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Making Health Facility Safe Through Facility Management

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1 Making Health Facility Safe Through Facility Management
Making Health Facility Safe Through Facility Management. AMEK 2013: Theme; Strengthening Health Facility and Health Care Technology management in Kenya By; Anyango P. Amoko RTEngr. (ERB), Biomedical Engineer Kakamega County Health Office. 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

The healthcare facility manager‟s primary job responsibilities include the following general areas: Maintenance and Operations Code Compliance Planning, Design and Construction Finance Management Administration 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

3 AS A FACILITY MANAGER You are expected to:- Constructors
Environmental Services Materials and Resource Management Risk Management 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

Must have understanding of the operation and maintenance of building systems including but not limited to the following: HVAC Electrical distribution Medical equipment Refrigeration • Emergency power • Safety and security 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

Steam and hot water Fire protection Elevators and pneumatic tube Medical gas Plumbing Grounds keeping 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

6 AS A FACILITY MANAGER You are expected to:
Ensure that the facility is well planned, Design, Constructed and well maintained. Statutory regulations are ensured to. Carry out maintenanc e PPM RCM Etc. Perform annual audit on performance of facilities 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

7 AS A FACILITY MANAGER Your responsibities may include the following:- Planning, design and direction of activities related to construction and renovation projects. These activities include but are not limited to solicitation and evaluation of bids and consulting with architects, engineers and various contractors. Facility conformance to all applicable codes and standards including county and National regulatoty authorities as well as private certification organizations. . 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

8 AS A FACILITY MANAGER Development and management of capital and operational budgets and negotiation of service agreements. Development and administration of policies and procedures to manage the human resources of the facilities management department 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

9 Facility Quality Assurance
The technical department does not have the manpower to effect the checks and inspections needed to ensure that the facility meets the patient’s expectations Autonomous maintenance is needed. Ownership of each individual workplace is a must for this initiative to succeed Technical or engineering does not have the resources to check the complete facility we must involve the total workforce 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

10 Facility Quality Assurance
Look at the facility from the patient’s perspective Follow the route of the patient through your facility Identify the needs of the patient from a facilities point of view Do not make assumptions How did we implement this. We looked at ….. 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

11 Environmental Management
Assists legal and statutory compliance Looks after the environment Conserves natural resources – water and energy Encourages good business practices Our success with ISO can be attributed to integrating the system into the existing hospital infrastructure. It must not be seen as stand alone. It contributes to and assists…. 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

12 STANDARD Part of the application and success of any system is achieved by a generous sprinkling of SPICE. We start with the standard, specification or desired end result 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

13 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

14 STANDARD Planning We then plan to meet the requirements 13-15/11/2013

15 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects By identifying the aspects or
13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

16 Ensure Legal Compliance
Identify the Aspects Planning Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD The statuary or legal requirements 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

17 Ensure Legal Compliance
Identify the Aspects Planning Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD Implementation We then move on to implementation 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

18 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Implementation Where we assign roles and responsibilities and authority. Often overlooked, then we turn around and say “but I gave him the responsibility”. Making someone responsible but with no authority is the same as telling somebody to drive to Johannesburg with no petrol in the car Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

19 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Implementation Part the implementation process is training. This could be both awareness training on the system or competency training to meet the job requirements Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

20 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Implementation Having implemented the system we now need to check and monitor. This allows you to apply fixes before we wander to far off the main objective Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

21 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Corrective and Preventive Action Implementation How do we do this? By Corrective and preventive actions Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

22 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Corrective and Preventive Action Implementation With internal audits Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

23 STANDARD Planning Identify the Aspects Ensure Legal Compliance
Corrective and Preventive Action External Audits Implementation And external audits. I will expand on planned maintenance audits later in the presentation Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

24 STANDARD Planning Evaluation Identify the Aspects
Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD Corrective and Preventive Action External Audits Implementation After we have done all this we need to look back and measure hoe we performed Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

25 STANDARD Planning Evaluation Management Review Identify the Aspects
Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD Corrective and Preventive Action External Audits Implementation And we do this with a management review. The management review looks at the audit results, corrective and preventive actions, feedback from the client of any other tool to evaluate how we did Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

26 STANDARD Planning Evaluation Management Review Identify the Aspects
Ensure Effectiveness Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD Corrective and Preventive Action External Audits Implementation The management team then sets up an action plan to ensure effectiveness of the system Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

27 SPICE STANDARD Planning Evaluation Management Review
Identify the Aspects Planning Evaluation Ensure Effectiveness Ensure Legal Compliance STANDARD Corrective and Preventive Action External Audits Implementation That is how we apply SPICE to your systems in a process of continuous improvement, world class management Assign Roles and Responsibilities and Authority Conduct Training Checking and Monitoring Internal Audits 13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU


13-15/11/2013 AMEK NAKURU

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