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UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

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1 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
UWA Staff Appraisal System Guidelines March 2017 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

2 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Contents Page Purpose & Objectives 3 Terminology 4 Steps in the Staff Appraisal Process 5 An Introduction to the Staff Appraisal System 6 Using the System as an Appraisee 9 Beginning the online process 13 Sending out Multi-level feedback requests 15 Review the last 12 months - Completing the Appraisal summary 18 Review the last 12 months - Leadership Expectations 20 Review the last 12 months - Achievement of Objectives 23 Review the last 12 months - Development Activities 24 Review the last 12 months - Academic Expectations 25 Submitting for review 26 Using the System as an Appraiser 33 Review the last 12 months - Reviewing the appraisee comments 37 Review the last 12 months – Entering the agreed performance ratings 44-46 Upcoming 12 months – Entering the agreed objectives and development activities 42 43 Submitting the form 47-48 What to do if you receive a request to provide Multi-level Feedback 49 What to do if you are nominated as a second Appraiser 50 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

3 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
The Staff Appraisal process The Staff Appraisal (‘Appraisal’) process allows all UWA staff to be part of the University's five-year business planning cycle, the Integrated Planning Exercise (IPE). The IPE is designed to: ensure delivery of UWA's strategic intentions recognise and resolve tensions between our institutional and academic aspirations and the environmental demands and expectations drive the collection, analysis and interrogation of relevant data, allowing us to make informed decisions, set and agree targets, measure progress towards these targets and assign responsibilities facilitate institutional discussions that drive strategic planning The Appraisal process aims to align staff behaviour with the IPE by: ensuring regular and open communication about performance encouraging self-assessment and personal development improving and enhancing individual effectiveness and performance ensuring clear objectives are set and achieved The Appraisal process should be seen as a key part of part of your working life as it provides a framework to have performance and development conversations and set objectives. The Appraisal process follows a series of steps outlined on Page 5. Each page of this guideline document makes reference to the steps in the diagram for ease of reference. More detailed information is available on the HR Staff Appraisal webpage: 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

4 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Staff Appraisal Terminology Appraiser An Appraiser is the person who performs the appraisal. An Appraiser is responsible for setting and agreeing on objectives with employees and assessing and providing feedback on how the employee has delivered against those objectives. Appraisee An Appraisee is the person who is being appraised or is undergoing an appraisal. Multi-level feedback Feedback from a mixture of peers, managers/leaders, direct reports and/or service users collected via the Staff Appraisal system. All those employees in a ‘leadership position’ are required to obtain this feedback. Leadership position For the purpose of the Staff Appraisal, you are considered to be in a ‘leadership’ position if you have anyone reporting to you. However, when collecting multi-level feedback, it is recommended that you only send feedback requests to direct reports if you have 8 to 10 people reporting to you. This is to protect anonymity, provide quality feedback and encourage participation by staff. Appraisal Period The 12 month period covered by the staff appraisal. 2nd Appraiser In some cases, an employee may have a primary manager (or appraiser) and a secondary manager. Whilst the primary appraiser will meet with the appraisee and input much of the information into the system, the second appraiser will have an opportunity to add their comments to the form before it is submitted. 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

5 (Appraiser and Appraisee)
Steps in the Staff Appraisal process 1 3 2 5 7 Appraiser Appraisee Face to Face Meeting (Appraiser and Appraisee) Appraiser is notified that the Staff Appraisal period is due to commence Appraiser contacts Appraisee and arranges date to meet a) Appraisee sends out Multi-level Feedback Request (if applicable – online) b) Gathers required information c) Completes Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser reviews Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online). Appraiser has the option to send Part 1 back to Appraisee if information is missing or unclear Appraiser and Appraisee meet to discuss achievements, objectives and learning activities Appraiser completes Part 2 of the Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser and Appraisee meet briefly to discuss Appraiser makes any agreed changes and submits form (online) to Appraisee Appraisee adds comments to (online) form and submits for final sign-off and completion (online) Appraiser signs-off and completes process (online) Appraisee is notified that their appraisal is ready for their input Appraiser attends required training Appraisee attends training (optional) 4 Appraisee waits for Appraiser to complete Part 2 of Staff Appraisal Form 6 8 Submits Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

6 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
An introduction to the Staff Appraisal system Accessing the Staff Appraisal System (the ‘System’) The system can be accessed from the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal (where you currently access the PDA) using your normal Pheme passwords. Navigating in the system When you enter the system, the Appraisal Home page will be displayed. From here you can navigate to other parts of the system. Click on the Tabs to move to another area of the system. The tabs that are visible to you depend on your security privileges Your userid appears at the top of the page Click on the icon next to an Appraisal record to edit or view the detail 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

