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1 learning suite with sat/act essentials
Provided By [enter library name or logo/change font color to black] Provide a short intro to yourself and the library. Powered By

2 The Learning Suite
Live, on-demand tutoring available online from any internet-connected computer or mobile device, [enter tutoring hours/days]. Math* Science* Social Studies* Languages Writing Test Prep Computer & Job Basic I & II Basic History English Real-time AP® Test Job Searches Algebra I & II Earth Science Government -Grammar & Drop Off PSAT Applications Geometry Biology Geography -Literature Essays ACT Cover Letters Trigonometry Chemistry Political Science -Vocabulary Creative Writing SAT Résumés Calculus Physics Citizenship Reading Comp. Book Reports GED Interview Prep Statistics ESL/ELL Short Stories MS Word Drop-Off Spanish Research Papers MS Excel MS PowerPoint *Bilingual Spanish speaking tutors available is an online tutoring and homework help service where students connect to an expert tutor for a real-time learning session. Tutors support students with difficult homework problems, writing assignments, test preparation and concept reviews in over 40 subjects and test prep areas. They cover all levels from Kindergarten through intro-level college including AP and IB levels. The en Español service provides bilingual Spanish speaking tutors for all subjects in math, science and social studies. Tutors are online and available, no appointment needed, from [your program’s hours & days]. The service is only closed on New Year’s Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

3 Safe & Secure Online Classroom
All sessions recorded for safety & quality control. All sessions take place in the Online Classroom where students are able to instant message with their tutor, use the interactive whiteboard and share files with the tutor. Tutors are also able to share educational online resources to supplement the discussion. Students are anonymous to tutors. has a very strict policy prohibiting the sharing of personally identifying information. All sessions are recorded for student & tutor safety, as well as for quality control purposes. We’ll take a look at the online classroom and learning environment soon. First, let me tell you more about the tutors.

4 Trusted Library Partner
Over 15 years experience - Nearly 15 million sessions Rigorous Application Process has been partnering with public and state libraries across the country since They have served nearly 15 million online tutoring sessions and have been vetted by educational experts. Also, is a service of The Princeton Review, which is the world’s leader in test preparation, having spent the last 30 years helping students get into the college of their choice. Student and tutor safety is their #1 priority, followed very closely by effective education. Therefore, has an extensive application process for those desiring to become tutors. Less than 3% of their tutor applicants are accepted as potential tutors. Once onboard and working with students, tutors are then continuously monitored by the Quality Control team to ensure they are following all safety procedures and providing highly effective educational experiences to all students. 3,600+ Expert Tutors Must Be: Legally allowed to work in U.S, Proven experts in their subject areas, Able to communicate effectively online, Proficient in online classroom tools, Able to pass background check annually. Background Check Includes: Seven-year criminal history - Federal, State & Local Level, Sex Offenders’ list check, Social security number trace, Education verification.

5 Build off of the student’s foundation.
Proven Effective Improves grades and test performance. Build off of the student’s foundation. Tutors begin each session by identifying students’ existing knowledge and identifying gaps in student learning. Provide instruction relevant to student. Let the student think it through and do it. Tutors use leading questions and examples do demonstrate key concepts—students do the work. Clarify & utilize methods used in classroom so instruction is aligned to curriculum and standards. Create a positive learning experience. Tutors build students’ confidence while addressing gaps in knowledge, encouraging them to try and showing them it’s possible. Present information in multiple formats. Tutors leverage the Online Classroom’s chat, whiteboard and sharing tools to provide multi-modal instruction Stop the stress before it begins. Tutors are available with no appointment needed, from any internet connection when students need them most. uses a well documented pedagogy that has been used in effective classrooms for decades. They concentrate on improving critical thinking skills and helping students understand the concepts behind each question. will not give answers. Instead, they engage students in a positive learning environment that is personalized to each particular student’s need including pre-requisite knowledge level and methods being used by the student’s school teachers. Multiple research studies by third-party educational experts have been conducted to measure the effectiveness of Year after year, results show that students who use score higher on tests, improve coursework grades and are more likely to continue their plan of study. For more information about’s methods and effectiveness, visit their Human Centered Learning website at Learn more at

6 Additional Learning Tools
More than just tutoring Open 24/7 for submission. Reviews typically returned in under 5 hours. Receive detailed feedback and suggestions on your written assignments. Open during tutoring hours for submission. Only 1 problem at a time. Great for understanding missed quiz or homework assignments. Math, science and language arts Includes score report and resources for missed questions. Perfect for skills drills or practicing for an upcoming test. In addition to the live, on-demand tutoring, our service also includes several other learning tools. The drop-off review services for writing and math can help students save time in their studying while also providing in-depth feedback on writing assignments and written explanations of difficult math problems. The math drop-off service is especially helpful for students that learn better by reading written explanations or for those that are intimidated by math. Practice quizzes give students a chance to prepare for upcoming tests in the areas of math, science and language arts while also serving as Skills Drills for students needing extra hands-on practice. And, the SkillsCenter Resource Library contains thousands of vetted educational resources available 24/7 to supplement the one-to-one, live tutoring option. SkillsCenter includes informational websites, instructional videos, customizable flashcards, practice tests and much more.

