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29.1 Political Change in Texas

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1 29.1 Political Change in Texas

2 Two-Party State The election of Bill Clements in marked a turning point in state politics. Many Texans had turned to the Republican Party, which promised to control government spending and keep taxes low. As a result, Texas was rapidly becoming a two-party state. Bill Clements

3 Two-Party State In the four elections for governor from 1978 to 1990, Republicans won two, and Democrats won two. Clements promised to boost the state’s economy by lowering taxes and reducing government regulation of business. In 1982 he ran for governor again, but lost to Democrat Mark White. Governor Mark White

4 Two-Party State White put improvements in the state’s educational system as one of his top priorities. In a rematch of the 1982 race, Clements won a second term as governor in 1986. The makeup of the Texas legislature also reflected the development of a two-party political system.

5 Two-Party State In 1961 only two Republicans held seats in the 181-seat Texas legislature. These numbers gradually rose during the 1960s and 1970s. Texans also increasingly supported the Republican Party on the national level. In 1970 only 4 members of the 25- member congressional delegation belonged to the Republican Party.

6 Two-Party State As with the number of Republican state legislators, this number increased during the 1970s. Republican leasers such as John Tower, who served in the U.S. Senate for more than 20 years beginning in 1961, worked to increase their party’s visibility in the state. John Tower

7 Two-Party State In 1984 Republican congressman Phil Gramm, a former Democrat won Tower’s seat when Tower retired. A former economics professor at Texas A&M University (whoop!), Gramm won re-election in 1990 and As chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Gramm supported legislation that reformed the nation’s banking laws. Phil Gramm

8 Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Two-Party State Gramm served in the Senate with Democrat Lloyd Bentsen until Bentsen resigned to become U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in 1993. Bentsen’s seat was won by Republican Kay Bailey Hutchinson who became the state’s first female U.S. Senator. Senator Lloyd Bentsen Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson

9 Politics in the 1990s The growing power of the Republican Party in Texas was put to the test in the 1990s governor’s election. The Democratic Party nominated Ann Richards, the state’s treasurer since 1983. Republicans chose Clayton Williams, a businessman from Midland. Clayton Williams Ann Richards

10 Politics in the 1990s Richards won the election, which featured the highest voter turnout for a governor’s race since 1970. Richards promised to support the state’s businesses while ensuring strong protection for the environment. She also called for more women and members of minority groups to participate in leadership positions in the state government.

11 Politics in the 1990s Richards ran for governor again in 1994.
The Republican Party nominated George W. Bush as their candidate. Bush had worked in the Texas oil industry and was part owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team. Bush won after a vigorous campaign.

12 Politics in the 1990s Bush called for improvements in the economy and schools, lower property taxes, and stronger criminal laws. Bush recognized that he needed the cooperation of the legislature – which was controlled by democrats – to achieve his goals. Bush urged both parties to engage in bipartisanship, or cooperation between both parties.

13 Politics in the 1990s The governor developed a strong working relationship with Democratic leaders such as Bob Bullock, who served as lieutenant governor during most of Bush’s time as governor. The legislature soon passed a number of laws supported by Bush. Bush easily won re-election in 1998 and held the office until he resigned in December to serve as U.S. president. Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry became governor.

14 Politics in the 1990s Meanwhile in 1996, the Republican Party had won control of the Texas Senate for the first time since Reconstruction. Democrats held a small majority in the House of Representatives throughout the 1990s.

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