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On the next few slides are images…

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1 On the next few slides are images…
On the next few slides are images….. What do you think the topic or today is? Click me for a song to listen to, to give you a hint!





6 What do you think the topic we are looking at is…..
Environmental Impact

7 Environmental Impact LO: To identify ways in which humans impact the environment, and ways to reduce the effect of modern life.

8 Groups You need to move into mixed age groups of 4-5.

9 Diamond 9 Driving Cars Buying and using mobile phones
Cooking using microwave ovens Having lots of clothes Eating fast food Packaging Buying food from different countries Going on a foreign holiday Building houses These are ways which modern life impacts the environment. Can you sort them into BIGGEST impact (top) to LOWEST impact (bottom). Be ready to justify your choice!

10 Carbon Footprint Let’s work out YOUR impact on the environment. Over the next few slides you will be given some numbers and things to work out. Keep a note of these on your piece of paper.

11 School How many miles does it take you to get to school? (Not sure- ask your teacher to google) Car = 324 per mile Bus = 103 per mile Bicycle = 0 per mile Walker = 0 per mile So if you come by car and it is 12 miles to school and 12 miles home: 24 x 324 = 7776

12 Home Two hours of TV = 2 x 46 = 92kg

13 Holidays If you had two holidays in the UK and went by car and train:
Write down all the types of holiday you have and how you get there. Use the last year as an average. If you had two holidays in the UK and went by car and train: = 177

14 Your Carbon Footprint Draw around your foot.
Divide the footprint up to show how much you use for each section (school, home, holidays) Divide each section further to show how you use the energy (e.g. showers, watching TV, different types of holidays) Decorate using images, words etc Around the outside: How can YOU reduce your carbon footprint? How can you encourage OTHERS to reduce their carbon footprint Examples on next slide


16 How can we reduce the human impact on the environment
In your groups: write down as many ways (including the ones you just came up with for your carbon footprint)- in two minutes- that you can think of to reduce the human impact on the Earth…..

17 1. Reduce ©Flickr/antwerpenR/freerangelibrarian/SFB579

18 2. Re-Use ©Flickr/stevemaher/eclipse_etc/Arbel Egger

19 3. Recycle ©Flickr/imeleven/practicalowl/thelGl™

20 USE FSC products ©Flickr/hmcotteril/maistoria/FSC

21 5. Save energy ©Flickr/lecasio/Chimpr/jypsygen

22 6. SAVE WATER ©Flickr/Gerard Stolk en route/stevendepolo/dibytes

23 7. Bus not car ©Flickr/AndrewHA/Tram Painter/Train Chartering & Private Rail Cars

24 8. BIKE NOT BUS ©Flickr/Julien Hery/gary-foulger/pure9

25 Go Biodegradable ©Flickr/fras1977/Autumnsonata

26 Grow Your Own ©Flickr/darquati/Ebury Publishing/Marlene Manto

27 Design Campaign Mansfield District Council need help with their reduction methods. As a group you need to put together a campaign programme to be run across the town to reduce the human impact of modern life. At the end of this session you are going to pitch against each other- the most convincing campaign wins!

28 Roles Researcher- science (finding out the science behind environmental change to provide facts/evidence) Researcher – reduction methods (finding out about how the UK and other countries try to reduce pollution- evidence of tried and tested methods) Campaign manager – making sure that all your campaign ideas are completed in the time to a good standard. Creative designer – in charge of all creativity. Critical thinker – think about flaws in the plan/questions for other groups/ potential opposing arguments.

29 Help slide- you need to have at least two for each group
You need to target: People at home (e.g. pamphlet/ leaflet/ knocking on doors/reminder stickers/ social media etc.) Companies (e.g. fines/ posters/ presentations/ courses etc.) The council (e.g. budget/ how you will manage to get to everyone/ how each method will reduce/ why yours will work)


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