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Crash Course Changing the course of how students drive

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1 Crash Course Changing the course of how students drive
Braelyn Deem

2 Arive Alive- Don't Text and Drive
Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving. Texting and driving is insanely dangerous, which is why I did my senior project working with AAA and Phoenix Children's to help create a program to help kids get their permits and inform them of the dangers and distractions of driving.

3 You did what? I partnered with AAA and Phoenix Children's to create:
Steer Factor, a free drivers ed course Raise awareness of the dangers of texting and driving Encourage students to be safe while driving and also to wear their seatbelts

4 The recruiting/ Interview Process
I had to find people to take a survey about driving recruited 3-7 people per grade level. Scheduled interviews and times All who participated received a $25 visa When the library says no food and drink… pizza and soda applies :( Junior year, after I met Blanca, I was asked to start recruiting people to have an interview about driving. The questions were mostly about what they thought about driving, how their parents drive and if they think a driver's ed program would be successful. It wasn’t too hard to recruit because Phoenix Children’s offered a $25 visa for anyone who was interviewed :)

5 Key Findings from Focus Groups
19 percent of teens reported driving at least once a week without a permit or license. 22 percent of teen drivers between ages report using a cell phone or texting while driving. That number nearly tripled to 64 percent for drivers age 17 and older. 69 percent of teen drivers reported driving with more than one passenger. 25 percent of teens reported that they or their passengers do not always buckle up when riding in a car. State statistics on impact of driving and texting and the impact it has on people today. Most people don’t think texting and driving is a bad thing, looking up every few seconds is perfectly acceptable because it is important to respond to that text because “it was your mom”. No!! Texting and driving has caused way too many car accidents and fatalities.

6 Steer Factor We compiled information from focus groups to create steer factor Steer Factor is a community-based program that teaches safe driving practices by exploring risks, peer pressure and consequences to better prepare teens to get their learner's permits. After school class, 1 Semester long This class counts as a driver's ED class... which Insurance companies offer discounts for Working with the district was a little difficult because of certain rules, AAA was not allowed to be on Basha’s campus. Working through the summer a drivers ed course was created based on students responses from the interviews of 5 schools in the valley. A few months into school, we were able to use the Basha Pool classroom as a class for the drivers ed course. I helped advertise and recruit people for the class. The drivers ed course prepared students to get their licences.

7 Development of the class
Compiled findings from focus groups to develop steer factor- a free drivers ed class offered to students Throughout the summer Blanca worked with members of AAA and Phoenix Children’s to create a drivers ed class that would be interesting but informative. Shortly into my senior year they were ready for me to start recruiting.

8 Another class Steer factor is offered twice a year!!
Ideal for students Means more recruiting and advertising Because people are always getting their licenses it was ideal for the free driver’s ed course to be offered twice a year! This means more recruiting and advertising.

9 Difficulties Cusd does not allow advertisers on campus (such as AAA and Phoenix Children’s) Recruiting students to participate in steer factor was difficult as class info came out a few days before break and classes started 1 week after break Also...Blanca had a baby….(cough cough Davis) A few difficulties I had with my senior project is “advertisers” aren’t allowed on the school campus, therefore Blanca could not come on campus and help explain the class and give more information. Also the CUSD 2 week breaks often got in the way of pre planned classes and recruiting. I only had 1 week to recruit people to take the driver's ed course. Also half way through my project, Blanca had a baby and I had to switch to working with Angelica.

10 Pledge not to text and drive
I sat at lunches informing students of the alarming dangers of texting and driving! Many students willingly signed the pledge to not text and drive! Because I was working with AAA and Phoenix Children's, Blanca was finally able to come on campus. Throughout the lunches we had a poster for kids to sign to not text and drive. After communicating with Angelica we put up the poster together


12 Buckle Up Basha Competition between Basha, Mesquite, and Dobson High school I encouraged students to wear their seatbelts by making posters and putting information in the school announcements Random observation checks are performed by AAA representatives as students pull in and out of student parking lot Angelica thought it would be fun to have a battle of the schools to see who wore the most seat belts. Random observations were taken and the winning school would receive $1,000. I got a group together and we made posters and advertised.

13 Impact on BHS -Students are more confident to take their learners permit test -Students are aware of the dangers of texting & driving -Many of Basha students pledged to not text and drive = safer roads -Basha Buckles up! Throughout the course people have become more confident to take their permit tests, more aware of the consequences of their choices while driving. Students better understand the impact of reckless driving and the consequences it can cause.

14 Impact on community If we have Safer teen drivers then we’ll have safer roads If safe driving habits developed now then we’ll have safer roads in the future At this point in the presentation, Blanca will describe how I have helped them with their program and how I helped.

15 BHS Mission Statement helped better BHS by helping students learn more about safe driving Helped save lives. No texting while driving means less of a chance of getting in an accident \ My senior project relates to the BHS mission statement because I was able to better Basha by spreading information on what safe driving is, help people learn to be a safe driver and help others create a more honorable driving habits.

16 Pictures of Artifacts Here are a few of my artifacts of my conversations with Blanca and Angelica and how I have been working with them for the past 2 years.

17 Works Cited PhxChildrensHospital. "Steer Factor - Teen Driving Safety and Monte's Story." YouTube. YouTube, 11 Jan Web. 03 Apr Robert T. "Texting and Driving." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr "Texting and Driving Statistics - Distracted Driving Drives Up Risk." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr "TEXTING WHILE DRIVING IS JUST AS RECKLESS." Phoenix Children's. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr

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