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OSIRIS Full Team Meeting -

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1 OSIRIS Full Team Meeting -
Schloss Ringberg Is the sublimation of icy grains detectable with the OSIRIS camera onboard Rosetta ? A. Gicquel, J-B. Vincent, J. Agarwal, I. Bertini, X. Shi, H. Sierks and OSIRIS-MPS Team

2 Model of sublimation : Temperature and lifetime
Objectives : Study the sublimation of icy grains Porosity = 0.5 a Pure water ice : αice = 100 % Dirty: H2O mixed with amonia and amorphous carbon Two-layers αice = 20 % Three-layers αice = 50 % Temperature of grains as a function of size lifetime Water ice AmorphousOlivine Amorphous Carbon Amorphous Olivine ri Rotundi et al. 2015 Rh = 1.24AU - Solid Rh = 4.0AU - Dashed The temperature of grains is not particularly sensitive to the exact amount of “dirt” contamination within the ice

3 Sublimation Esub = H(T)Q(T)
Temperature determines the sublimation rate of the grain Sublimation is assumed to occur throughout the porous material and not only from the surface of the spherical grain Sublimation rate [kg s-1] a is the radius of the grain Pv is the vapor pressure m is the molecular mass SA is the correcting factor translating the surface area of the grain into the total sublimating area of the porous medium - The lifetime is strongly dependent of this parameter Velocity [m s-1] v0(5 μm) = 80 m s v0(50 μm) = 30 m s-1 v0(500 μm) = 10 m s-1 Vincent et al in good agreement with the GIADA data (Della Corte et al. 2015)

4 Variation with the geometry of observations
2-Layer Grains Sublimation detectable in the images for small and large grains 1.24 AU < Rh < 2.0AU Sublimation ends at distances from the nucleus < 1 km up to 10km Sublimation detectable in the images for small grains Rh = 3.0AU Sublimation ends at distances from the nucleus < 10 km Sublimation not detectable in the images even for small grains Rh = 4.0 AU Sublimation ends at distances from the nucleus < 1000 km a = 5 μm - Solid a = 500 μm – Dashed Rh = 1.24AU Rh = 1.6AU Rh = 2.0AU Rh = 3.0AU Rh = 4.0AU

5 Variation with the composition
Rh = 2.0AU a = 5 μm – Solid a = 50 μm – Dash-Dotted a = 500 μm – Dashed 2-Layer Dirty Sublimation for 2-Layer Grains Sublimation ends at distances from the nucleus < 2km up to 20km Sublimation for Dirty Grains Sublimation ends at distances from the nucleus < 5km up to 70km

6 \MTP016P\STP058_DUST_MON_005 WAC images – Visible Filter – Rh = 2.0AU – Observations during the equinox WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 to WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 ΔS/C = 206 km FOV = 44km x 44km Resolution = 21 m /px Binning: 1 x 1 Time between the 1st and the last image used in this analysis ≈ 16h15

7 WAC_2015-05-30T16.43.38.579Z_ID30_1397549200_F18 Coma Jet 3 2 1
Coma = mean(coma1+coma2+coma3)

8 WAC_ T Z_ID30_ _F18 I = Dβ Coma: β = -0.74 Jet only (Jet-Coma): β = Fit of the jet’s curve Dispersion (cone) Sublimation of Dirty Grains a = 5 μm – Solid a = 50 μm – Dash-Dotted

9 T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z T Z

10 T Z T Z T Z T Z β = -0.78 β = β = -0.73 β = β = -0.74 β = β = -0.70 β = T Z T Z T Z β = -0.67 β = β = -0.66 β = β = -0.69 β = T Z T Z T Z T Z β = -0.85 β = β = -0.84 β = β = -0.75 β = β = -0.77 β =

11 Conclusion Slope of the jet much steeper than the coma
Brightness of the coma < β < (-0.74± 0.06) Brightness of the jet < β < (-1.31± 0.57) Slope of the jet much steeper than the coma Good agreement with Lin et al 2015 (August – September 2014 – Hapi region) Brightness slope after one full rotation is similar Flat slope f the coma : Characteristic of large-sized grains with an organic-rich composition (Capaccioni et al 2015.) Scale length of the jets ≈ 10km Good agreement with Lin et al 2015 and our model of sublimation Steep slope the grain : Gain acceleration : Terminal speeds for micron-sized around 2km from the nucleus Dispersion due to a cone : Reproduction of the curve before 4 km Sublimation : Reproduction of the curve from 4 km to 10 km

12 π – DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
Future Work: π- DSMC DLL π – DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) Study the gas-flow close to the nucleus Simulate millions of molecules Homogeneous gas flux Dust particles with a zero velocity 3 forces acting on the grains : drag force, gravity and radiative pressure DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Integrate the sublimation of icy grains in the gas flow: model of sublimation Study the effect of the additional gas on the dust trajectories

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