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Second Consortium Meeting June Stockholm, Sweden

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1 Second Consortium Meeting 13-14 June Stockholm, Sweden
WP 3 - Desalination Second Consortium Meeting 13-14 June Stockholm, Sweden

2 treatment of High BOD WW Irrigation at ARAVA site
Work Package 3 Valorisation of HRAP Effluents All information is confidential Partners BIBOAQUA [ 6 PM] CVG [19 PM] iBET [16 PM] SP [ 8 PM] DCU [39.5 PM] OMS [18 PM] Pre-treatment [Task 3.1] Desalination: Electrodialysis [Task 3.2] Desalination: Reverse Osmosis [Task 3.3] Demonstration sites ARAVA (Israel) Algen (Slovenia) Desalinated water < 500mg/L Lower freshwater consumption WP2 -6 treatment of High BOD WW dilute the acidogenic effluent below inhibitory levels to stabilize influent to the granular methanogenic reactor WP6 Irrigation at ARAVA site Tasks 5.4 / Task 6 Task 3.2 Q2 Task 3.1 Q1 Deliverable 3.1 Task 3.3 Q1 WP3 Q2/Y2 WP5 WP6 Waste brine

3 WP3 Deliverables - Milestones
Design specifications and manufacture / configuration development report: M12 Optimisation of final systems ready for demonstration trials M18 Milestones M16 Selection of pre-treatment strategy; Feasible on M16 Relevance of ED on each studied sample assessed; Feasible on M16 New pump and ERD tested in lab environment Feasible on M18 Verification: 99% removal of mass foulants. Feasible on M16 Achievement of low conductivities (1-2 mS/cm) Feasible on M16 demineralisation with sufficient yields (min. 50%) Feasible on M16 New pump energy efficiency 95% Feasible on M18 ERD energy recovery 98% Feasible on M18

4 WP3 Deliverables - Milestones
Deliverable D3.2 – Month 18 Optimisation of pre-treatment (iBET): Report on technical Assessment of all solution Report on cost benefit analysis of competing technologies Report on specification of optimal solution Optimisation of ED desalination (Extractis) Report on technical Assessment of ED Solution Report on specification of optimal system suitable for treatment of KOTO samples Design and Testing of Pump & Pump/ERD Design Specification of Pump and Pump/ERD [DCU/OMS] Delivery of two systems (4 prototypes in total) [OMS] Report on lab testing of two system under realistic conditions with RO (proposal to provide guidelines on optimal operation and control of Pumps as part of RO – not in DOA) [DCU] Report on lab Testing of pump and Pump/ERD for performance assessment [RISE] Report on lab Testing of wear (and proposal to assess wear after operation – not part of DOA) [RISE]

5 WP WorkPlan

6 Task 3.1 Pre-treatment - iBET
Tasks 3.1 Pre-treatment HRAP Effluent Options Direct filtration Adv. Complete retention of organic compounds Dis. Membrane cleaning Activated carbon adsorption and retention: Adv. Resolve membrane fouling Dis. Particle addition/disposal Direct photolysis: Mineralisation of organic compounds, inactivation of micro-organisms without production of free radicals Potential formation of degradation by products Objectives Characterise alternative technologies Identify the optimal solution Build and test a pilot scale pre-treatment system

7 WP3 1) Direct ultrafiltration/nanofiltration of the supernatant
Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination 1) Direct ultrafiltration/nanofiltration of the supernatant 2) Activated carbon adsorption and retention of its particles by micro/ultrafiltration 3) Direct photolysis

8 Pre-treatment Previous Results Overview (Sample 1 from KOTO):
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Pre-treatment Previous Results Overview (Sample 1 from KOTO): TOC (mgC/L) TOC removal (%) Conductivity (mS/cm) pH Sample 1 (initial) 157 - 8.01 6.7 Nanofiltration (NF270) 10 bar 11 93% 8.48 6.2 Granular Activated Carbon (4 g/L) 14 91% 6.87 7.8 Photolysis (180 min) 205 0% 11.75 5.7

9 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Further work in the initial sample from KOTO (after cell harvesting by UltraFiltration (150 kDa, 1bar)): Further studies with Activated Carbon Determination of the capacity of the activated carbon for the removal of organic carbon (Isothermal Curve of Adsorption); Determination of operating adsorption time (kinetic curve); Photolysis (UV) with and without H2O2 Ozonation with and without H2O2

