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I bought Pro/NC… Now What?!?

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Presentation on theme: "I bought Pro/NC… Now What?!?"— Presentation transcript:

1 I bought Pro/NC… Now What?!?
Todd Liebenow Coldfire Enterprises

2 Agenda 3 steps Supplemental information Q & A (time permitting)
Foundation Workflow Documentation Supplemental information Q & A (time permitting)

The reasons you bought Pro/Engineer, and Pro/NC probably include: Fully integrated and associative Machining applications NC Programming Functionality Mill Turn Wire EDM Post-processing Verification Process planning and documentation Robust automated toolpath creation The most versatile NC programming solution available Machines anything Enables truly concurrent design through manufacturing

4 Mold Inserts & Electrodes
Single Product Model Features Single product model ensures consistency among all manufacturing deliverables No translation means accurate toolpaths Intuitive, manufacturing- based user interface Handles non-Pro/ENGINEER data Benefits Requires no geometric remodeling Minimizes penalties due to design changes Reduces cycle time More throughput with the same staff Moldbase Assembly Mold Inserts & Electrodes NC Toolpaths Molded Part Inspection NC Drawings Machine Control Data Hand finishing and rework minimized Product Model Like Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/NC’s single product model ensures consistency among all manufacturing deliverables. No translation means that the toolpaths will always be accurate, and that the user is never making assumptions and interpretations. Pro/NC boasts of an intuitive, manufacturing-based user interface, which guides the user through the programming task. Additionally, while Pro/NC works directly with Pro/ENGINEER’s native data, it can also easily handle non-Pro/ENGINEER data, whether they are in solids, surfaces or wireframe. The benefit of these functionalities is that Pro/NC requires no geometric remodeling in order to start programming parts, working directly on the design geometry. Additionally, its unique associative nature allows users minimizes penalties due to design changes, by recovering most of their prior work. This feature allows them to start their task before the designs are finalized, and therefore, reducing cycle time. This ability to concurrently starting the programming as the designs are being finalized minimizes idle time, helps better manage programming capacity, and results in more throughput with the same staff.

5 Verification & Optimization
Process Model Modeling Mold Creation Filling Analysis Mold Base Libraries NC Machining Detailing Inspection Verification & Optimization Features Fully integrated and specialized applications Complete process definition Robust models Robust associativity Benefits Totally eliminates downstream data translation Permits changes late in the development cycle Enables truly concurrent mold design through manufacturing What are the advantages of using the Pro/NC? Because Pro/NC has : - Specialized applications for all types of NC programming - Seamless integration with all pro/ENGINEER applications - Robust models and a associativity You can: - Quickly and accurately design, detail and create toolpaths for all the tooling required - Eliminate downstream data translation between applications - Have a truly concurrent development process which enables painless changes even late in the development cycle. This presentation will outline a total process definition and a complete mold through manufacturing cycle. Everything from the time you bid on a job, all the way until you get the mold (tool or die) out of the door.

6 NC Programming Solutions
Automatic toolpath creation coupled with graphical customization and editing Optimized for both prototype and production work Dynamic material removal simulation Generate toolpaths directly on the solid model Toolpath optimized based on in-process workpiece state Deliverables include toolpaths, G code, setup and tool sheets, BOMs Solid tool and fixture library Pro/NC features automatic toolpath creation that can be customized using a graphical customization and editing tool to allow users to fine tune the results generated automatically. The toolpath creation capabilities are optimized for both prototype and production work, taking into consideration requirement for both types of work. Pro/NC includes dynamic material removal simulation. It also allows users to generate toolpaths directly on the solid model, or on surfaces if solids do not exist. Toolpath are computed, not only based on the finished part model, but they are also optimized based on the in-process workpiece state. The result is a fundamentally accurate toolpath, that can be post-processed using the post-processors that are included to generate edit-free G code. Furthermore, Pro/NC can automatically output setup and tool sheets, BOMs of the manufacturing assembly, and can work with exact solid representation of the tool and fixture.

