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Welcome to Year 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3

2 What’s New? Key Stage 2 Modern Foreign Language Shirt and tie
Longer morning Pencil case Pen (when ready) Independence

3 Daily Routines 8:50 Children line up 10:30 Break time 12:25 Lunch
Snack-fruit Water bottle Playground 12:25 Lunch 3:00 Home time

4 Reading partners ( Y6, R and parents)
Read every night and parents/carers to sign reading record Please discuss characters and storylines Change your book independently READ FOR PLEASURE School Library Guided Reading Reading partners ( Y6, R and parents) Please cover reading record with wrapping paper

5 Uniform PE Shirt and tie
Apron for Art (Grown up’s old shirt or T-shirt) PE Monday and Wednesday Named kit. No jewellery (earrings) Tracksuits (advisable, especially bottoms) Come to school in PE kit on a Monday and bring school clothes in a bag. Go home in P.E. kit on a Wednesday and take school clothes home in a bag.

6 Felt tips (plain normal tip)
Equipment Homework book (Spellings homework, maths homework and times tables). Pencil case:- 30cm ruler Pencils Sharpener Handwriting pen Glue stick (white) Coloured pencils Felt tips (plain normal tip)

7 Homework Homework Set Due Spelling Monday Friday Mathematics Wednesday
Honeycomb Thursday Learning spellings Spelling exercises Mathematics Learning times tables Reading Honeycomb Homework


9 Extra Curricular Activities
Football, Hockey, Fun and Fitness, Irish Dancing, Dance, Judo, Cross Country and more! Please check the school website for information under ‘School Groups’. These will change throughout each term.

10 Holy Family Primary School
Curriculum Map Year 3 Subjects Autumn Term Italy, Romans and Pizza The Tin Forest Spring Term Fairy tales Robots Summer Term Africa Superheroes Literacy Myths and Legends (Remulus and Remus) Poetry- Roman Solider chant Non Fiction- Roman Job Advert, Advertising Roman Slave, Colosseum leaflet, Newspaper report (Mount Vesuvius) Diary entry, Formal Letter, Story writing (old man’s dream), informal letter, Newspaper report Story Writing Informal Letter Story writing Missing Poster-Cinderella Diary Entry-Prince meeting Cinderella Story writing- Own fairy tale Story intro, design character, Wanted poster Focus on character Hogarth, using speech bubbles and speech marks. Write an account of his experience Non-Fiction writing,. Non-Fiction writing- Newspaper report. Compare the film to the story. Story Writing, write own version of the story. Diary Entry x2 Using Non Fiction books to find information Writing own Non-Fiction book about an animal Persuasive writing- Against animals in the circus Descriptive writing-Missing Poster Informal Letter Story Writing-Zahra Spiderman Shape poem Story Planning- from Comic Writing a Text message Comic Strips Story writing about own superhero Persuasive writing- applying to be Batman’s Sidekick Newspaper Report- Cape found at school. Numeracy Place Value to 1000 Mental Recall of Addition and Subtraction facts to 20, 100 Addition and Subtraction of one and two digit numbers Word Problems Shape Measuring Multiplication and Division Fractions Time Data Handling 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Rounding Numbers Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers Money 3x, 4x tables. Place value and ordering, estimating and rounding Understanding addition and subtraction and developing written strategies Solving money and “real life” problems Multiplication and division 6 x tables. RE Homes Promises Journeys Listening and sharing Giving all Energy Choices Special places

11 Science Plants Recycling Rocks: classification of rock types Light, reflection, shadows. Animals: Skelton and nutrition Inc. humans Forces and magnets, shadows Computing Algorithms, bugging and debugging programmes, internet, using search technologies, e-safety and using software Topic Italy, Romans and Pizza &The Tin Forest Fairy Tales and Robots Africa and Superheroes PE Games Dance Gym Hitting and Fielding Athletics Rounders' Art/DT Clay, design mosaic,Architects and buildings in Italy Materials and construction-Food and cookery Drawing, Painting and sculpture Horticulture Textiles Materials drawing, painting and sculpture Mechanics Electrics Materials and construction- Food and cookery Music Feeling the beat Exploring percussion /songs Songs for Roman Assembly Songs for school musical production Composing and appraising Sound, sign and symbol Dynamics and silence PSHE School Rules and Staying Safe Fire and Firework Safety Friendship and Reconciliation Tooth Care Food and Energy Germs Hazards in the Environment Trust and Co-operation


13 School Trips Pizza Express (Autumn Term)
Roman Fishbourne Palace (Autumn Term) Wisley Gardens with Mrs Clay(2017)

14 Any Questions?

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