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NACCHO’s Role Environmental Public Health Tracking

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1 NACCHO’s Role Environmental Public Health Tracking
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2 State Tracking Program
Overview NACCHO activities Key informant interview summary report Key recommendations for bridging the gap between state and local health departments NACCHO workgroup recommendations Leveraging efforts State Tracking Program LHDS LHDs Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH) & Tracking Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Process & Tracking (MAPP)

3 EPHT NACCHO Activities Conducting key informant interviews
Hosting webinars Providing feedback on new tracking resources and features Convening NACCHO’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Workgroup Promoting Tracking resources Hosting facilitated discussions EPHT Conducting key informant interviews Hosting webinars to promote Tracking to LHDs Providing feedback on new resources and features of the National Tracking Network Convening NACCHO’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Workgroup Promoting Tracking resources via various communication channels Hosting facilitated discussions between LHDs and state programs Offer the local health department (LHD) perspective Conducted facilitated discussions in CA, FL, MA, MD, NY, OR, UT, WA, WI Working with IA and MN to convene facilitated discussions for 2012 NACCHO also hosted a previous series of webinars on Tracking (refer folks to the NACCHO website) Provide strategies for strengthening collaboration and communication between state grantees and LHDs that are working to understand the links between key environmental health indicators and the development of disease

4 NACCHO Workgroup Recommendations
Link tracking resources to county health rankings Provide more localized data Link data to voting precincts Directly connect with community nurses, environmental health specialists, etc. Tie into community assessment processes (e.g. PACE-EH, MAPP) Seek to expand range of data in portal that reflects the scope of work of LHDs Provide for educating local policy makers Develop culture that expects coordination/cooperation between state and local health departments Local  state didn’t know want and to send out everything

5 Webinars Environmental Public Health Tracking and Health Impact Assessments April 12, 2012 (Archived) Overview of HIA Online Tool for Tracking Health Impacts of Ambient Air Pollutants – CDC Estimating Morbidity and Mortality Attributable to Air Pollution – NYC HIA of a Proposed Cap-and-Trade Framework – California Environmental Public Health Tracking and Children’s Health June 1, 2012, 1:30-3:00 PM ET Overview of Children’s Health Module – CDC Asthma and Outdoor Quality – Florida Childhood Lead Poisoning – Maine

6 Leveraging Efforts Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Process Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH) Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Accreditation MAPP: Mobilizing: Engaging the community Action: Implementing a health improvement plan Planning: Applying strategic planning concepts Partnerships: Involving local public health system and community partners CHSA: Infant mortality is higher among African Americans than whites. CTSA: Literature links chronic stress to poor health outcomes. Residents in the focus group name housing concerns as their top stressor. LPHSA: The public health system is strong in monitoring health (ES 1) and health education (ES 3) but weak in mobilizing the community (ES 4) and developing policies and plans (ES 5). FOCA: City policies are leading to gentrification and inadequate high-quality housing stock.

7 Key Informant Interviews: Barriers
Lack of localized data • Linkages among hazards, exposure, and health outcomes not clear enough • Insufficient time and staff capacity • Uncertainty about the application of tracking data and resources lack of localized data that provide insight to geographic units smaller than the county level. • The linkages among hazards, exposure, and health outcomes are not clear enough. • Insufficient time and staff capacity to interpret and use the data. • Uncertainty among LHD staff about how to apply and use tracking data and resources.

8 Key Informant Interviews: Recommendations
Develop and enhance localized data • Provide specific programmatic examples • Connect with community health assessments and health impact assessments • Market to specific capacity and size of LHD workforces Provide plain language communication materials Support LHDs building local portals 5 LHDs were working toward merging data systems around environmental health and health outcomes; three were specifically tracking oriented Develop and enhance city, neighborhood, and Census track-level data. • Provide specific programmatic examples of how LHDs could use the data related to how they currently serve their communities. • Demonstrate how LHDs could use data during community health assessments and health impact assessments. • Market tracking information and resources in a manner that takes into account the specific capacity and size of LHD workforces. Develop and expand plain language communication materials suitable for the general public and policymakers that LHDs can use to communicate the relationships among hazards, exposure, and health outcomes. • Expand educational opportunities that provide information and best practices on how LHDs can build local portals. • Provide plain language communication

9 Bridging Gap Between State/Local Health Departments
Workgroups Facilitated discussions In-person meetings State-wide meetings Direct and in-person trainings Mini grants Mechanism for LHDs to collect tracking data Site visits Direct communications State Tracking Program LHDS LHDs State and local health departments should work together to develop strategies on how best to use tracking data and resources that meet the specific needs of LHDs. If it doubt give more, want to know as much as they can give us.

10 For more information about NACCHO’s Tracking Project, go to:
Questions? For more information about NACCHO’s Tracking Project, go to: Becky Johnson ) Amy Chang ) Jennifer Li )

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