7 Next, Don’t PANIC!

8 The Plan 3 phase approach to complete implementation

9 Training – It’s not optional!
Some choices include: PTC University Certified Training Partners

10 Establish the Environment
Step 1: Set up the foundation

11 Don’t forget to SAVE them!
Workcells option: pro_mf_workcell_dir <drive?:\path\to\workcell\directory> Mills Lathes Wire EDM Sheet Metal Don’t forget to SAVE them!

12 Tools Parameter based Sketched Solid option: pro_mf_tprm_dir <drive?:\path\to\tooling\directory> Parameter based Sketched Solid

13 Speed / Feed info Pre Wildfire 3.0: option: pro_mf_tprm_dir <drive?:\path\to\tooling\directory> Pre Wildfire 3.0: Use a directory structure / flat ASCII files (*.tpm) *.tpm for tool geom *.tpm for speed / feed One folder / material

14 Speed / Feed info (con’t)
Select material in Operation drop down menu, then… Read DB option in tooling dialog One method for entering S / F data

15 Speed / Feed info (con’t)
Wildfire 3.0 and beyond: Store the machining tool parameter file in XML format, simplifying the interface to the external tool database management system. This single file, combining tool geometry and cutting technology, can also be easily managed by PDMLink.

16 Parameter files Loading Parameters from a File
Store and retrieve parameters from your disk: Store specific manufacturing strategy Search path defines by Pro_mf_param_dir option (default is working directory) Parameter(s) loaded from a file will overwrite current setting Parameter file can contain from one to all the parameters for a specific toolpath Good for automation : Create a Parameter with 1 single line: Create a mapkey to load the parameter file Create as many as you need

17 Site Files Site File allows you to setup defaults for all the manufacturing parameters Created in Pro/NC or with a text editor Loaded or stored with the Workcell Parameter and Site files have certain ‘-1’ options which need to filled in every time Minimum and Maximum values can be controlled Visibility can be controlled (NC Sequence and Info) Inheritance can be controlled (site changes - NC sequence changes)

18 Site Files (con’t) Values can be ‘hard-coded’ Driven via relations
-or- Spindle speed=500/cutter_diam*3.82 Relations can be used in parameters, too!

19 Fixtures Are optional, but can be useful for visualization and collision avoidance May consist of assemblies or a single part

20 Post Processors Mills Lathes Wire EDM Sheet Metal Do it yourself, or
NC G-Post Best-in-Class Post Processor Development tool FREE! Bundled with Pro/NC Do it yourself, or Have one built

21 Customization Templates available in Expert Machinist: Step Pocket
Profile Face Hole making Through Pocket Channel Slab Flange Slot Boss top O-Ring Groove Through Slot Undercut Rib top Round Chamfer

22 Customization (Con’t)
Stuff you can build: Start Models Fixtures Operations Workcells etc. Mapkeys Menus / Toolbars Icons Templates (XML) M/UDF's Holes Threads Pockets Other Apps Toolkit Weblink External Applications

23 Define the workflow (or using the tools)
Step 2: Create the toolpaths

24 Workcell (Machine Tool)
Type Mill Lathe Wire EDM Sheet Metal Number of Axes Output Spindle Feed info Cutting Tools Travel Custom Cycles Comments PPRINTS Cutter Comp. configuration

25 Workcell (Machine Tool) - Sheetmetal
Parameters Zones Clamps Turret Pads

26 Type Mill Lathe Wire EDM Sheet Metal Punch Contour Hybrid

27 Comments Comments can be added at the operation level…
…or at the sequence level

28 PPRINTS Add information to be passed to the post processor, or the operator Save PPRINT file for later retrieval

29 Cutter Compensation configuration
Defined in Workcell Output defined for either: Tool Center Tool Edge

30 Sheetmetal Zones Pads Clamps Turret

31 Operation Machine tool * Coordinate system * Retract * Stock Material
Fixture Setup Mfg Geometry * required!

32 Meet the Process Manager…
The Process Manager can be called from a Pro/NC session Manufacture / Process Manager This is the central control point for the process creation

