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COMMON EUROPE (C E) An umbrella organisation of national IBM user associations representing most European countries. 6 December 2005.

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1 COMMON EUROPE (C E) An umbrella organisation of national IBM user associations representing most European countries. 6 December 2005

2 C E Membership COMMON Europe acts as the umbrella organisation for fifteen such country Common user groups. User membership is through these country Common organisations Today COMMON Europe is the largest IBM user group association in Europe, representing the views of over 5,200 companies and more then 3,300 individual members. With a membership of over ITC professionals this is the core of our “Strength in Numbers” philosophy 6 December 2005

3 Agenda Purpose of C E. History of C E. Structure of C E.
Activities of C E. Stockholm 2006. Benefits for C E members. 6 December 2005

4 CE MISSION To encourage members to exchange IT related experience and information. To offer its members advanced education and training in IT To influence IBM's strategy for product development and service levels through a formal Requirements Process. Influence the setting of international standards in the interest of its membership 6 December 2005

5 Origin of Common COMMON started 40 years ago in Chicago with a small group of people sitting around a kitchen table trying to work out a common coding problem on an IBM 1620 (hence the name COMMON - for Common interests. It's not an acronym). That meeting turned out to be the first COMMON meeting, and the organisation grew from there. COMMON groups and organisations sprang up around the world to allow IBM small systems users to get together to get the most from their investment - and as the meetings grew, to have unparalleled access to the latest knowledge, education and expertise - so they can increase the value of information technology to their business. 6 December 2005

6 Origin in Europe Common in Europe was founded in 1962 in Switzerland. It was a European group with 600 members by 1981. In 1986 it was decided to split into independent country-groups under one umbrella organisation. 6 December 2005

7 Members of C E Belgium Luxembourg  Denmark Netherland Finland Norway  France  Poland Germany Spain  Ireland Sweden  Israel  ? Italy United Kingdom Representatives from each country sit on the Board of Directors of C E 6 December 2005

8 C E Executive 6 December 2005

9 ACTIVITIES Common Europe Congress (CEC). Requirements.
Organised every year in a different member country Generally a more comprehensive event than country events Opportunity to meet colleagues from all over Europe Offers a chance to experience the culture of other nations. Requirements. A channel for members to make requests on IBM for strategic and tactical developments with the backing of the C E organisation. Common Europe Advisory Council (CEAC). This group is formed from delegates from member countries, and specific issues are addressed with IBM in a confidential and candid manner to offer advice on the strategic directions of their products and services. Annual Roadshow 6 December 2005

10 CEC Locations 2005 Sheveningen 1995 Copenhagen 1985 Eilat 2004 Cardiff
1994 Granada 1984 Sevilla 2003 Warsaw 1993 Rotterdam 1983 Helsinki 2002 Brussels 1992 Antwerpen 1982 Sonthofen 2001 London 1991 Brighton 1981 Paris 2000 Bremen 1990 Salzburg 1979 Vienna 1999 Helsinki 1989 Luxembourg 1978 Barcelona 1998 Dublin 1988 Wiesbaden 1977 Luzern 1997 Strasbourg 1987 Stavanger 1975 Lyon 1996 Jerusalem 1986 Davos 6 December 2005

11 Stockholm - Sweden 11.-13. June 2006
CEC 2006 Stockholm - Sweden June 2006 6 December 2005

12 Common Europe Advisory Council
CEAC is a joint IBM Europe and COMMON Europe initiative started in 1991 and re-established in 2004 for the iSeries platform. Selected members of Common in Europe contribute during meetings with IBM to discuss the unparalleled functionality of the i5, both from a strategic and tactical development point of view 6 December 2005

13 Rochester Roadshow Annual visit by IBM Rochester & Toronto Speakers
No cost picked up by country Each country can organise an event using wide range of topics High Value to members 6 December 2005

14 C E Value Proposition to IBM
IBM has a long and close partnership with Common Europe, because CE provides IBM access to a consolidated group of like-minded IBM customers across Europe through European and local CE Conferences / events ( participants ) CE provides a channel for the exchange of information and experiences with IBM experts CEAC:- IBM can share information about products, announcements and strategies and get direct feedback and requirements for product development The results of better informed customers are: They are better prepared to meet their professional challenges They have unique insight into future technology & solutions IBM can demonstrate Leadership It shows real advantages compared to IBM’s competitors Customers can make better and faster decisions. CE provides unique opportunities for Organised feedback on product requirements Providing a sounding board for new ideas Personal networking between IBM and CE members at technical and management level Direct contacts to key customers, decision makers, influencers Increasing IBM visibility & brand image Gaining new customers and increasing IBM business Providing the possibilities of gaining and maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. 6 December 2005

15 COMMON Europe All Common country associations seek close cooperation and dialogue with IBM to organise working groups and educational events Our intention is to optimise our part of that dialogue, which has worked well for IBM and its customers for so many years 6 December 2005

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