7 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
An introduction to the Staff Appraisal system The page you will most use (and frequently navigate in and out of) is the Appraisal main page. This looks slightly different for Professional and Academic employees. More details about these differences are highlighted through these guidelines. Professional employees will see this main page: Academic employees will see this main page: 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

8 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
An introduction to the Staff Appraisal system The screen below shows additional options for moving around the system Click on the Save button (wherever you see one) to make your changes permanent Many screens have a Cancel button. This will discard any changes you have made (as long as you have not Applied or Saved them already) and return you to a previous page Click on the prompt to display help text about the item Click, hold and drag the corner of a text area to change its size You can also use the “BreadCrumbs” to Navigate. Clicking on the Home link will take you back to the Home page Each page has a Printer Friendly link. Click here to display the current page in a format suitable for printing When you make changes in any screen, you have the option of discarding those changes or saving them to the database. 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

9 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
An introduction to the Staff Appraisal system Saving or Discarding Your Changes When making changes in a screen, you have the option of discarding those changes or saving them to the database. When you ‘apply’ or ‘save’ your changes, the screens may perform a check on the entered data. Any errors in the data, will be displayed at the top of the screen. Correct errors and click on the Save button to save changes. In this example we have left the Objective Outcome empty. Access Levels The system is protected by a number of security levels. The pages you are able to view will be determined by your security level. Exiting the Application Close your Browser to exit the system. 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

10 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Using the System as an Appraisee 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

11 (Appraiser and Appraisee)
Using the System as an Appraisee 1 3 2 5 7 Appraiser Appraisee Face to Face Meeting (Appraiser and Appraisee) Appraiser is notified that the Staff Appraisal period is due to commence Appraiser contacts Appraisee and arranges date to meet a) Appraisee sends out Multi-level Feedback Request (If applicable – online) b) Gathers required information c) Completes Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser reviews Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online). Appraiser has the option to send Part 1 back to Appraisee if information is missing or unclear Appraiser and Appraisee meet to discuss achievements, objectives and learning activities Appraiser completes Part 2 of the Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser and Appraisee meet briefly to discuss Appraiser makes any agreed changes and submits form (online) to Appraisee Appraisee adds comments to (online) form and submits for final sign-off and completion (online) Appraiser signs-off and completes process (online) Appraisee is notified that their appraisal is ready for their input Appraiser attends required training Appraisee attends training (optional) 4 Appraisee waits for Appraiser to complete Part 2 of Staff Appraisal Form 6 8 Submits Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

12 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 1: Attend training (optional) Step 1 of the process is: Attending relevant training (optional): - Effective Feedback - Business Planning and Setting SMARTS Objectives Training is available year-round and a full list of available sessions is provided on the HR webpage Shortly after the 8 week Appraisal period has commenced, your Appraiser will arrange a meeting request to discuss your staff appraisal. In addition, you will receive an advising that your on-line Appraisal form is ready for your input 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

13 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2: Log in to the Staff Appraisal System Step 2 of the process involves the Appraisee: gathering relevant information to assist with reviewing the last 12 months sending out a Multi-level Feedback Request (if applicable) completing Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (reviewing the last 12 months) Once you have been notified (via ) to complete the Appraisal, log into the Staff Appraisal system using your employee number and Pheme password. The Home page will display a record showing the Appraiser and Appraisal Status. At this stage, the status is For Appraisee Data Entry. You will see the 12 month period the Appraisal relates to. You will also see your nominated Appraiser. You can use this list to view Appraisals from previous periods. Click here to open your appraisal form and start entering your Appraisal data 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

14 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2: Log in to the Staff Appraisal System The main page will display: Professional & General Staff example shown The first section of the form asks you to consider the previous 12 months. You can use a number of sources of information on which to base your comments and self ratings, including Faculty / Function expectation documents, workload model information, work plans, feedback from clients/customers, awards and recognition received etc. In addition, employees in a ‘leadership position’ are required to obtain feedback from a mixture of peers, managers/leaders, direct reports and/or service users. This is ‘Multi-level’ feedback. For the purpose of the Staff Appraisal, you are considered to be in a ‘leadership’ position if you have anyone reporting to you. However, for the purposes of collecting multi-level feedback, it is recommended that you only send feedback requests to direct reports if you have 8 to 10 people reporting to you. This is to protect anonymity, provide quality feedback and encourage participation by staff. Feedback is aggregated so as to maintain individual anonymity. As your colleagues will need sufficient time to provide feedback, you may like to send your requests out as soon as possible. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

