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Presentation on theme: "TEXAS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE TEAM (TEMAT)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Disasters in Texas 2010 – Present Federally Declared – 11
Emergency Declarations – 2 Fire Management Assistance Declaration (FMAG) – 58 State (only) Declared - 8

In recent years, jurisdictions have identified the need to have a “professional Emergency Management team that can be quickly mobilized to support EOC’s during response, relief, and immediate recovery efforts” (Roberts, OEM Lewisville). Examples - San Marcos – Post Incident Response Team (PIRT) Bastrop Fires Central Texas Floods D/FW Metroplex – EOC Support Team EF-4 Tornado / Sunnyvale, Garland, Rowlett EF-3 Tornado/ Midlothian, Ovilla, Glenn Heights Dallas PD Officer Shootings

Somewhere along the way, we have missed the boat in what Emergency Management is all about. In most cases, when the lights and sirens cease, everyone leaves, and the jurisdiction is left to pick up the pieces by themselves. Most of Texas is rural, with little to no resources. To no fault of their own, they simply do not have the personnel and experience to deal with large scale disasters.

5 BACKGROUND The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Agency Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2017 – 2021; Priority #3; is to enhance statewide emergency management. The Agency Operational Goal and Action Plan will provide the following: Develop a plan to enable the creation of Texas Emergency Management Assistance Teams (TEMAT) which will support the Disaster Districts by providing additional personnel trained in Incident Command System roles. Program point of contact will be hired in FY 2016 and viable program operational beginning in FY 2017. Progress will be reported annually.

6 What is TEMAT? The Texas Emergency Management Assistance Team (TEMAT) is a highly mobile, responsive, self-sufficient group of qualified and experienced emergency management personnel and resources for the State of Texas State Operations Center (SOC) to immediately deploy in support of any large scale incidents or events in the State.

7 Intent of Concept To enable the Texas Department of Public Safety the capability to establish a support team(s) to provide a CONSISTENT approach to effectively and efficiently respond to and recover from domestic incidents, and pre-planned events regardless of cause, size, or complexity.

8 TEMAT Purpose The purpose of TEMAT is to rapidly deploy an
experienced, cohesive team(s) to an event, incident, or threatened venue with an effective and coordinated response in support of a local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or Disaster District (DDC). The type of team deployed will be appropriate to the size, scope, and complexity of the situation.

9 TEMAT Mission The Texas Emergency Management Assistance Team (TEMAT) is the forward response team for the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) during times of disaster and large scale incidents or events.

10 TEMAT OBJECTIVES Establish support for a local EOC or DDC in a coordinated effort with DPS Headquarters and / or the State Operations Center. Assist a local EOC or DDC in defining the area of operations, impacts, and assist in determining the potential resources needed to support the incident(s).

Coordinate interagency and State agency response by establishing check-in and resource tracking processes. Perform assessment to develop a common operating picture and maintain situational awareness throughout the duration of an incident or event. Provide logistical support to deployed resources in an area of operation to assure that operational objectives can be achieved. Contribute to the collection, sharing, and flow of information.

Provide planning support for short-term recovery initiatives i.e., Public Information Management Human Services Health & Medical Animal Services Initial Damage Assessment Environmental impacts Infrastructure Debris Management Communications Government Continuity

Establish financial tracking processes to assure that the cost of an event can be compiled into daily cost tracking reports and used to support the completion of Disaster Summary Outlines. Provide a mechanism to support and enhance the span of control in the established organizational structure. Coordinate and streamline the engagement of outside agencies.

Jurisdictions with existing programs will continue to operate with full autonomy. As with any emergency management scenario, TEMAT will only be activated if a state request is made from a local jurisdiction to the DDC, followed by the State Operations Center (SOC), OR a DDC or the SOC deems their activation necessary.

15 PROGRAM STATUS Two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) have been vetted through legal review. One is for an individual resource and the other is a three party document. A TEMAT Working Group has been developed to assist with program development. A brochure has been drafted and finalized. A business manual and job aids are being created. Extensive networking campaign.

16 PROGRAM STATUS There is a tremendous amount of work yet to be done.
Example – How many teams will there be for the State? How will TEMAT members be notified? What training requirements will there be? How often will TEMAT members train? As soon as the Business and Mobilization procedures are approved, we can move forward in rostering teams.

17 Preliminary TEMAT Locations North Central Northeast South Central
September 14, 2016 North Central Northeast South Central

18 5 Proposed TEMAT Locations September 14, 2016 1 4 2 6 3

19 FIRST IN – LAST OUT QUESTIONS? Russell (Russ) Marshall, B.A., EFO
TEMAT Coordinator, Field Response Region 1 Garland Texas Division of Emergency Management Texas Homeland Security Texas Department of Public Safety M: (512) O: (512) SOC (512) (24/7) FIRST IN – LAST OUT


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