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Planning a Vision for a Good Life

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Presentation on theme: "Planning a Vision for a Good Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning a Vision for a Good Life
The LifeCourse Framework Planning a Vision for a Good Life Introductory Slide: Have this slide on as people are coming in. Purpose of the presentation: to help people learn about the importance of planning for the future and understand how life experiences and choices affect their trajectory The information that we will be sharing are a part of the LifeCourse Framework. The tools were developed by the Supporting Families Community of Practice and South Dakota is a part of that group.

2 Welcome! Sarah K.C. The LifeCourse Framework Justin
Purpose: To Welcome everyone to the presentation Speaker: Welcome to our presentation! We appreciate the opportunity to share this information with you. We are members of the South Dakota Advocates for Change Leadership Team. Introduce yourselves. Sarah K.C. Justin Lynne (Depending on the size of the group – might do a round of introductions)

3 We want you to learn… The LifeCourse Framework
A way to plan for a good life. Understand the idea of the trajectory Play a game to make the trajectory idea stick Understand the Integrated Supports Star and how to use it Play Supports Star BINGO! Speaker: Read the Slide Key points/Outcomes: ·  how life experiences and choices affect your life trajectory ·  the importance of planning for the future ·  how the LifeCourse framework and tools can help you get to the good life The LifeCourse Framework

4 South Dakota Good Life Video

5 All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their dreams in their community.
Speaker: Before we get started, we want to share with you the core belief that guides all of the LifeCourse work. Speaker: Read the blue box. All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their dreams in their community.

6 Focusing on Life Experiences
Birth-----Early Child----School----Transition Adulthood Aging Chores and allowance Birthday parties with friends Learning to say “no” Your first job Volunteering at church Making mistakes Lynne: We believe that the things happen to a person early in their life helps them be more successful as they head down the path towards a good life. People with disabilities must be able to share in the same life experiences and rites of passages everyone else does. All these experiences pile up to help a person build skills and knowledge to help them grow. Lynne to Sarah: What were you doing when you turned 5? Sara: Playing with brother and sisters, I went to preschool to get ready for kindergarten. what were you doing? Lynne?: Well I was doing the same thing! Lynne: Justin, what were you doing when you turned 16? Justin: When I was sixteen, I was at Bon Homme High School. I was in track and cross country. I helped out with my family. I had a dog, too. What were you doing Lynne? Lynne: I was going to Watertown High School, driving around Main Street, going to the lake with friends. Lynne to K.C.: What were you doing when you turned 21? K.C.: I celebrated my birthday with friends, went out for supper, had a couple of beers. I was working and I was spending money? What were you doing Lynne? Lynne: I was married and a mom taking care of a baby boy. Lynne: The major point behind this is that we all have life experiences that we go through that impact our lives as we move forward. If people aren’t able to do things like go to school, or get a job, they may not learn important skills that will help them when they’re older.

7 Thinking Across all Life Domains
Healthy Living (medical, behavioral and mental health, wellness, nutrition) Daily Life & Employment (education/employment, life skills) Lynne: As you will see in a second, every part of our life is connected to another. A lot of times people just focus on one part of their life, like where they live or where work or money. It works better if you think about all the parts of your life. K.C., Justin, and Sarah: GO THROUGH DIFFERENT DOMAINS AND WHAT THEY ARE Community Living (housing, transportation, community access) Safety and Security (emergencies, legal, well-being, guardianship and alternatives Social and Spirituality (friends, relationships and leisure activities) Citizenship and Advocacy (leadership, peer support, making choices, setting goals)

8 The Trajectory Speaker: Now we’re going to talk about the trajectory.
ASK Does anybody know what a trajectory is?

9 Vision of What I Don’t Want
What is a trajectory? Friends, family, job, fun things to do, independence, your own place, happiness Speaker: A trajectory is the path your life takes toward the future. It can change based on the choices you make, other peoples’ actions, and events that might be out of your control. The goal is the good life, so we want the trajectory to go up. Sometimes people have a hard time thinking about what the good life might be. That’s okay. When this happens, we start thinking about what they DON’T want first. Speaker: ASK What are some things you guys don’t want for your life? Speaker: Now that we’ve talked about the things people don’t want… Speaker: ASK What are some things or goals you wrote down for your life?? Trajectory toward a good life Vision of What I Don’t Want Trajectory towards things you don’t want

