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I AM NOT A LAWYER Government Code 2254 Subchapter A Professional Services Procurement Act Municipal LGC (a) County LGC (a) Schools EC 44 & 130 I am not a lawyer But as far as I can tell all state agencies and political subdivisions of this state are subject to Government Code 2254 Subchapter A. Professional Services. Only the state procurement is subject to Subchapter B, Consulting Services. We will not be talking about Subchapter B today. (a) (4) a procurement for personal, professional, or planning services; (a) (4) personal or professional service Education codes 44 and 130 – no exemptions but is subject to 2254. Throughout my career I have found more confusion about just what are professional services or personal services and how you procure them than just about any other law we have to follow.
GC 2254 A governmental entity may not select a provider of professional services……on the basis of competitive bids. Definition of professional services according to LGC 252, 262, 44, or 130 Sec SELECTION OF PROVIDER; FEES. (a) A governmental entity may not select a provider of professional services or a group or association of providers or award a contract for the services on the basis of competitive bids submitted for the contract or for the services, And it specifically names a few….period. But none of the codes, 252, 262 or 44 defines professional services or personal services. 252 no 262 say “professional services as described in GC Therein lays the confusion of the use of the term and how to procure what. Who knows the definition of professional services as described in 2254? Does not define – just lists
DEFINITION Professional Service
Mental, Intellectual, Special Knowledge, High Order of Learning Supreme Court of West Virginia – 1976 A member of a discipline with widely accepted standards of required study or specified attainments in special knowledge as distinguished from mere skill Professional services have been described as those services which are mainly mental or intellectual rather than physical or manual. Professional services are those disciplines requiring special knowledge or attainment and a high order of learning, skill, and intelligence. JM 1038 April Black's Law Dictionary (5th ed.1979) (definition of 'profession'). Not just a Texas selection process – most widely used in U.S. Services, which require a formal certification by a professional body, such as legal, medical, accounting, etc. are called professional services MW 344 May The most useful standard for judging the scope of 'profession' was furnished by the Supreme Court of West Virginia in Wooddell v. Dailey, 230 S.E. 2d 466 (W.Va. 1976) In that case, the court, while holding that the activities of an interior decorator were not 'professional services,' acknowledged that the term included more than 'theology, law or medicine.' Neither was the term limited to the pursuit of occupations specifically recognized as professions by statute. 230 S.E. 2d at But a 'profession' must be established as such. While 'most occupations, trades, business or callings require a diversity of knowledge and skill,' it is only the 'professional' who: is a member of [a] discipline with widely accepted standards of required study or specified attainments in special knowledge as distinguished from mere skill. Blacks free on-line
DEFINITION Personal Services Only those services which are performed personally by the individual who contracted to perform them (Texas Supreme Court) LGC 252 and 262 Exemption Exemption in 252 need to know what personal services means. Further, for a contract to qualify as a contract for personal services, the compensation in the contract should mainly pay for the labor of the individual providing the service, not for such things as insurance or materials.
DEFINITION “Other” Professional Services Such services are generally acquired to obtain information, advice, training, or direct assistance. (NIGP). Not listed in Government Code 2254
JUST FOR FUN Interior Decorator = Professional Service Yes No
No – The status of professional does not include persons who, while working in fields related to recognized professions, have not yet achieved that recognition themselves. who prepared pictorial representations of proposed buildings from plans submitted by professional architects and builders, did not perform 'professional services': The status of a professional does not include persons who, while working in fields related to recognized professions, have not yet achieved that recognition themselves
JUST FOR FUN Construction Manager = Professional Service Yes No
Yes – We know this from the requirements of GC Could also be a personal service.
JUST FOR FUN Auditor = Professional Service Yes No
Yes – C.P.A. firm meets all the criteria of a professional service. Can also be a personal service
JUST FOR FUN Auctioneering = Professional Service Yes No
No – Attorney General Opinion DM 106 Texas Supreme Court concurred
JUST FOR FUN Janitorial Services = Professional Service Yes No
No – But can be a personal service if a “specific named individual” is performing the service and the majority of the contract is for labor.