15 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(a): Send out Multi-level feedback request Click here to send out requests for feedback Professional & General Staff example shown The following page will display. Click on Add Request to add an employee 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

16 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(a): Send out Multi-level feedback request Use the drop down list to select any UWA employee from whom you want to obtain feedback. Names are sorted alphabetically by surname. You can add as many colleagues as you like. However, it is recommended that you send out no more than requests. Click here to save your list. If you wish to delete someone from your list before the requests are sent out, click next to their name and then click the delete button. Their name will be removed. The employees you have selected will receive an advising that you have requested feedback. If you do not save your requests, no s will be sent. 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

17 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(a): Send out Multi-level feedback request Click to return to the Appraisal main page You will return to the Appraisal main page. Professional & General Staff example shown 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

18 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Appraisal Summary The next part of the form asks for a succinct, but balanced and accurate summary of the previous 12 months. This should include highlights, achievements, lowlights, what has gone well and what could have been improved. When developing the summary, you should refer to all of the information sources you have available to you. Enter your summary in the Appraisee Appraisal Summary section and click Save Comment Professional & General Staff example shown If you do not click on ‘Save Comment’ before exiting this screen, your comments will be lost. When thinking through how to summarise the information, ask yourself; What were my objectives for the last 12 months? (Workload, projects etc.) Did any of my objectives change over the last 12 months? To what extent have I met my objectives? (both quantitatively and qualitatively) What development activities did I undertake (on-the-job, conferences, formal learning etc.) What feedback did I receive about my performance? (if you have requested multi-level feedback, it is useful to refer to any feedback you have received in this section) 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

19 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Summary Viewing Multi-level Feedback You can view any requested feedback once completed by your colleagues. Use the View Multi-level feedback button on the Appraisal main page. The following is displayed. All feedback is consolidated if you have more than one colleague providing comments. You should also use these comments to agree to future objectives when you meet with your Appraiser. 7/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

20 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months – Leadership Expectations Leadership Capability Expectations The next part of the form asks you to rate yourself against a set of four leadership capability expectations which detail the standards expected of Academic and Professional employees across UWA. The capabilities are applicable to all employees as, each employee is responsible for demonstrating leadership behaviours, regardless of hierarchy or role. Professional & General Staff example shown To assist you with this section of the form, there is information available regarding each rating and each capability expectation. Click on the icon next to each expectation to enter your rating. You can also add comments to explain your self-rating. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

21 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Leadership expectations The following screen will be displayed: Click here to display help text describing each rating. Click here to display help text describing the expectations and providing examples of what it does/does not look like. Choose your rating from the list provided. When you have selected a rating from the drop down list, and entered your comments, click ‘Apply Changes’ to save them and return to the Appraisal. Repeat for each Leadership Expectation. 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

22 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Leadership expectations The Rating descriptors will appear in a new window as follows: The help text for each capability will appear in a new window as follows: The following screen will be displayed as you move through the leadership capabilities : 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

23 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Achievement of objectives Here you are asked to comment in more detail about your progress / achievement against objectives and list the development activities you have undertaken. You will have agreed to a number of objectives that you were required to achieve during the previous period. Click on the Add Objective button to enter one of the objectives agreed for the previous period The following screen will display: Enter an outcome and any comments and click Save Objective Outcome. You can click ‘Add Objective’ again to add as many agreed outcomes as you need to. 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

24 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Development activities You will also have agreed to a number of development activities objectives that you were required to undertake during the previous period. Click on the Add Development Activity button to enter a Development Activity from the previous period. The following screen will display: Enter a Development Activity and optionally some comments and click Save Activity You can click ‘Add Development Activity’ again to add as many activities as you need to 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

25 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2(c): Complete Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal Form Reviewing the past 12 months Academic expectations Academic staff are required to enter an additional section relating to the workload model allocations previously agreed with their manager. Click on the icon next to each Expectation to enter your rating. The following screen is displayed: Select a Rating from the drop down list, enter a comment, and click Apply Changes to save your changes and return to the Appraisal main page. Click on each Expectation in turn to enter your Rating and Comments. 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

26 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 3: Submitting to Appraiser for review Step 3 of the process involves the Appraisee: submitting Part 1 of the Staff Appraisal online form to your Appraiser for review Once you have finished entering your data you can click on the Submit for Appraiser Review button. Professional & General Staff example shown The following dialogue box will appear. Clicking OK, will confirm you have finished Part 1 of the Appraisal. You will be able to view the information in your appraisal but not change it. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

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Step 3: Submitting to Appraiser for review The appraisal will show in the following section of the home page. Your Appraiser will receive an advising them that you have completed Part 1 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

