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Professional Education Spring 2017 Updates

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1 Professional Education Spring 2017 Updates

2 Course Changes Effective Academic Year 2017-2018
EDUC 310 Assessment and the Data Informed Teacher (ALL) EDUC 400 Foundations of Reading (E/SPED) EDUC 406 Children’s Literature (E/SPED/M) EDUC 410 Integrative Curriculum (ALL) EDUC 440 Instructional Strategies and Contemporary Trends for K-12 and Secondary Teachers (K-12, 9-12) EDUC 455 Instructional Technology for Educators (ALL) EDUC 470 Student Teaching (12 hours beginning Spring ALL)

3 Schema Sheets Please see your advisor during registration. ALL schema sheets are changing with several course changes. It is important that you switch to the most recent schema sheet. ALL K-12/Secondary Candidates MUST make an appointment with Dr. Bethea, Professional Education Advisor, during the current registration in addition to your content advisor.

4 Field Experiences Expected to have transportation to travel to assigned school. Requests for certain teachers (state requirements create issues with trying to obtain certain placements) may be difficult, we try to honor your requests, but defer to the local education agency. Must purchase Liability Insurance All Field Experiences REQUIRE Background Checks

5 2.7 GPA Whoa! REQUIRED GPA as of July 1, 2017 for admittance into
Teacher Education Program

Examine SAT or ACT Assessment from High School SAT Assessment (Reading/ Writing Waived if Reading Score is 550or above) 550 (Math Waived) Combined Verbal/Math (CORE PRAXIS waived) 1100 ACT Score waive r (Reading/ Writing Waived if Reading Score is 24 or above) 24 (Math Waived) Composite (CORE PRAXIS waived) Core Reading 5712 156 Core Writing 5722 162 Core Math 5732 150 Core Composite 468 Take Core Praxis for Parts not waived

7 Leadership Activities
A Candidate must earn points from at least three different levels and maintain documentation. A total of at least 9 points must be earned. VERIFIED AT CONCLUSION OF PRACTICUM SEMINAR. Level Activity Value Level 1 Attend a Leadership Program or Professional Lecture Series 1 point for each session (maximum of 3 points) Level 2 Be an active member of at least one professional organization. 2 points Level 3 Be a leader in a professional organization by serving as an officer or leading in other ways. 3 points Level 4 Attend a professional conference Level 5 Present in a professional setting. 5 points

8 Leadership Activities

ELEMENTARY/SPED CANDIDATES At conclusion of MATH 203/204, all Elementary/SPED candidates must take the PEARSON Math Licensure Exam. However, if a student takes the PEARSON Math Licensure Exam prior to Math 203 or 204 and passes, then the Math 203/204 requirement will be waived. (At conclusion of Freshman Year)

APPLICATION TO PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION April 15 of Sophomore Year REMINDERS: 2.7 GPA SAT/ACT/CORE PRAXIS Acceptable Scores Leadership Points begun Elementary/SPED Candidates taken PEARSON MATH Licensure Exam

11 Application for Practicum
Conclusion of Junior Year Application for Practicum Created within Tk20 system Due by April 1 prior to semester registering for practicum

12 Student Teaching Semester
Application for student teaching created within Tk20 system, BUT dependent upon successful practicum experience. Practicum Binder Appropriate Evaluations Seminar Attendance

13 Student Teaching Semester
EdTPA (nationally normed performance assessment) will be required of all teacher education candidates beginning in Spring of Replaces locally developed student teaching binder. (Currently piloting EdTPA with 30% of current student teacher population.)

14 Initial Teacher Licensure in North Carolina
Successfully pass all required licensure exams or have attempted them at least once prior to graduation from Campbell University Successfully attain “MET” on all components of the “LEA/IHE Certification of Teaching Capacity” Successfully attain “PROFICIENCY” on all components of the Student Teaching Portfolio (2019 will be passing EdTPA) Recommendation from Campbell University upon successfully completing all course requirements for your Licensure area.

15 This is the “go to” site for all information related to your path to a North Carolina Teacher License.

16 Thanks! Any questions ? You can find me at Dr. Chris Godwin
Taylor Hall Office 225B

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