10 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Activated Carbon Determination of the capacity of the activated carbon for the removal of organic carbon (Isothermal Curve of Adsorption); 𝑞 𝑒𝑞 = 𝐾 𝐹 𝐶 𝑒𝑞 1 𝑛 Freundlich Isotherm 𝑞 𝑒𝑞 = 𝑞 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐶 𝑒𝑞 . 𝑘 𝐿 1+ 𝐶 𝑒𝑞 . 𝑘 𝐿 Langmuir Isotherm Ceq - concentration of TOC in equilibrium when amount adsorbed equals qeq; qeq – amount of TOC adsorbed per unit of Activated Carbon at equilibrium; KF – indicator of adsorption capacity; qmax – maximum adsorption capacity for forming single layer. qmax = 72 mgTOC/gAC

11 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Activated Carbon Determination of operating adsorption time (kinetic curve); Half-life of a second-order reaction depends on the initial concentration, in contrast to first-order reactions: Pseudo-first order kinetics Pseudo-second order kinetics t1/2= 6.7h

12 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination UV direct and indirect photolysis Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes Collimated beam reactor Medium Pressure UV Total irradiance - 20mW/cm2 Sample – from harvesting (UF) Sample temperature - 20°C Samples taken at different times: 0, 60, 120, 180min AOP – UV + 120mg/L H2O2 Batch ozonation Sample – from harvesting (UF) Samples taken at different times: 0, 20, 40, 60min AOP – O mg/L H2O2

13 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination UV direct and indirect photolysis Total phenols (Folin determination) Aromatic compounds (Abs 254nm) % removal UV, 3h 49 10 % removal UV AOP, 3h 55 52

14 WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes Total phenols (Folin determination) Aromatic compounds (Abs 254nm) % removal O3, 1h 38 60 %removal O3 AOP, 1h 53

15 The first two samples from KOTO have low salinity;
Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination The first two samples from KOTO have low salinity; However, organic load of actual samples from KOTO may be in the range of operation of final SaltGae conditions; . COD (mgO2/L) TOC (mgC/L) Conductivity (mS/cm) Cl (g/L) pH Sample 1 399 157 8.01 0.9 6.7 Effluent from Metanogenic reactors (Preliminary results: NOVA) < 1000 (~500)  n.d.  91 55  7 n.d. – not determined.

16 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination
Validation optimal conditions with a new sample from KOTO with added salt – Nanofiltration using NF270 membrane at 20 bar: Nanofiltration using a dead-end membrane module with sample 1 (without salt) Nanofiltration using a cross-flow membrane module with sample 3 (with added salt)

17 Average permeability of 5.0 L/(;
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Validation optimal conditions with a new sample from KOTO with added salt – Nanofiltration using NF270 membrane at 20 bar: Additionally, using Cross-flow unit (pilot scale) was possible to increase the concentration factor till 18.4: Average permeability of 5.0 L/(; Final permeability of 3.2 L/(; 94.6% of water can be recovered using Nanofiltration 88% of water can be recovered from Ultrafiltration combined with Nanofiltration.

18 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Validation optimal conditions with a new sample from KOTO with added salt – Nanofiltration using NF270 membrane at 20 bar: COD (mg/L) TOC After harvesting Exp. 1 180.9 72.33 Exp. 2 173.4 75.55 Before NF (with NaCl) 366 408 After NanoFiltration (NF270) 157 211 COD removal (%): 57 48  Previous Results TOC (mgC/L) TOC removal (%) Sample 1 (initial) 157 93% Nanofiltration (NF270) 10 bar 11 Low organic concentration is more difficult to assess in the presence of salt .

19 Membrane fouling and cleaning:
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Membrane fouling and cleaning: Periodic washing will increase the time required between chemical cleanings. Hydraulic permeability after treatment of 462 L/m2 Hydraulic permeability after treatment of 811 L/m2

20 Optimisation of pre-treatment of Arava sample (same protocols):
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Optimisation of pre-treatment of Arava sample (same protocols): Nanofiltration; Activated Carbon; Photolysis and Ozonation. Waiting for samples – issues due to customs!