10 K.C.’s Vision and Trajectory
Paid job at the museum Spend time with friends Having my dog – Poppy Live where I do or by the mall A fireplace in an entertainment center Take a class I live in my own apartment I clean my apartment I help pay my bills I volunteer at the museum cleaning, sweeping, & putting displays together To be bullied To be bossed around Taken advantage of Be unsafe To be late for anything Self-Esteem

11 Justin’s Vision and Trajectory
To get married Have my own family Have supports I need Have my own apartment Have a job People that work with me be on time Save money To take classes Experiences Needed: I live on my own Work Experiences: Janitorial Dishwashing Food Prep People telling me I’ll never get married Stereotypes Others telling me “I can’t”

12 Sarah’s Vision and Trajectory
Experiences Needed: More work experiences Need job coaching Help with cooking healthy meals Live in my own apartment Have a clean home & my cat Friends – Go to movies, lunch, plays, ceramics, etc. Have a job – working with animals, kids, people Disneyland Be valued & respected by others Be safe Experiences: Lived On My Own: Kept apt. clean Paid bills & rent Budgeting Decision making Work Experiences: Daycare McDonalds Wrapped silverware Take direction To be taken advantage of To be bossed around To be bullied Low expectations, self-esteem, stereotypes, anxiety, depression, rules/regulations

13 CLIFFHANGER LET’S PLAY CLIFFHANGER!!!! Rachel – say instructions

14 Meet Frank. Frank is an eligible bachelor in his ‘40’s.
Currently he lives by himself and pays his own bills. Frank enjoys drinking coffee, making friends, listening to music, and talking on the phone. He lives in a small suburb close to the main drag in town. Frank uses a wheelchair to get around. RACHEL

15 Frank’s Vision for a Good Life
FRANK DOES WANT A girlfriend or wife??? Good health A place to live Plenty of coffee Make his own decisions RACHEL read what Frank does want Katie will read WHAT FRANK DOES WANT Frank DOESN’T want To be lonely To not have control over where he lives To not be able to get out and get around town

16 Doctor says his cholesterol is too high.
FRANK DOES WANT to be healthy and live a long time. Rachel: read the slide Katie ASK What’s the problem with having high cholesterol? Well… Frank might have a heart attack…. His arteries might get all clogged up and he might have a stroke… Katie read what Frank doesn’t want Rachel read what Frank does want Frank DOESN’T want to get fat and unhealthy so the ladies won’t like him.

17 Frank starts swimming 3x’s a week.
KATIE Frank starts swimming 3x’s a week.

18 Frank eats McDonald’s every day.
RACHEL Frank eats McDonald’s every day.

19 RACHEL Frank quits smoking.

20 Frank drinks Pepsi Cola with every meal.
KATIE Frank drinks Pepsi Cola with every meal.

21 Frank switches to drinking water.
RACHEL Frank switches to drinking water.

22 to have to ask someone else for permission about
Frank’s nephew has filed for guardianship because he is worried that Frank is becoming more forgetful as he gets older. FRANK DOES WANT be able to make his own decisions about his life, like who to date, and keep his right to vote. ASK What happens when you get a guardian? Do you get to makes choices? Katie read what Frank doesn’t want Rachel read what Frank does want Frank DOESN’T want to have to ask someone else for permission about how to spend his money or where to live.

23 Frank has good credit and a long history of paying bills on time.
RACHEL Frank has good credit and a long history of paying bills on time.

24 KATIE Frank doesn’t know that South Dakota Protection and Advocacy offers information and support in guardianship matters.

25 Frank calls Tim at SD Advocacy and finds out they can help him.
RACHEL Frank calls Tim at SD Advocacy and finds out they can help him.

26 RACHEL Frank forgets to pay his electric bill for three months in a row and his lights get cut off.

27 RACHEL Frank and his support staff are learning how he can use apps and his Google account to set reminders for himself.

28 Questions about Trajectory
Speaker: As you can see, the good things Frank did for himself put him on a positive trajectory towards a good, happy, healthy, life. All that McDonald’s and Pepsi set him on a negative path but he did things to fix them. When he forgot to pay his light bill, he and his supporters worked together to find a solution that would help him stay independent and keep control over his life. Do you have any questions? Comments? Complaints?