28 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 4: Appraiser and Appraisee meet Step 4 of the process involves the Appraisee: Meeting with your Appraiser to: discuss your performance over the previous 12 months Set objectives for the upcoming 12 months Attend the first meeting (about 45 to 60 minutes) with your Appraiser to discuss and agree upon your objectives and development activities for the next 12 months. The Staff Appraisal discussion SHOULD NOT be solely about completing the Appraisal Form. Instead, it should be a quality discussion between you and your Appraiser. This discussion needs to reflect all aspects that affect you as an individual employee. This discussion should be as long and in as much depth as necessary to reflect your individual needs and circumstances. The duration will vary based on a number of factors, including, your career stage, discussion around priorities, areas of concern and issues surrounding support and resources. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

29 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 4: Appraiser and Appraisee meet Discussing achievements, objectives and learning activities Review of business and development objectives for previous 12 months, including the behaviours demonstrated There should be no surprises - ongoing and consistent feedback should ensure that all relevant feedback has been shared throughout the year Should reflect the whole 12 months and not just what you can remember over recent months Should include feedback from others All feedback should be supported by specific examples Objectives for the next 12 months Aligned with UWA and School/Function strategies and plans Aligned to the Workload model banding for academic staff SMART format Jointly agreed Development activities for the next 12 months To support the achievement of objectives and to assist with career aspirations Agreed ratings around a number of criteria including capabilities/behaviours and objectives The overall rating captures the overall assessment of the Appraiser on your performance 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

30 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Steps 5 & 6: Step 5 of the process involves the Appraisee: Wait for your Appraiser to complete Part 2 of the Form, summarising your discussions Step 6 of the process involves the Appraisee: Meeting with your Appraiser Once your Appraiser has completed Part 2 of the Staff Appraisal Form, you will receive an advising you that this has occurred. You and your Appraiser should meet again briefly (about 15 minutes) to discuss and confirm the completed Form. You should also confirm that you mutually understand what objectives have been set and the timeframes in which they should be achieved. Once you are both satisfied, your Appraiser will submit the Form to you for review. It will display on the Appraisal homepage as follows; 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

31 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 7: Reviewing the Appraisers input Step 7 of the process involves the Appraisee: Adding final comments to the Form and submitting Once your Appraiser sends the completed form to you, you have a choice of 2 options. Click on the icon next to the appraisal to view the form If you review the form and find that your Appraiser has made an error or has missed something you previously confirmed, you can send the form back to your Appraiser to make changes and then resend to you. If you are comfortable that the form reflects the content of your discussions, you can add any comments you would like noted and submit to the Appraiser for final sign off. 8/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

32 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 8: Final Sign Off When your Appraiser has reviewed and signed off the appraisal, it will display as follows on your home page and can be viewed but not changed. This is the end of the formal Staff Appraisal process. However, consider scheduling regular, informal check-ins with your Appraiser throughout the year to discuss your progress. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

33 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Using the System as an Appraiser 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

34 (Appraiser and Appraisee)
Using the System as an Appraiser 1 3 2 5 7 Appraiser Appraisee Face to Face Meeting (Appraiser and Appraisee) Appraiser is notified that the Staff Appraisal period is due to commence Appraiser contacts Appraisee and arranges date to meet a) Appraisee sends out Multi-level Feedback Request (If applicable – online) b) Gathers required information c) Completes Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser reviews Part 1 of Staff Appraisal Form (online). Appraiser has the option to send Part 1 back to Appraisee if information is missing or unclear Appraiser and Appraisee meet to discuss achievements, objectives and learning activities Appraiser completes Part 2 of the Staff Appraisal Form (online) Appraiser and Appraisee meet briefly to discuss Appraiser makes any agreed changes and submits form (online) to Appraisee Appraisee adds comments to (online) Form and submits for final sign-off and completion (online) Appraiser signs-off and completes process (online) Appraisee is notified that their appraisal is ready for their input Appraiser attends required training (If required) Appraisee attends training (optional) 4 Appraisee waits for Appraiser to complete form 6 8 Submits Appraisal Form 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

35 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 1: Attend training (optional) Step 1 of the process is: Attending relevant training: - Effective Feedback - Business Planning and Setting SMARTS Objectives Training is available year-round and a full list of available sessions is provided on the HR webpage. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

36 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 2: Appraiser contacts Appraisee to arrange meeting Step 2 of the process: Schedule an Appraisal meeting with your Appraisee As your Appraisee may need to send out (and receive) multi- level feedback requests, the meeting should be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead. Your Appraisee will also need time to complete Part 1 of their Appraisal Form. Once your Appraisee has completed Part 1 of their Staff Appraisal Form, you will receive an advising you that this has occurred. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