33 Overview of the GUI Create step from template Create holemaking step
Create Jig/Fixture Create milling step Create Operation Time Graph Create Workcell Create Template View builder Highlight step references View selection View types Create NC Features Selected Step Edit Selected Step Play Path Time computation Steps view area

34 Sequences Mfg Geometry (optional) Types Parameters Tools Geometry

35 Mfg Geometry (optional)
Can be used to define surfaces to cut May be different from the reference model Use as a ‘collection feature’ to save time when selecting geometry to cut Types Window Surface Volume Hole Group

36 Sequence Types: Milling
Volume Local Mill Surface Facing Profiling Pocketing Trajectory Aux Engraving Plunge Roughing Re-Roughing Finishing Holemaking Thread

37 Sequence Types: Turning
Area Profiling Groove Thread Holemaking Aux

38 Sequence Types: Wire EDM
2 Axis Contouring 4 Axis Taper Angle XY-UV Type Aux

39 Sequence Types: Sheetmetal
Contouring Aux Slitting Approach Punch Punching - Edge Nibble - Area Nibbling - Slot - UDF Punch - Point Punch - Tool Shaping - Forming - Shearing - Aux

40 Sheetmetal (2) Modifiers to Sequences include: Lead in / out
Shakeaway tabs Check Edges Overhang Multiple Tool (think long obround slots, use both round and rect.) Remove Hits Change Order CL Command

41 Sheetmetal (3) Single part Automation (Nesting) Populate (Subroutines)
Optimize Control tool path after all parts are placed on the sheet. Options for minimizing tool travel, tool change, etc.

42 Parameters Parameters are what defines how the geometry gets cut
Step depth Step over Scan type Etc. Can have a dramatic effect on sequence Are context sensitive, based on sequence

43 Tools Can be created on the fly or retrieved from library
Can load parameters, based on material Remember to specify material in the Operation 3 different types Parameter based Sketched Solid part

44 Geometry Optionally selected from
Model Sketched (think trajectory) Manufacturing geometry Selected Created ‘on the fly’ Don’t forget about imported and 2D legacy data!

45 Customize Provides low level control of components of sequences

46 NCL Data Create Visualize NC Check Vericut Post Process GPost

47 Documentation Standards Best Practices Process Tips & Tricks
New Functionality / enhancements ‘Loop back’ to capture new automation as you develop it

48 for manufacturing
Accuracy : it is strongly recommended to work with absolute accuracy enable. enable_absolute_accuracy yes accuracy_lower_bound number (small enough, metric) It is also important to be sure that all the components and the assembly have the same accuracy CL File output : for 3 axis it is recommended to have at least one digit more than the number of digits required in the NC tape. mfg_xyz_num_digits for metric (5 for inches) For 5 axis it is recommended to have at least 8 digits for I,J,K Mfg_ijk_num_digits 8 XML Import / Export : enable export and import on NC process in XML format output_mfg_xml yes Remove arrow in the toolpath display cl_arrow_scale 0

49 for manufacturing (con’t)
VERICUT : to improve export performance for mold machining (simple stock) vericut_stock_tolerance (mm) vericut_fixture_tolerance (mm) vericut_export_all_tools YES Workpiece transparency default value mfg_workpiece_transparency (75% transparent) Mill Window : automatic creation of the mill window based in workpiece silhouette allow_workpiece_silhouette auto Other options are No : no workpiece taken in account (default) Yes : user select workpiece or ref model Auto : workpiece silhouette only

50 for manufacturing (con’t)
Make job manager available (optional) nc_jobman_visible yes Support for multi-tips tool Allow_multiple_tips_tool yes Post-processor directory definition gpostpp_dir path (path can be .\ for current directory) Important paths to define Mfg_start_model_dir path to manufacturing start parts pro_mf_param_dir NC sequence parameters library path Pro_mf_tprm_dir Tool library path Mfg_template_dir path to manufacturing template directory

51 This presentation will be available at
The end This presentation will be available at

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