JUST FOR FUN Electrical or Mechanical Engineer = Professional Service
Yes No YES – but - What if the expenditure is under $8,000? See Texas Occupation Code 1001 If PUBLIC WORK less than $8,000 for completed project a licensed P.E. is not required
JUST FOR FUN Can Advertising in a Newspaper considered a Personal Service? Yes No No – Van Zant vs. Forth Worth Press – 1962 This service is still subject to bidding
JUST FOR FUN Food Service = Professional Service Yes No
No – Not professional or personal service under state laws
(A) Within the scope of practice Accounting Architecture Landscape Architecture Land surveying Medicine Optometry Professional engineering; or Real estate appraising; or Professional nursing Professional Service means – NOTE exempts legal services
(B) Provided in connection with …or practice of A certified public accountant; An architect; A landscape architect; A land surveyor; A physician, including a surgeon; An optometrist; A professional engineer; A state certified or state licensed real estate appraiser,; or A registered nurse
COMPETITIVE BIDS SHALL make selection and award
On basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications A fair and reasonable price The professional fees under the contract may not exceed any maximum provided by law May not been award on the basis of bids. Must be on basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications – RFQ State of Arizona, City of Houston, NIGP could help
VOID2254.005 SHALL SPECIAL THREE Architect, Engineer or Land Surveyor
Select most highly qualified Attempt to negotiate fair and reasonable price with most highly qualified VOID SHALL BE - very specific about these 3 professions (1)Select most highly qualified (2) Attempt to negotiate fair and reasonable price Specific steps detailed in for architects, engineers and surveyor (b) If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated with the most highly qualified provider of architectural, engineering, or land surveying services, the entity shall: (1) formally end negotiations with that provider; (2) select the next most highly qualified provider; and (3) attempt to negotiate a contract with that provider at a fair and reasonable price. (c) The entity shall continue the process described in Subsection (b) to select and negotiate with providers until a contract is entered into. WORD OF CAUTION – violate the statute and the contract is VOID – something you might want to emphasize to your end users
MOST HIGHLY QUALIFIED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ the rest of the list requirements are laid out in the statute. Should be simple right? But maybe not so much especially when it comes to the fine print for your end users. The special 3 - Architect, Engineer, Land Surveying – how do you acquire their services? SHALL most highly qualified provider of those services on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications. How do you do that?. Nowhere in the statute does it say you have to go through a RFQ process. For purchasing people that is the only fair, open and transparent way to select the most qualified.
Scope of Work Pre-Proposal conference if applicable Deliverables Time frame Necessary qualifications Evaluation criteria – ranked Advertise? CANNOT ask for pricing if one of the special three What needs – at a minimum –to be in the RFQ – whether it is formal (50,000) or not for cities as long as over $3000 (HUB) other entities may decentralize under 50,000. No money is mentioned in 2254 Necessary qualifications – licenses, references, previous successful like projects Evaluation criteria with rank – must be applicable to this specific project Legally does not have to be advertised – but fair, open transparent. I always advertised for at least the minimum 14 days.
OPENING Opened and documented by purchasing
Only names of respondents announced Contents confidential during negotiations Purchasing leads evaluation team Interview/oral presentation/demo - one or more Rank and negotiate with #1 Available for public inspection after contract is awarded Confidential and proprietary • Opened and Documented by purchasing – some entities do not open publicly • Purchasing should lead evaluation using ONLY specified evaluation factors detailed in the RFQ – tabulate individual evaluations, schedule initial and any follow-up meetings • Interview one or more for clarification, or require presentations • Rank and begin negotiations with #1for fair and reasonable price – must be very clear in the RFQ that this is a possibility – on their dime • Available to public inspection only after contract is awarded (lawyer define “awarded”). • Exceptions is anything marked confidential or proprietary
TRY, TRY AGAIN If satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated
the entity SHALL: (1) formally end negotiations with that provider; (2) select the next most highly qualified provider; and (3) attempt to negotiate a contract with that provider at a fair and reasonable price. (c) The entity shall continue the process described in to select and negotiate with providers until a contract is entered into. READ
COMPETITIVE BIDS Accounting, optometrist, landscape architect, physician including surgeon, real estate appraiser or registered nurse; SHALL make selection and award On basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications A fair and reasonable price The professional fees under the contract may not exceed any maximum provided by law RFQ – RFP Cannot select by competitive bid but SHALL make selection on; (1) basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform the services; and (2) for a fair and reasonable price. (b) The professional fees under the contract may not exceed any maximum provided by law. Have never figured out how to know the answer to this one – do you? State of Arizona, City of Houston, NIGP could help Does not have the formal end of negotiations with most qualified for these
TWO-STEP PROCESS Separate sealed envelope with pricing
Select by qualification, competence Then add pricing and re-rank BAFO – don’t neglect this step so do everything you did above but can ask for pricing. I prefer the two-step process of having the pricing in a separate sealed envelope that is not opened until the qualifications and competence rankings are completed. Then add the pricing at the weight indicated in the RFP or RFQ and re-rank. This is negotiable too so don’t forget about asking for a BAFO what is that? Although there are different schools of thought about this; this section of the statute does not specify negotiation with only one at a time. That is specifically under section for architects, engineers and land surveyors. Be sure with your lawyer and use the process lawyer will support in a court of law.