29 Integrated Supports for a Good Life
Speaker: We call this the Integrated Supports Star. Speaker ASK: What does Integrated mean? The Integrated Supports Star is about accessing all kinds of different supports to make your good life possible. Personal strengths & assets (One Speaker) What do you have that will help you? Personality traits, Skills or training that you have, Belongings that own or things you have access to Relationships (Another Speaker) Who do you have in your life to help you? Family, Friends, Close personal relationships (like your neighbor, boss, pastor, the mailman, coworkers, etc) Technology (Speaker) How can technology help you be more independent? Smartphones, Assistive technology, Internet and computers Community-Based (Another Speaker) What are the Businesses, places, and things anyone can access where you live: School, Library, Park, Police station, Hospital, Church, Grocery Store Eligibility Specific (I have been calling this paid or formal supports) (Lynne) Things you have to have a diagnosis, certain income, or other qualification (like age, gender, or race) for Food stamps, housing Voucher, DD Services, Medicaid, Medicare We encourage people to fill the different areas of the star and not put all their support “eggs” in one basket Not just DD Services

30 person or family resources, abilities, strengths, characteristics
Integrated Supports person or family resources, abilities, strengths, characteristics family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, community members, church members school, businesses, church/faith based, public transportation, parks and recreation SHS services, Special Ed, Medicaid, section 8, Food Stamps, Vocational Rehab (VR) i-pad/smart phone apps, remote monitoring, cognitive accessibility, adaptive equipment For a good life This is the integrated supports star. As you can see, there are different kinds of supports. A lot of times when we’re talking about supports, we think only about services offered by CSP’s or FS360.

31 Personal Strengths & Assets
person or family resources, abilities, strengths, characteristics What do you have that will help you? Personality traits Skills or training that you have Belongings that own or things you have access to

32 Relationships Who do you have in your life to help you? Family Friends
family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, community members, church members Who do you have in your life to help you? Family Friends Close personal relationships (like your neighbor, boss, pastor coworkers, etc)

33 Technology How can technology help you be more independent?
i-pad/smart phone apps, remote monitoring, cognitive accessibility, adaptive equipment How can technology help you be more independent? Smartphones Assistive technology Internet and computers

34 Community-Based Businesses, places, and things anyone can access where you live: School Library Park Police station Hospital Church Grocery Store school, businesses, church/faith based, public transportation, parks and recreation

35 Eligibility Specific Things you have to have a diagnosis, certain income, or other qualification (like age, gender, or race) for Food stamps Housing Voucher DD Services Medicaid Medicare SHS services, Special Ed, Medicaid, section 8, Food Stamps, Vocational Rehab (VR)

36 K.C’s Integrated Supports Star
Hard Worker, Polite, Friendly, Curious, On time Has experience as a volunteer, Gets along with others Pays attention to details Parents Co-workers at museum Friends Anna’s Circle at Church Care Club Zachary Phone I PAD Computer TV Microwave Job Family Support 360 Voc Rehabilitation Heating Assistance Housing Assistance Para Transit Medicare/Medicaid Movie Theater Mall Church Walmart, Hyvee Senior Citizens Center Vet

37 Sarah’s Integrated Supports Star
Nice, helpful, polite, sticks up for others, Knows my way around town, Good worker, takes care of animals I Phone IPAD TV Microwave Radio, DVD Player Computer Watch Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brother SDAC Special Olympics PIP Friends Live On My Own Rexall, Hvee, Walmart Movie Theater, Church Bowling Clinic, Dentist, Bank Dollar Store SSI/SSDI Family Support 360 Voc Rehabilitation Food Stamps Heating Assistance Housing Assistance

38 Justin’s Integrated Supports Star
Can live independently Do my own laundry, Outgoing, Gets along with others, A good leader, Tech Savvy, Planner Maps Skype Computer You Tube Smart Phone Facebook X Box 360 Anais Anais’s Parents, Mom, Dad, brother & sister WWE Group My uncle SDAC Group Moving to Watertown Bus Station Grocery Stores Apartments Bank Buffalo Wild Wings Walmart Mall Family Support 360 Food Stamps Heating Assistance SSI/Rep Payee Vocational Rehabilitation

39 Let’s play Supports Star Bingo!!!!

40 Speaker First show the person, Then show the family, then bring up the domains And then the buckets And then the outer layers All these things work together to make a good life.

41 Questions, Reflections and Discussion
Do you have any questions? Comments? Complaints? Thank the audience (Reference theUniversity of Missouri Kansas City and the Supporting Families Community of Practice for the powerpoint and materials.

42 If you need help along the way….

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