21 Depending on receiving sample
WP3 Task3.1: Assessment of best pre-treatment strategy for desalination Deliver to EXTRACTIS samples after pre-treatment for the Electrodialysis studies (either Arava or KOTO): Sample of best pre-treatment achieved for KOTO Sample of KOTO before pre-treatment (only UF harvesting) Sample of best treatment from Arava Sample of Arava before pre-treatment (only UF harvesting?) Next week Depending on receiving sample

22 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis
Objectives To achieve low conductivities (1-2 mS/cm) in order to obtain safe water to be reused in the process or released into the environment To demineralise with sufficient yields (min. 50%) to consider a viable industrial installation To provide a decision making tool to evaluate ED suitability linked to the type of wastewater (nature, composition, etc.) and the agroindustry sectors under consideration. Solution Design, build and test the ED reactor suited to Pilot Scale HRAP

23 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis
Samples Wastewater from ARAVA : too low salinities for ED process  Wastewater from KOTO Sample : 6L of KOTO’s wastewater pretreated by IBET and suplemented with NaCl to achieve the conductivity desired for the project Protocol One sample is processed 3 or 4 times according the quantity available (one run to confirm repeatability of the tests) Characterizations before and after ED in order to estimate yield and ED efficiency Parameters Pilot: EUR-2B Membranes: conventional AMX-Sb CMX-Sb Product: HRAP KOTO F2 180 l/h Brine: NaCl 5g/L Electrolyte: NaCl 200 mS/cm 300 l/h Electrodes: Cathode : DES Anode : Voltage: 14V Current: Free

24 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis

25 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis
Repeatability confirmed (conductivities, intensity…) No losses : Transfer of liquid from the product to the brine

26 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis
Trials Trial 00 Trial 01 Trial 02 Initial conductivity of product (mS/cm)  103,2  101,5 101,9  Final conductivity of product (mS/cm) 21,6   0,728  0,418 Demineralization rate (%) 79,1%   99,3%  99,6% Initial pH of product  5,8 6,48   6,68 Final pH of product  4,9  5,59  5,84 Time (min)  50  63  66 Initial température (°C)  15,6  20,6  20,5 Final température (°C) 29,5 36,7 36,4 Mean Intensity (A)  5,90  6,25 5,79  Current density (mA/cm²)  29,5 31,2   28,9 Volt/cell 0,8  L/h.m2  10,8  8,6  8,2

27 Task 3.2 Desalination: Electro-dialysis
Conclusion Repeatability confirmed, no membranes fouling Characterizations in progress (DM, minerals, anions, cations) New samples required in order to optimize parameters Must agree on: Location of test at pilot scale Origin of water to be treated: Arava proposed in DOA Suggestion to work with KOTO water instead: Feasibility of supply of large volume of samples Suitability of samples with higher salinity levels LCA process diagrams would have to be updated (WP7)


29 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Objectives Develop an innovative pump with ERD for RO: 98% energy recovery with RO desalting technology Reduced vibration/wear Reduced brine/feedwater exchange Scalable solution Solution Design, build and test the pump and pump/ERD Systems Partners OMS DCU RISE

30 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Progress Quadruplex Pump Status Design(OMS/DCU) M1 → M12 Component Manufacture, Assembly and Preliminary Testing (OMS) M12 → M13 Pump/ERD Status Design(OMS/DCU) M12 → M15 Component Manufacture, Assembly and Preliminary Testing (OMS) M14 → M16 Testing Status RO Test Rig Design and Build (DCU) M3 → M13 Test Plan & Procedure Specification with RO (DCU) M3 → M10 RO Testing (DCU) M14 → M17 Hydraulic Performance Test Rig Design and Build (RISE) M11 → M13 Hydraulic Performance Test Plan & Procedure specification (RISE) M11 → M12 Wear Test Specification and Testing (RISE) M15 → M35 Hydraulic Performance Testing (RISE)

31 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Quadruplex Pump Design Complete 3D CAD of initial design iterations Assessment of weight benefits of reducing frame containing lubricating oil Modification of valve support frame to minimize hydrodynamic losses (CFD & FEA) Review of materials and components (seals, rollers …) Other minor modifications Pump/ERD Design System dimensioning and specification from dynamic model Significant progress has been made on the design of components

32 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Quadruplex Pump: 3D CAD. Virtual prototyping using 3D CAD: 2D drawings provided by OMS were converted into 3D models using solidworks. 3D models were used to conduct an interference analysis and investigate the feasibility of assembly. Progress notes: The Quadruplex pump has undergone 3 design iterations 3D models have been completed for versions

33 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Quadruplex Pump: Weight Benefit Analysis and FEA. FEA of outlet valve: Verification of structural changes: FEA was used in the re-design of the valve support frame to confirm suitability of structural changes suggested CFD analysis. Considered stress-strain of valve under impact. Solid model of seal support block. Benefit analysis of weight/material usage reduction of seal support block to balance weight increase due to change from aluminium to super duplex: Confirmed that manufacturing and assembly constraint would not justify meaningful structural changes.