BAFO Purchasing makes request Due at specific time, date, location
Firms must be allowed to: Modify the initial offer Update based on negotiations Include further information Evaluate and rank again If you do ask for a BAFO be sure all firms you negotiated with AND HAVE A RESONNABLE EXPECTIATION OF AWARD has the opportunity for revision of responses and submittal of a BAFO. Purchasing will make this request • BAFO’s will include their own evaluation ( criteria is put in the request for BFAO) and ranking process again led by Purchasing.
Benefits of RFQ More accurate project pricing /fewer cost over-runs
Lower procurement costs Reduced procurement time Innovative, value-added project results Higher end-user satisfaction Reduced operating and life-cycle costs Objective, defensible, and credible identification of the most qualified vendors Collaborative instead of adversarial vendor relationships
NIGP definition; generally acquired to obtain information, advice, training, or direct assistance Not specifically listed in 2254 (PSPA) Examples: computer programmers, lawyers, consultants, facilitator Request for Proposal or Request for Services Newspaper advertisement required Use BAFO Now about those “other“ professional services – such services are generally acquired to obtain information, advice, training, or direct assistance. (NIGP). Commonly referred to as “professional” services but not specifically listed in the PSPA. We have already talked about some of the various Attorney General and court opinions. Generally described as requiring technical skill and expertise; labor and skill which is predominantly mental or intellectual, rather than physical or manual; of, a special skill and experience. Examples include computer programmers, lawyers, consultants, and facilitator. Again – for cities over $3000 – others may decentralize under $50,000 Could use really any process but recommend a RFP or RFS to ensure the services of the most qualified person or professional. As a practical matter can still follow the above described processes and either include price in the main document or use the two-step procedure of a separate sealed envelope. Don’t forget the useful tool of BAFO
Professional Services
The following have been held to be professional services in Texas cases or Attorney General Opinions: Abstractors Investigation Property Tax Consultants Appraisers Financial Services Advisors Prostitutes1 Artists Fiscal Agents Scientists Attorneys Law Enforcement Consultants Teachers Auditors Map Makers Third Party Administrators Consultants Models Plat Book Preparers Coordinators of Criminal Investigation Private Consultants Yet can be solicited like a “other” - unless your lawyer differs. Not statute 1Tisdale v Texas, 640 S. W. 2d 409
Not Professional Services
The following services have been held NOT to be professional services in Texas Attorney General Opinions: Insurance...DM-418 Auctioneer...DM-106 Microfilm Services...JM-890
END WITH A CONTRACT With all the attending legal and risk mitigation language, forms Never, Never sign the vendors contract Never sign it first Always examine for changes Always end with a contract (PO’s are contracts but must include all the legal and risk mitigation language). Never, Never sign the vendor’s contract. Use your own contract boiler plate prepared by your lawyer and attach all necessary documents as exhibits or Appendix or addenda. Never sign it first. Have the successful vendor sign and return to you. Examine for any changes before you execute the document.
VENDOR POOLS Pre-qualify a “pool” of professionals
Generic RFQ – divide by areas of expertise Scope of work and time frame Special 3 – rotate – negotiate one at a time RFQ VERY clear Other 6 – could negotiate simultaneously Set time frame for expiration of pool Pre-qualify a “pool” of professional services and enter into Master Agreements with them. The pool list could be divided up per expertise. Once the pool is in place those pre-qualified in the specific area of expertise needed is sent a scope of work and a time frame asking if that firm can devote the time needed to develop the project within the time frame. For Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors they would then be rotated according to specific expertise as projects come up to negotiate a fair and reasonable fee. However, the professions covered by 2254 are very protective of the Act and how it requires procurement of their services. Therefore, I recommend making it very clear in the RFQ that this would be your intention, so that the vendors know, going in, how they will receive work under the contract For the other professional services listed in 2254, the pre-qualified firms/person would be negotiated simultaneously as the specific types of projects they were pre-qualified for come up. There would need to be a set time-frame for expiration of the pool and issuing a new RFQ for the same purposes. This allows for new qualified professionals to enter the Qualified Pool. Or leave open-ended and accept anytime but hard to manage and remain fair to those already qualified.
I AM NOT A LAWYER So – now do we have a clear understanding of personal, professional and “other” professional services? Or at least some reference material to help your customers and your lawyer figure this out.
RESOURCES Questions? Comments? Examples of what has gone right or wrong?
THANK YOU Carol Cooper, C.P.M., CPPO, CPSM Narita Holmes, MBA, C.P.A., CIA
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