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TIMING/VIDEO Remove auto-advancing after creating a video version:

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Presentation on theme: "TIMING/VIDEO Remove auto-advancing after creating a video version:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TIMING/VIDEO Remove auto-advancing after creating a video version: On/Off: In the tabs (not menu): “Slide Show” [X] Play Narrations [X] Use Timings [ ] Show Media Controls Clear the timings completely: Select all the slides Right click a slide > “Slide Transition…” In the “Advance slide” section uncheck “Automatically after” The complete guide to Designing Mobile User Experiences 4) Hybrid or Native App? Resources @shoobe01

2 Hybrid or Native App? Read More: Examples I referenced, like Yelp, are all detailed here if you want to read more. We're starting to get into the details a bit, so I'm going to be starting to give not just strategic overviews, but some technical notes and examples as we move forward.

3 The State of Hybrid Mobile Development
Good overview, detailing the recent history and the current (ish) technology that enables this. If you don’t recognize when we all talk about Facebook’s HTML5 fiasco, then totally read this.

4 Best Of Both Worlds: Mixing HTML5 And Native Code
Article, aimed to developers, about not making a hybrid/native choice, and using everything available to best serve the product. Rather than build an app entirely with native or HTML5 technology, why not mix and match the technologies? With a hybrid application, building a mobile experience that leverages both native and HTML5 code for the user interface is quite possible. This enables the developer to use the most appropriate tool for the job when developing the user interface.

5 Mobile application development tools
Yes, it’s just a link to Wikipedia, but they have a great list of the development tools, or hybrid platforms. There are a hell of a lot of them, so be sure to take a look even if you don’t need one. It’s not just the few I showed you, at all.

6 Titanium or PhoneGap? Which Cross-Platform Mobile Framework Should I Use?
But that being said, there are only a few big ones. And currently the normal choice is between Appcelerator Titanium and PhoneGap. Unless you work with MS fans, who all go to Xamarin. It is a company blog so gets into selling their service, but has many good points and a few links to other articles.

7 Whoa! That Embedded Web View Looks Hot in Your iOS App!
Here’s the Engineering Manager for Yelp! Himself discussing what they do with webviews in their native app. Includes code, but also pictures so is suitable for everyone to read. Well done, and worth it if you are even sort of considering this roll-your-own hybrid thing. I love it, but admit I work for too many clients who have their own technical opinions so do not get to do it enough.

8 A Fresh Hybrid Approach
Responsively Native – A Fresh Hybrid Approach PDFs of a slideshow that a friend of mine, Mark Gerl, presented on how he’s done “responsive native” at Politico. This is pretty much just another word for the thing Yelp! is doing, leveraging webviews they already have from a responsive website to populate the app. Good presentation as it discusses it from an operational point of view, so addresses cost, effort and maintenace as well.

9 Web-based Mobile Apps of the Future Using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript
An overview of hybrid, but which discusses background, history, politics and trends a bit more. Before you commit your team to a platform, know what you are getting them into.

10 Web apps: the future of the internet, or an impossible dream?
The web's ability to serve a potentially enormous user base — without the cost of building the same app several times over for different operating systems — is what the W3C believes will make web apps dominate in future. Wait, W3C thinks this? Yeah, there’s a lot of hope that from the standards and OS support side we can get rid of both native and hybrid, and the Web does everything. Think about if Palm’s WebOS actually took off. Neat. But this is not going to happen tomorrow.

11 Apple TV: A World Without Webviews
The menus and buttons let you interact with the app, navigate to different sites, etc., but the actual heavy lifting of the browser (e.g., showing you what’s on is rendered in the main content pane of the app in an embedded webview. You can always rely on someone to defend every odd decision by Apple. This one basically says that Webviews are bad anyway because the Web is scary. Whatever. The result is the same. The Web is a bit less universal now.

12 Firefox OS is dead Firefox OS is a failure. The project started way too late, when all other players in the web ecosystem already had a mobile offering, and it didn’t catch up, either. Although the strategy of aiming at the low-end market was a good one for 2010, Mozilla missed its window of opportunity. Firefox OS (which was awesomely well done, and whose UI in no small way was guided by my principles) is dead. So that’s two web-centric mobile OSs dead and stumbling along like zombies. The principles are solid, but who is going to build this web-everywhere world?

13 How
BONUS: Not included in the presentation, in May 2015 Google announced these Custom Tabs. They give you a middle ground between a Web intent I’ll talk about those in Lesson 7) and a webview. Chrome custom tabs allow an app to customize how Chrome looks and feels. An app can change things like: Toolbar color Enter and exit animations Add custom actions to the Chrome toolbar and overflow menu

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