption to the rail network due to an extreme storm event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Replacement with bus services Preparedness: Low/Medium/High ….

34 Emergency response What emergency response measures can be taken to reduce disruption to the energy network due to an extreme storm event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Available repair crews No/Yes; total number; ….

35 Emergency response What emergency response measures can be taken to reduce disruption to the telecommunication network due to an extreme storm event and the associated hazard effects and how is their effectiveness classified? Available repair crews No/Yes; total number; ….

36 Emergency response What factors influence the efficiency of emergency response measures and how is their effectiveness classified? Timely storm forecasting Warning time: short/medium/extended range ….

37 Emergency response What measures can be taken to ensure effective communication between emergency response teams during an extreme storm surge event and how is their effectiveness classified? Establishment of a regional rescue department Low/Medium/High ….

38 Emergency response Are there any other factors that should be considered in relation to the characterisation of the emergency response procedures associated with an extreme storm surge hazard event?

39 RAIN Project Peter Prak

40 Critical Infrastructure Transport
Terminals of intermodal transport Junctions for motorway Stations for bus and rail Bridges and tunnels (road and rail) Not mentioned Technical installations Operation centres (traffic control) Junctions for rail Overhead for rail

41 Critical Infrastructure Energy
Generators and auxiliary power systems Transmission lines (incl HVDC links) Transmission transformers (including feeders to distribution) Switches and breakers Protection relays SCADA and associated Telecoms Other Voltage-management devices

42 Critical Infrastructure Telecommunications
Distribution level Outside Plant equipment The End Offices The Central Offices Aerial trunk lines Underground trunk lines RF link trunk lines Transmission section Class 1,2 and 3 centred Aerial backbone lines Underground and submarine lines RF and Satellite backbone lines Mobile Network Base Stations (BS) Base Station Controllers (BSC) Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) Gateway MSC Home Location register (HLR) Visitor Location Register (VLR)

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