7 SAT/ACT Essentials Test Prep
Powered by The Princeton Review The newest addition to our service is SAT/ACT Essentials Test Prep, powered and created by The Princeton Review. This is a service that The Princeton Review sells to individual students for $300, but for library card holders, it is free through our program. Essentials includes full length practice tests for both the SAT and ACT. Once a student takes the practice test, they’ll receive a very comprehensive score report that details the areas the student needs to work on to improve their test score. In addition, they also receive a personalized study plan with corresponding video lessons and practice drills that focus not only on the concepts but also on test taking strategies. Essentials also includes a Resource section that provides expert advice on navigating the entire college application process including financial aid information and tips for writing application essays.

8 Services for Adults, Too!
Adult Education & Job Search Assistance Note to presenter: delete this slide if your library has chosen to only offer’s K-12th grade service. Just one more thing before we take a look at the classroom. Please know that this service is not just for kids. Our program also includes services for all ages. Academic tutors can help adults that are studying for the GED/HiSET/TASC, preparing for the U.S. Citizenship test, returning to school or helping their own children with homework. The Career Tutors will help job seekers find job opportunities online, write strong cover letters and resumes and practice for an interview.

9 Note to Presenter! Delete this slide before showing!!
The remainder of the slides show screenshots of the full Learning Suite. Use only the slides you have time to show! The Learning Suite has been built to be very user friendly and most users are able to jump in and use the features without needing training. We also include a demo video on our program pages, so a complete tour to parents/teachers is not always needed. You may also consider showing your program’s page instead of using screenshots, especially if giving the presentation during your regular open tutoring hours. does NOT suggest doing a live demonstration with a tutor, as sessions average around 20 minutes and it often takes to long during a presentation. If you’d like, use the Practice Classroom to show how the whiteboard and chat features work.

10 Website Location Paste a screenshot of the link on the library’s website to show where patrons go to get access. Now that you have an idea of the many different ways can help, let’s take a look at how to use it. To access, go to the library’s website and click on….

11 Patron Authentication
Library Card Number In-Library IP Address Enter a valid library card number and click submit. If your library uses a different authentication method, like library card number & PIN, replace the above image with a screenshot of the authentication page.

12 Setting Up Account Opens Completely anonymous Fully COPPA compliant
Favorite Tutors Virtual Locker Previous Sessions Drop-Off Reviews Practice Quizzes Mobile App Completely anonymous Fully COPPA compliant Patrons will be prompted to create a account. Accounts are free, anonymous and optional. If a student is under 13 years old, due to restrictions from federal regulations, parents should create the account for their child. Library patrons can choose “No thanks” and skip the account creation, but doing so will limit the features available to them. They will only be able to connect with a tutor for the live, on-demand tutoring or access the SkillsCenter Resource Library. Accounts allow patrons to use the drop-off review service, practice quizzes, SAT/ACT Essentials and give them access to their previous sessions, a virtual locker and the ability to tag and reconnect with favorite tutors.

13 Entry Page Once through the account creation page, students land on the Entry Page where they can choose the type of help they need. They can select one of the extra features like the drop-off service or SAT/ACT Essentials from the top menu or they can fill out the brief pre-session questionnaire to connect to a tutor right away. The SkillsCenter Resource Library is located just below the pre-session questionnaire.

14 Essay & Resume Drop-Off
Let’s take a tour from left to right, top to bottom of all of the features. First is the essay and resume drop-off service. This is open 24/7 for submissions. Tutors typically respond in less than 5 hours. They will review the written document and send back a copy of the original file with comments as well as a summary of feedback. Please note, this is not an editing service. Editing papers for someone is very much like “giving answers,” so’s WriteTutors instead provide guidance on how to improve the paper without actually making the edits.

