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Key Stage 2 SATS Presentation for Parents

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1 Key Stage 2 SATS Presentation for Parents
27th April 2017

2 s/2017-national-curriculum-tests-for-key- stages-1-and-2-information-for-parents

3 Timetable Date Subject Test Paper Monday 8th May English: Reading
1 paper (1 hour) Tuesday 9th May English: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 2 papers Paper 1 short answers (45 mins) Paper 2 spelling (15-20mins) Wednesday 10th May Maths Paper 1arithmetic (30 mins) Paper 2 reasoning (40 mins) Thursday 11th May 1 paper Paper 3 reasoning (40 mins)

4 Tests will take place in the hall
Mrs Chalkley will administer Mrs Dorey will also be in the hall and possibly a governor Tests are conducted under strict exam conditions Some children may require extra support and make take the tests elsewhere e.g. meeting room

5 Additional Support Where it is normal classroom practice, some children may be entitled to additional support in the tests including: Reader Transcript Prompter Rest breaks

6 After the tests Tests are securely packaged and sent away for marking.
Papers are scanned and marked online

7 Results You will receive your child’s results with their annual written report This will be in the form of a scaled score A scaled score of 100 means that your child has reached the expected standard for the end of Year 6. Pre key-stage 2 standards (new this year) Working towards the expected level Working at greater depth within the expected level. (Scaled score of 110+)

8 Scaled Scores “Scaled scores help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. National curriculum tests are designed to be as similar as possible in terms of challenge year on year, but slight differences in difficulty will occur between years. Scaled scores maintain their meaning over time so that 2 pupils achieving the same scaled score in different years will have demonstrated the same attainment. A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test, based on the number of questions they answer correctly. The pupil’s raw score is translated into a scaled score using a conversion table. For the KS1/2 tests a scaled score of 100 represents the ‘expected standard’.

9 National Results 2016 National Reading 66% Writing 74% Maths 70%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 72% Combined 53%

10 Teacher Assessment In addition, there will be a teacher assessment.
For Reading, Maths and Science, this will be whether has met the expected standard or is working below the expected standard. In writing this will be either working below the expected standard, at the expected standard or working at greater depth within the expected standard.

11 Illness on the day of a test
Please try and ensure your child is in school throughout that week If they are ill, they can still take the test up to 5 days after the date on the timetable, providing they do not have contact with other pupils who have already had the test.

12 What you can do to help Reassure them that they just have to try their best on the day. Remind them that in most parts of the SAT papers, children do not have to write in sentences: often, phrases or even single words will be enough. Keep an early and regular bedtime routine in the days leading up to and including the test week – no late nights! Ensure your child has breakfast every day, especially during the week of the tests. Research shows that children who miss breakfast perform worse in late morning. Check your child can tell the time accurately so they will know how long there is to go in the test.

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