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Agenda Financial Awards Financial Aid for Domestic Students

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2 Agenda Financial Awards Financial Aid for Domestic Students
Financial Aid for International Students Student Financial Services Where to Access Your Bill Terp Payment Plan Contacts Questions

3 Financial Awards Scholarships Graduate Assistantships (1 Year only)
Granted upon Admission Divided evenly between Spring and Fall semesters Graduate Assistantships (1 Year only) 180 hours/semester (10-12 hours / week ) Benefits In State-Tuition Rate Partial tuition reimbursement at the Standard Graduate tuition level Stipend $8,072 total for one year (divided equally over the course of 9 months) Health Benefits

4 Financial Aid for Domestic Students
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or eligible non-citizens FAFSA Stafford Unsubsidized Loan Graduate PLUS Loan Private Loans

5 FAFSA on the Web: University of MD School Code:

6 Stafford Loans (Unsubsidized)
Requirements: Must complete the FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( Must be degree seeking Must be enrolled for at least 4 credits Must be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident, or other eligible non-citizen Interest Rate: fixed at 5.31%. Repayment Terms: 6 months after graduation or dropping below half-time status. Loan Amount: $20,500 (Maximum annual limit)

7 Grad PLUS Loan Requirements:
Must complete the FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( Must be degree seeking Must be enrolled for at least 6 credits Must be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident, or other eligible non-citizen Interest Rate: Fixed at 6.31%. Repayment Terms: 6 months after graduation or dropping below half-time status. Loan Amount: Can receive up to the cost of attendance (COA) minus any other financial assistance.

8 Private Loans Secured through private lenders
Personal banks or credit unions Based on credit; typically have higher interest rates Students may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance minus any other financial aid awards (including other loans) May require a co-signer

9 Financial Aid for International Students
International Student Fee Private Loans International Lender List

10 International Student Fee
Effective Fall 2017 $125 per semester for all newly enrolled, full time students who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent residents. Part time students will be assessed $62.50 per semester. To learn more about the international student fee and tuition related expenses, please visit the Office of the Bursar website at For more information on international students, visit International Education Services.

11 Private Loans- International Students
For loans from U.S. banks and credit unions Applicants must secure a U.S. credit-worthy co-signer

12 International Lender List

13 Student Financial Services
Office of the Bursar Processes all payments Billing Statements can be viewed through Testudo “Account Inquiry” provides up-to-date view of billing status Office of Student Financial Aid Processes all federal aid applications, including FAFSA and private loan applications (U.S. only) Awards a financial aid package annually (Students accept/decline award through Testudo)

14 Where to Access Your Bill

15 Where to Access Your Bill

16 Terp Payment Plan 10 month (enrollment fee $50)
July - April 8 month (enrollment fee $80) September- April 4 or 5 month (enrollment fee $45) Fall or Spring For more information, please visit

17 Masters Program Office
Important Contacts Masters Program Office Samantha Hanssen Billing & Financial Aid Phone: (301) Eugenia Melandri Financial Awards Phone: (301) Financial Aid Venesha Bridges Phone: (301) Bursar’s Office Phone: (301)

18 Questions???

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