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Student Growth What does it Mean for Principals and Teachers?

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Presentation on theme: "Student Growth What does it Mean for Principals and Teachers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Growth What does it Mean for Principals and Teachers?

2 This PowerPoint and conversation is based upon the following TEA documents:
Guidance on Student Growth in T-TESS (TEA 5/2/17) Guidance on Student Growth in T-PESS (TEA 5/2/17) Chapter Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Educator Appraisal

3 1. Student Growth for Teachers
Let’s start with why?

4 WHY student growth? Student growth seeks to provide feedback to teachers and appraisers that captures where teachers are in their practice in order to pinpoint strenghts and areas for development.

5 What student growth is NOT?
Student growth isn’t concerned with whether or not a student passes a particular test.

6 Measures the effect of instructional practices.
GROWTH Measures the effect of instructional practices. PROFICIENCY Lets teachers know where a student is relative to a fixed expectation for the purposes of knowing what gaps in learning exist.

7 What does student growth mean?
Student growth measures how much a student progresses academically during his or her time with a particular teacher. Growth provides better feedback for driving improvements to instructional practices.

8 Student growth DOES consider equally all levels of students who enter the classroom….
Behind grade level On grade level Beyond grade level

9 How is student growth measured?
Processs-based: They are designed to engage teachers in deliberate thinking as they answer fundamental questions about their instructional planning and delivery. Assessment-based: They are designed to numerically quantify an amount of growth at the student level prior to determining the teacher’s impact on growth.

10 General Guidance on ALL Student Growth Measures
Measures academic progress over time Establishes a baseline for each student covered in the measure that captures what learning the student brought into class Tailors the expectation for growth to student (reflects rigorous instruction and high expectations, but is not a uniform expecation for all students)

11 What is student growth’s impact on teacher appraisal?
Districts have multiple options when determining end-of-year ratings for teachers. Disaggregated ♦ seventeenth dimension in T-TESS iand is not weighted Overall summative rating ♦ counts at least 20% of overall rating

12 Student Growth Ratings
Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Improvement Needed OR Well Above Expectations Above Expectations Expectations Below Expectations Well Below Expectations

13 By measuring growth, a teacher develops a better understanding about the academic impact of his or her instructional choices for the purpose of solidifying strengths and identifying areas for improvement.

14 Place your screenshot here
May 3, 2017 Agreement Affirms Key Components of Teacher Evaluations in Texas. Place your screenshot here

15 Improvement of practice is the ultimate goal … and the student growth component should be structured so that teachers have a better sense of what’s working, what’s not working and what they can do to improve practice moving forward.

16 2. Student Growth for Principals
Let’s start with why?

17 Why student growth for principals?
The inclusion of a student growth measure allows principals to focus on a particular area of concern as it relates to student performance … and assess the impact the principal’s practices and leadership had on the student performance outcome.

18 Student growth in T-PESS is an individual goal set by the principal and appraiser.

19 STUDENT PERFORMANCE A Principal’s student growth goal targets year-over-year improvement in student performance.

20 Some Potential Student Growth Measures for Principals
Domains of state accountability system Student attendance Literacy Measures Advanced Placement participation or scores Student surveys (Culture & Climate) Percent college and career ready

21 What is student growth’s impact on principal appraisal?
Districts have multiple options when determining end-of-year ratings for principals. Disaggregated ♦ individual ratings for each of the 21 indicators and each goal Overall summative rating ♦ weighted, suggested weight based on principal’s tenue leading the campus

22 The BIG TAKEAWAY! For both teacher and principal student growth measures, the ratings are less important than the process of professional growth.

23 To improve instruction and student learning for the children of Texas.
So again, why are we implementing student growth measures in Texas? To improve instruction and student learning for the children of Texas.

24 5,299,728 strong and growing!

25 This PowerPoint and conversation is based upon the following TEA documents:
Guidance on Student Growth in T-TESS (TEA 5/2/17) Guidance on Student Growth in T-PESS (TEA 5/2/17) Chapter Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Educator Appraisal

26 Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at Region 3 ESC!
Cindy Marshall & Mitzi McAfee

27 Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash

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