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cap™ Travel assistance membership

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1 cap™ Travel assistance membership
Powered by FocusPoint International, Inc.

2 company 01 Trm & cap™ 02 agenda summary 03

3 FocusPoint international is a global risk consultancy that specializes in the full provision of journey management, crisis management, strategic consulting and investigation services. the company

4 Proven experience GLOBAL PROWESS Total flight management
Dedicated crisis resolution specialists and vetted resources on 6 continents and over 125 countries. Total flight management Direct access to the global fleet, to include landing permits and visas for medical and non medical evacuations. Proven experience Emergency evacuation Over 10,000 people successfully evacuated due to political violence. Extortion Over 500 extortion cases successfully resolved. Kidnap for Ransom Over 1,000 covered K&R cases successfully resolved. Air medical transport Over 5,000 medically necessary transports conducted globally.

5 No idea who to alert in an emergency
80% Duty of Care 54% Special Contact 22% The facts No idea who to alert in an emergency 52% 46% Legal Action No Travel Policies

6 Travel assistance Travel insurance Credit cards Assistance companies
Travel insurance generally covers things such as medical expenses, trip cancellation and lost luggage. Most policies include subrogation, hard loss triggers and a number of exclusions. Credit cards Limited medical expense coverage, assistance for lost, stolen or damaged luggage. Benefits vary greatly based on the card issuer and are offered as part of an insurance program. Assistance companies Assistance products are typically purchased as insurance programs or access plans. Assistance products tend to be either medical or information centric. Non medical assistance tends to be limited to evacuation only. Travel assistance

7 “    Fully funded no additional costs no Hard loss triggers
Crisis assistance plus (cap) is the most comprehensive travel assistance membership program for individuals, families and organizations available in the market today. no Hard loss triggers worldwide Assistance services

8 Cap™ at a glance     35 total benefits
Crisis defined 35 total benefits Any decisive, unstable or crucial time resulting from an unforeseen event, which has directly caused or has the potential to cause serious bodily harm, detention or death to a CAP Member. 13 medical assistance services Cap™ at a glance 10 non-medical travel risks Comprehensive travel tracker

Members have unlimited access to security / medical experts and crisis response specialists via the CAP Crisis Response Center (CRC); where they can receive advice on addressing potential concerns and dealing with issues related to the travel risks covered under the program as they arise. 02 COORDINATED IN-COUNTRY RESPONSE When required, CAP Crisis Consultants are dispatched globally within 24 hours of notification to provide immediate, emergency assistance with the aim of resolving the crisis as quickly and as safely as possible. CAP™ ASSISTANCE

10 cap™ travel risk covered
01 Natural disasters Any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences and causes great damages and the potential to cause a crisis to a CAP member. This means an avalanche, landslide, earthquake, flood, forest or bush fire, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption or other similar natural events that give rise to a crisis if noted and agreed. 02 Political threat The threat of action designed to influence the government or an international governmental organization or to intimidate the public, or a section of the public; made for the purposes of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause. cap™ travel risk covered 03 Criminal violence Any act or threat of violence to a CAP Member, which causes, or is likely to cause, death or serious bodily injury. 04 terrorism An act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.

11 cap™ travel risk covered
05 Kidnap for ransom Kidnapping means any event or connected series of events of seizing, detaining or carrying away by force or subterfuge of one or more CAP Member(s) by any third party for the purpose of demanding a Ransom. 06 disappearance Disappearance means the complete and unexpected loss of contact during a period of travel for a period in excess of 48 hours. cap™ travel risk covered 07 Hi-jack Hi-Jack means the illegal holding under duress for a period in excess of six hours of a CAP Member while travelling on an airplane, vehicle or watercraft. 08 Blackmail or extortion For the purposes of this membership program, Blackmail and Extortion means the making of illegal threats specifically to a CAP Member to: 1. Kill, Injure or Abduct a CAP Member 2. Damage Property 3. Disseminate, Divulge or use Trade Secrets By persons who then demand a payment as a condition of not carrying out such threats.

12 cap™ travel risk covered
09 Wrongful detention Wrongful Detention means the involuntary confinement of a CAP Member by any person(s) acting as agents of or with the tacit approval of any government or governmental entity, or acting or purporting to act on behalf of any insurgent party, organization or group. 10 Medical evacuation Following an illness or accident requiring a CAP Member(s) to obtain medical treatment, FocusPoint shall arrange, if medically necessary, transportation for the Member from the facility where he or she is receiving medical treatment to the hospital of choice, subject to the availability of space, in his or her primary place of residence for further medical treatment or recovery.  As part of a medical repatriation, FocusPoint will make all necessary arrangements for ground transportation to and from the hospital, as well as pre-admission arrangements, where possible, at the receiving hospital. FocusPoint will arrange for a medical escort(s) to accompany the CAP Member(s) if medically necessary. cap™ travel risk covered 11 PANDEMIC Pandemic means any sudden outbreak of one or more causative organism(s) belonging to the same genus or species that is infectious or contagious, to which the CAP Member is exposed outside his or her Permanent Country of Residence, threatens the life or long term health of the CAP Member, and becomes very widespread affecting a whole region, a continent or the world.

13    TRAVEL RISK PORTAL Country risk profiles Visa & health
information Traveller tracking *powered by e-Travel Alerts

14 Travel Tracker Itinerary & Geo Specific GDS & TMC Integration
The Travel Tracker is a key feature of the CAP travel risk portal. It provides organizational members, TMC’s and other strategic partners vital information about traveler whereabouts and the tools necessary to communicate with travelers before, during and after travel. Itinerary & Geo Specific GDS & TMC Integration Travel Tracker Communicate with Travellers Phone, , sms Duty of Care Pre-trip notification, alerts

15 Q V in summary G inform advise assist
Destination-Specific Health, Safety & Security Information Trip Travel Advisories & Alerts Geo-Specific Traveler Tracking Emergency Message Relay advise 24/7 Travel Assistance Hotline On-Demand Crisis Consultation Integrated Communication with Travelers, TMC & Company assist Worldwide Crisis Response Fully Funded Assistance Rapid Response Teams & Dedicated Resolution Specialists Total Flight Management for Medical & Security Evacuations

16 “ Travel with confidence™
We entered the travel risk management space with the goal of leveraging our experience and strategic partnerships to increase the number of protections included in assistance products, enhance duty of care and reduce the spend required to assist travelers during a crisis. We’ve been well received by the market and feel that CAP is revolutionizing the way corporate buyers, TMC’s and their clients address global mobility risks and duty of care. Greg Pearson, CEO FocusPoint International Travel with confidence™ | |

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