34 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Quadruplex Pump: Virtual prototyping with CFD CFD analysis focused on the outlet valve under static and dynamic conditions at flow rate predicted by dynamic model: Pressure losses across valve (to be minimized by reviewing valve and chamber geometry) Flow characteristics in valve chamber and outflow channel (assess flow separation) Asymmetry in lift and drag forces on poppet (function of dynamic pressure and velocity and directly linked to valve chamber geometry) Closing and response time (affects the valve impact speed on closing). Progress notes: Due to computational time constraints priority was assigned to the CFD analysis of the pumping chamber (to facilitate minimal delay in manufacture of pumping chambers) The CFD analysis under transient condition will continue as part of the Pump/ERD design optimisation. The aim will be to Capture the valve motion and assess optimal closing behaviour (hydrodynamic and structuraloptimisation)

35 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
Asymmetry in forces acting on valve. The primary forces acting on the valve are lift due to static pressure forces. A resultant torque can induce valve flutter. The valve assembly is axisymmetric but not the outlet channel. The valve seat cover provides a relatively small open area forcing the majority of the fluid to travel directly across its upper surface increasing vorticity/ re-circulation and asymmetry in the dynamic pressure force.

36 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
CFD analysis focused on the outlet valve’s operation. Focus on changes to chamber geometry under dynamic conditions. Original Design. 11.5mm chamber height and 36mm diameter Vortex structures and re-circulation of flow due to constrictions on flow caused by cover and outflow channel positioning observed.

37 Task 3.3 Desalination: Reverse Osmosis with Innovative Pump
CFD informed changes to pumping chamber. Modified design: 15.0mm chamber height at 36mm diameter Modified support frame to increase open area. Reduced vorticity and recirculation above valve poppet due to less constriction of flow past valve by longer chamber and reduced cross section of cover Resulted in Lower pressure loss and more stable lift co-efficient across the valve poppet compared to original.

38 Task 3.3 RISE Test Programme
Quadruplex pump testing Tests carried out at different RISE facilities in Sweden: Borås, Gothenburg and Stockholm RISE testing split in 4 parts: High pressure pump performance evaluation Pump/ERD performance evaluation Wear test of seals Wear test of mechanical components HP Pump performance evaluation and Pump/ERD performance evaluation Carried out using EN “Rotary positive displacement pumps – Performance test for acceptance”. Outputs: graphs versus differential pressure at constant speed (or versus speed at constant differential pressure) for: Rate of flow Pump efficiency Pump power Pump/ERD performance evaluation also includes the optional NPIPR (net positive inlet pressure required) test.

39 Task 3.3 RISE Test Programme
Quadruplex pump testing Wear test of seals Testing plan under development. Remaining questions: Extent and detail of analysis Time frame for analysis after field operation Preliminary plan: Analysis of fresh seals and the seal raw material Analysis of seals subjected to field operation Expected outputs: Change in dimension Change in weight Change in surface properties and structure Change in chemical composition Creep test Pressure test Prediction of seal service life

40 Task 3.3 RISE Test Programme
Quadruplex pump testing Wear test of mechanical components Testing plan under development. Remaining questions: Choice of components to analyze Extent and detail of analysis Choice of analysis method (destructive/non-destructive) Scanning probe/Scanning electron/Stereo microscopy Preliminary choice of components: Mobile unit Pumping chambers Plungers Expected outputs: Surface abrasion Surface corrosion Micro fractures on chromium plated surfaces Change in microstructure Risk of galvanic corrosion

41 RO test rig update RO Test Rig P&ID RO Test Rig Solidworks
HP Pump/ERD Optimisation & Testing RO Test rig testing strategy RO Membrane Selection RO Test Rig Automation & Control

42 RO Test Rig Progress Update – P&ID
RO test rig to be fully manufactured by Aug 12th HP Pump / ERD trail & testing to commence Sep 1st

