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Early Presidents James Monroe Monroe Doctrine: Principles of the times

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1 Early Presidents James Monroe Monroe Doctrine: Principles of the times
Monroe Doctrine: Principles of the times Spain/Portugal defeated Napoleon-wanting to reclaim territory in Latin America…Russians were Alaska-moving trading posts in California…with Spain and Portugal trying to get there colonies back and Russians pushing into Northwest, US felt pressure….

2 James Monroe James Monroe
US felt pressure….Thinking of acquiring Mexico and Cuba (Spanish) Russians posed a threat to American trade with China-huge profits for us at the time

3 Monroe Doctrine Warned all outside powers not to interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere. Don’t attempt to create new colonies or try to overthrow. The newly independent republics in the hemisphere. The US would consider any action dangerous to our peace and safety.

4 2. The United States would not involve itself in European affairs or interfere with existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

5 Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise (1820)******dividing line ****** Western expansion to the West became popular. Some left to escape debts, others to run from the law but most left for economic gains. Land was plentiful and fertile and cheap. Territory would hit 60,000 people could petition for statehood.

6 Compromise from Clay When Missouri asked for admission into Union conflicts arose. Issue was over slavery. Balance-Illinois was 11th free state so many felt that Missouri should be 11th slave state-“even steven” Southerners were upset about slavery being compromised even after Alabama entered as 11th state-slavery:::North and South conflict was very heated. Henry Clay to the rescue before discussion of civil war and end to the Union.

7 Results Maine was admitted as free state and Missouri as a slave state: preserves balance in Union   The rest of Louisiana Territory was split into two spheres of interest: one for slaveholders and one for free settlers. South of the line slavery was legal. North of the line slavery was outlawed.

8 Andrew Jackson “Old Hickory”
**** ran for President the first time (1824)-won the election by popular vote but not electoral votes…House of Reps decided because no candidate won enough electoral votes. Adams was chosen as President instead , Jackson won election in his party known as Democratic-Republicans. Three times as many voted….voting requirements had eased up from Adams.

9 Cherokee Indians Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears
Jackson ignored Supreme Court (Worchester v Georgia) by removing the Native Americans. This action was supported by American White Settlers because it freed up the land. Trail of Tears Moved Cherokee to Oklahoma. 15,000 removed and about 4000 died before reaching destination.

10 Spoils for Jackson Spoils System: Jackson system used during his presidency. Govt. jobs given to loyal supporters of his political party. He fired over 200 government workers and replaced with his own. Many were not trained or qualified to do the

11 Sectionalism Grows North: Industrialized, also heavy growth in Railroads, food crops. Bring slavery to an end (abolitionist movement) South: Agriculture: Tobacco, cotton crops. Little transportation, just rivers and port of New Orleans. Want slavery to stay and expand westward West: Forming the “breadbasket” of America. Freedom to go West and expand Democracy. Land is cheap.

12 Manifest Destiny Destiny of America to go from one coast to the other.
We begin to expand the country. Jackson buys Florida for 5 million Texas Territory Oregon Territory Mexican Cession (Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico)

13 Wrap up on Jackson Rise of Politics 5x more voters in 1828 election due to restriction lifted on requirements (did not have to own property anymore in order to vote Tariff of Abominations: A tax on imports. The South was OPPOSED. It was passed to protect Northern Industries. This hurt the South. VP Calhoun argues the “Nullification Theory” and there is talk of Succession from South Carolina.

14 Jackson wrap up …. Jacksonian Democracy: Vetoes more acts of Congress than all Presidents combined (6 vetoes) He feels there are “too many wealthy with too much power” BUS: Jackson opposed the BUS. Closes down national bank. Feels that the banks have too much control over state banking Indian Removal Act: Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma

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