15 Drop Off Math (Algebra – Calculus)
The drop-off math service allows students to submit ONE problem at a time. It is only open for submission during regular tutoring hours and turn-around is typically much longer. These safeguards are in place to ensure students are not trying to submit all of their math homework problems to get someone else to do the work for them. The drop-off math service should be used by students that have a difficult time learning math through watching or doing. It is great for those that are intimidated by a page of numbers and symbols, those more comfortable with words. It is also good for students that have missed a problem on a homework assignment or quiz and want to get a more in-depth explanation of the problem so they can tackle it on the test. When a student submits a math problem through the drop-off service, tutors will return a written, step-by-step explanation of the concepts and how to solve the problem, including supporting whiteboard diagrams.

16 Practice Quizzes Practice Quizzes help students prepare for upcoming end-of-chapter tests or practice their skills in particular areas of math, science and language arts. Each quiz is about questions long, depending on the depth of the topic. Students receive a score report after completing the quiz that includes a list of all missed questions. They then have the option of reviewing the correct answer, opening a resource related to that topic or discussing the question with a tutor.

17 SAT/ACT Essentials Test Prep
The SAT/ACT Essentials Test Prep provides The Princeton Review’s proven test preparation tools to all library card holders at no cost to the student. Students can choose to prep for the SAT, ACT or both.

18 Personalized Student Portal
After entering the Essentials portal, a short series of popups will provide the student with a tour of all sections. A few things to know about the Essentials tools…

19 Important notes Practice tests can be taken as timed, time & a half, double-time or untimed. Tests can be taken more than once to show progress. The Score Reports are extremely detailed, even showing each missed question. The Areas of Focus on the Score Report are in order of what will most affect the student’s score. To improve their score the most, students should master each Area of Focus in order. Clicking into each Area of Focus will provide a video lesson and practice drill for that topic. Remember, tutors are available through the Entry Page to help with these topics, as well. Additional video lessons and practice drills are available in the Coursework section for students that have mastered their Areas of Focus and wish to do more. It takes more than just a good test score to get into college. Review the Resources section to learn more about applications, essays, financial aid and more.

20 “My Account” Menu Next, onto the My Account Menu, back on the main Entry Page. For students that create an account, they can access their previous sessions, tag and reconnect with favorite tutors and save assignment or job search related documents in the virtual locker under My Accounts.

21 SkillsCenter Resources
Before we take a look at the online classroom where students interact with tutors, let’s look at the SkillsCenter Resource Library. This is located at the bottom of the Entry Page and includes three sections: Study Resources, Test Prep Resources and Career Resources. The SkillsCenter can be searched using key words or a drop-down navigation tree. It includes online resources from thousands of educational companies and career experts. Depending on the topic searched, students can find informational websites, instructional videos, previously recorded sessions, sample tests & worksheets, customizable flashcards and learning game. The SkillsCenter Resources are available 24/7.

22 Classroom Connection & Chat
Last, but definitely not least, The online classroom. Please remember, everything in the classroom is recorded for quality control. To connect with a tutor, students choose their topic, subject and grade level from the Entry Page. They should enter a question or area of study in the Question box and click to connect. The average wait time to connect with a tutor is under 2 minutes, though during really busy times, the wait time can increase a bit. Once in the classroom, students and tutors use the chat box to instant message back and forth.

23 Interactive Whiteboard(s)
They can also use the interactive whiteboards where both student and tutor can draw out problems, type an outline, graph an equation and much more.

24 Resource Sharing The tutors can also share educational online resources in the classroom to supplement the discussion. Tutors review all websites for appropriate material before launching. Also, the links to all shared resources are available in the post-session transcript for bookmarking and review.

25 File Sharing Another great feature in the online classroom is the ability to share and simultaneously view files such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files or PDFs. This feature allows the tutor and student to discuss the file while both “on the same page.” Also note that when sharing files, the actual software is viewable, like we see the MS Word controls in this example. This allows the tutors to teach students how to use the software tools to format their papers, create charts for a lab report, animate a presentation for speech class and more. Links to all files shared in the classroom are available in the post-session transcript and recorded for quality control.

26 Post Session Reviews Lastly, once a session has ended, students are encouraged to complete the survey and review their session. All survey results are shared with the library and uses these survey results and student comments for quality control purposes. For students that have not created an account, the session transcript review is very important because once the student closes the window, the session is no longer available without an account. Students can themselves (or their parent or teacher) a copy of the session, print it or replay a video of the session.

27 Questions? Presenter: enter the contact information for library staff that manage the program. As you can see, is a remarkable resource for students of all ages, their parents and teachers. The library is proud to be able to offer this service and we look forward to hearing stories from our patrons of how has helped them reach their goals. If you have further questions about or other library services, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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