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Unit 1: Politics and Elections Jeopardy!

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: Politics and Elections Jeopardy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: Politics and Elections Jeopardy!

2 Politics and Elections Functions of Political Parties
JEOPARDY! Parties Functions of Political Parties Voting Rights & Amends. Electoral College Conservative vs. Liberal Hodge Podge 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect!
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4 A group of people who work together to get candidates elected to political offices

5 Political Party

6 Political Parties can be defined in which section of the US Constitution?

7 They are NOT!

8 Split-Ticket voting and the growing group of Independent Voters is doing what to the Two Party System?

9 Weakening

10 Types of minor parties: Parties that have broken from one of the major parties

11 Splinter Parties

12 The party out of power (without a sitting President) tends to be…

13 Less organized/united

14 Functions: to seek out and name candidates for public office

15 Nominating Function

16 Functions: The party out of power is to criticize and offer solutions to the policies and behavior of the party in power

17 Watchdog

18 What are three ways the parties will inform or activate its supporters?

19 Answers may vary…

20 DD Daily Double!!!

21 Functions: When executive office appointments are made with party consideration or pushing the parties agenda in Congress

22 Governing

23 Functions: To ensure the good performance of a parties candidates and office holders

24 Bonding Agent

25 This amendment granted the right to vote to freed slaves after the Civil War

26 15th Amendment

27 I was created as a result of many young men being drafted to fight in the Vietnam War but could not vote

28 26th Amendment

29 As the population of the District of Columbia grew this amendment was added to the Constitution to give those citizens the ability to participate in Presidential elections

30 23rd Amendment

31 No State can require payment of any tax as a condition for taking part in the nomination or election of any federal officeholder

32 24th Amendment

33 What do the 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th Amendments all have in common?

34 Expanded the voting population

35 This is the magic number needed to win the Electoral College

36 270

37 The total amount of Electoral Votes

38 538

39 The two States that do not have the Winner-Take-All system for their electoral votes

40 Maine and Nebraska

41 If there is no majority winner in the electoral college who decides who will be President?

42 House of Representatives

43 List one advantage of the Electoral College

44 Encourages the two-party system which equals stability Maintains our Federal system giving the States a role System requires a distribution of popular support

45 Red States are those States in which _________ typically win.

46 Republicans

47 Minorities typically vote…

48 Democrat

49 Which party would like to limit our involvement in world affairs?

50 Demcrats

51 In our criminal justice system who would typically like to see felons rehabbed as productive members of society?

52 Democrats

53 Accurately draw a political spectrum


55 One of the fancy terms that mean the right to vote…

56 Suffrage / Franchise

57 The conducting of elections is a ________ power.

58 States (Reserved)

59 We can associate the Conservative ideology with which party?

60 Republican

61 List one disadvantage of our Electoral College

62 Encourages low voter turnout Candidate who wins the popular vote may not win Concentration of campaigning in contested States

63 A government action based on a firm allegiance to a political party and its policies

64 Partisanship

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