43 HP Pump/ERD Optimisation & Testing
Reverse Osmosis Control Optimisation & Testing Objectives Monitored Variables Control Variables Analyse the hydraulic performance of the HP Pump + ERD HP pump inlet & outlet pressures HP pump inlet flow rate ERD pump inlet & outlet pressures ERD outlet flow rate Feed tank level Feed water temperature Shaft angular position Shaft rotational speed Shaft torque Instantaneous current & voltage Frequency of variable speed drive Instantaneous pressure at ERD inlet. Feed water salinity HP pump steady state rotational speed HP pump ramp-up/down rotational speed ERD steady state rotational speed ERD ramp-up/down rotational speed Inlet flow rate from feed tank ERD LP inlet flow rate ERD HP inlet flow from RO concentrate line Initialization loop inlet flow Initialization loop outlet flow Initialization feed pump rotational speed Recirculation pump rotational speed Monitoring deterioration in HP Pump + ERD operation HP pump carter block vibration HP pump CAM vibration ERD vibration HP pump motor temperature HP pump shaft angular position HP pump shaft rotational speed HP pump shaft torque ERD motor temperature ERD shaft angular position ERD shaft rotational speed ERD shaft torque To assess the overall functionality and feasibility of the HP Pump + ERD Duration of failure Membrane fouling rate Pump failure rate Reliability of pumps Probability of failure Level of maintenance required Cost justification of HP pump Cost justification of ERD pump Safety of pump designs Safety of pump operations HP Pump & ERD hydraulic testing will conform to the ANSI HI rotary pump test standards. The dynamic response of the HP Pump & ERD will be measured to inform on changes that would be indicative of wear. System reliability, failure rate and cost analysis will be used to help predict, assist & resolve failures via a pump feasibility & functionality study.

44 RO Control Strategy - 1 The control strategy for the RO test rig will be based upon Dow membrane recommendations. Following this control strategy procedure will help membrane and test rig performance optimisation overall. The initialisation loop is used to prevent hydraulic shock across the selected membrane elements.

45 RO Control Strategy - 2 The systems transient phase involves the interface between the HP Pump and the introduction of the new ERD. A design recovery of 50% across the RO test rig allows sufficient permeate & concentrate flows to be obtained for both water reuse & ERD trail/testing. Variable monitoring during the steady state of operation will be assisted by accurate & efficient instrumentation, automation & control

46 RO Membrane Selection Site Challenges: TOC levels, varying salinity, varying flow rates, modes of operation Requirements: 50% recovery, salinity < 500 mg/L Dow ROSA 9 software projections for different membrane configurations under different water characteristics and site constraints. A pressure vessel with 6 elements selected Dow LCLE-4040 and SW30HRLE-4040 elements selected (hybrid will be assessed)

47 RO Test Rig Automation & Control
Functional Design Specification (FDS) & IO Lists have been drafted for the proposed RO test rig. The Siemens S PLC has been selected due to its high speed and convenient PROFINETTM communications between the advanced S controller and the Siemens G120c variables frequency drives.

48 WP3 System Integration 40ft Container Integrating WP2 and WP3 Systems:
WP2 (Pre-treatment, 2 Stage AD) WP3 Pre-treatment, RO with Pump and Pump/ERD Dimensions: 3038mm x 2270mm

49 WP3 Dissemination Dissemination Output Poster
Y. Delauré, F. Regan and L. Fitzsimons, 2016, SaltGae: Proving the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry, EPA 2016 Annual Information Day on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5, Friday 7th October 2016, Dublin. Conference Presentation M. Cairns, L. Fitzsimons and Y. Delauré, 2017, A novel Energy Recovery Device/RO test rig targeted to treat & recoup low industrial wastewater flows, MDIW Conferencee, 6th– 8th February 2017, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Camille VIOT, Quelles techniques d’éco-extraction utiliser pour la valorisation de co-produits issus de l’industrie agroalimentaire pour des applications cosmétiques, techniques, agroalimentaires…? - Le projet Européen SALTGAE : Des microalgues pour traiter les effluents salins issus des IAA, Siñal, Châlons-en-Champagne, France, 30 Mai. L. Rueda Villegas, M. Specklin, G. Savary, Y. Kohn and Y. Delauré, Evaluation of mixing and shear stresses in High Rate Algae Ponds for different paddle wheel designs, 6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Nantes, 18-23rd June 2017.

50 Thanks for listening! Yan Delauré Collins Avenue, Glasnevin Dublin, Ireland


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