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Online Keyboarding in SAM

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1 Online Keyboarding in SAM

2 Century 21 Series Century 21 Computer Skills and Applications (CSA) 10e published March 2014 Covers 90 lessons of keying content, Microsoft Office 2013 content, and computer concepts content for the high school market. Century 21 Jr 3e published January 2015 Covers 82 lessons of keying content, Microsoft Office 2013 content, and computer concepts content for the middle school market. Century 21 Digital Information Management 10e (DIM) was a first edition and published September It covers 145 lessons of soft skills, computer concepts, and Microsoft Office 2013 content for the high school market. Previously, this content was part of C21 CSA. DIM is not available in SAM.

3 MicroType MicroType 5/6 (with CheckPro) Current digital solution
CD-Based. Multiple versions (network client, etc.) Requires 5 plug-ins Need to enter as guest each time to preview content Content has old look and feel Technical issues with Check Pro WebReporter as teacher tool. Not all material is in one place.

4 What is SAM? Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) is an interactive, online learning and testing tool that gives access to powerful teaching and course management capabilities while allowing students to work independently when and where they like. Feature Detail Fully online Requires no plugins or software installation. No CDs required. Tested on and supports most common browsers. Stable platform with 99% uptime rate. User and section management Teachers can easily manage their course, from user creation to section copy and timed writing length. Auto grading Automatically grades student files and allows teachers time to review challenging skills. Gives students the opportunity to determine their mistakes and fix their errors.

5 Content in SAM Organized by textbook lesson. Assignments are already created and appear below the lesson. Keying drills from the textbook, as well as additional drills for more practice. Office 2013 SAM Trainings to learn key Microsoft Office skills. Separate scenario from textbook for critical thinking opportunities. Office 2013 SAM Exams to test on skills learned. Separate scenario from textbook for critical thinking opportunities. High School and middle school content cannot be in the same ikey.

6 Live Now Keying drills MindTap Readers (eBooks)
Microsoft Office 2013 SAM Trainings Microsoft Office 2013 SAM Exams Reports Section roster report User usage report Individual performance report Section results by assignment report As of 3/25 release Spreadsheet of live content is also available on the SAM Homepage


8 Section - Section Properties
Click on Add New Section. Enter Section Name, Course Name, Term, and Year. Select Keyboarding as the Content Version. Keyboarding in SAM and SAM Office can be in the same iKey, but separate sections.

9 Section - Textbooks You have the option to access a keyboarding textbook, which is important if you are using an eBook/MindTap Reader Find the text you want to include in your section under Available Textbooks and click Add. The textbook will move under Active Textbooks. To give students access to the MindTap Reader, move the Student readings Toggle to ON.

10 Section - Preferences You will be able to modify defaults for keying exercises, such as accuracy %, error allowance, and backspace. Any defaults in gray do not apply to that exercise, details in user manual. Important to show live

11 Section - Lessons Lessons and assignments are automatically selected.
Lessons and assignments can be de-selected and Assignments can be renamed You can set due dates or keep assignments as always available

12 Timed Writing Assignment Preferences
Available for Timed Writings Inside and Outside Lesson Click on the Assignment Options toggle to the right of the assignment. Select Scheduling Options, Assignment, or Preference Options to modify that assignment such as Time Error Allowance Backspace, etc

13 SAM Assignments For keying drills, Learn Keys, Practice Keying, Develop Skill, Improve Keystroking, and Warmup drills are all included in one assignment. Keying drills (ex. Textbook Drills & Additional Drills) are treated as trainings. Timed Writings outside the lesson (ex. Timed Writing 8) are treated as assessments/exams. Office 2013 SAM Trainings to learn key Microsoft Office skills. Separate scenario from textbook for critical thinking opportunities Office 2013 SAM Exams to test on skills learned. Trainings: Designed for students to get correct. Students have access to these assignments even after they’ve submitted them (as long as the due date has not passed). Students can skip tasks within the assignment or get tasks incorrect. Once they have gone through all tasks in that assignment once, they are taken to the last task they skipped or got incorrect. Exams: Students have a certain number of attempts to complete the assignment. Once the assignment is submitted, the student no longer has access to that assignment.

14 Keying Drills Keying drill exercises are built in HTML5
Students can navigate between tasks using the Task List, Next/Previous arrows from the Content Player toolbar, or clicking Next Task in the Task Complete pop-up message Drill text is treated as an image and cannot be copied and pasted Students can increase the font size of the text they have to key, as well as the text they’re keying

15 Keying Drills There is a preference whether Practice Keying or Timed Writing exercises are keyed from the screen or textbook Instruction will change based on the preference Text automatically scrolls as the student types. Errors are provided once the student selects Check your work Provides student opportunities for practice & repeat

16 SAM Trainings Office 2013 SAM Trainings to learn key Microsoft Office skills. Separate scenario from textbook for critical-thinking opportunities. Intro Observe Practice Apply

17 SAM Exams Office 2013 SAM Exams to test on skills learned

18 Results

19 Section Results by Assignment
Section Result by Assignment Report gives details on an assignment at the section level. In SAM, select one assignment, then select one or more sections. The report shows the average section score, the time spent on the assignment, the date the students completed the assignment, and more.

20 Individual Performance Report

21 Section Results by Section Report

22 User Usage Report

23 Section Roster Report

24 Resources and Support Resources Instructor User Manual in SAM
Student User Manual in SAM Updates and Release Notes in SAM Support Regional Engagement Consultants consult on the best digital solution to fit course needs, followed by implementation and training. Customer Tech Support delivers answers and advice via live phone support and around the-clock online self-service.

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