37 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 3: Appraiser Reviews Part 1 Step 3 of the process: Review your Appraisee’s form, the ratings they have given themselves and any comments made. Once you have been notified to review an Appraisal form the Home page will display a record showing the Appraiser and Appraisal Status. This will be For Appraiser Data Entry Click on the icon next to the Appraisal record to display the data entry screen. Professional & General Staff example shown Use this button to display the data the Appraisee has entered 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

38 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 3: Appraiser Reviews Part 1 During your review of the Appraisee’s form, note any issues you would like to discuss further during your meeting. In addition, make note of any objectives or development activities you would like the Appraisee to undertake over the upcoming 12 month period. If your Appraisee has missed anything in their form or made any errors, you are able to return the form to the Appraisee for changes. Use this button to return the appraisal to the Appraisee for changes Professional & General Staff example shown Your Appraisee will receive an advising them that you have returned their Appraisal to enable them to make changes. Once your Appraisee has made the changes and completed Part 1 of their Staff Appraisal Form, you will receive an advising you that this has occurred. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

39 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 4: Appraiser and Appraisee meet Step 4 of the process involves the Appraiser: Meet with your Appraisee to: discuss their performance over the previous 12 months Set objectives for the upcoming 12 months Attend the first meeting with your Appraisee to discuss and agree upon their objectives and development activities for the next 12 months. The SA discussion SHOULD NOT be solely about completing the Form. Instead, it should be a quality discussion between you and your Appraisee. This discussion needs to reflect all aspects that affect you as an individual employee. This discussion should be as long and in as much depth as necessary to reflect your individual needs and circumstances. The duration will vary based on a number of factors, including, your career stage, discussion around priorities, areas of concern and issues surrounding support and resources. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

40 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 4: Appraiser and Appraisee meet Discussing achievements, objectives and learning activities Review of business and development objectives for previous 12 months, including the behaviours demonstrated There should be no surprises - ongoing and consistent feedback should ensure that all relevant feedback has been shared throughout the year Should reflect the whole 12 months and not just what you can remember over recent months Should include feedback from others All feedback should be supported by specific examples Objectives for the next 12 months Aligned with UWA and School/Function strategies and plans Aligned to the Workload model banding for academic staff SMART format Jointly agreed Development activities for the next 12 months To support the achievement of objectives and to assist with career aspirations Agreed ratings around a number of criteria including capabilities/behaviours and objectives The overall rating captures the overall assessment of the Appraiser on your performance 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

41 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Appraiser comments Step 5 of the process: After your meeting with your Appraisee, it is now your responsibility to; Complete Part 2 of the Appraisal Form based upon the objectives and development activities discussed in the meeting Add your comments Meet briefly with the Appraisee to reviews the form Submit the form to the Appraisee for any final comments Enter your comments and click Save Changes. If you do not click on ‘Save Changes’ before exiting this screen, your comments will be lost. If your Appraisee has a dual reporting line, you are able to send the Appraisal form to a second Appraiser for comment. The second Appraiser is not able to change any of the ratings or comments entered by you or the Appraisee. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

42 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Add Objectives for the Next Period Click on the Add Objective button to enter an Objective for the next period The following screen will display: Enter an objective and optionally some comments and click Save Objective. You can click Add Objective again to add as many objectives as you want. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

43 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Add development activities for the Next Period Click on the Add Development Activity button to enter a Development Activity for the next period. The following screen will display: Enter a Development Activity and optionally some comments and click Save Activity. You can click Add Development Activity again to add as many activities as you need to 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

44 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Add agreed general ratings Enter the ratings for leadership capability expectations that have been agreed during discussions with the Appraisee. Click on the icon next to each Expectation to enter the agreed rating. The following screen is displayed: Click here to display help text describing the expectations and providing examples Click here to display help text describing each Rating 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

45 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Add agreed academic ratings Academic staff are required to enter an additional section relating to the workload model allocations previously agreed with their manager. Click on the icon next to each Expectation to enter your rating The following screen is displayed: Select a Rating from the drop down list, enter a comment, and click Apply Changes to save your changes and return to the Appraisal main page. Click on each Expectation in turn to enter your Rating and Comments. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

46 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes part 2 of the Form Add agreed overall ratings Enter the overall ratings that have been agreed during discussions with the Appraisee. Click on the icon next to each to enter your overall rating of your Appraisee’s performance The following screen is displayed: Click here to display help text describing each Rating Repeat for each Professional & General Staff example shown 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

47 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Appraiser completes and Submits part 2 of the Form Submit for Appraisee review and comment The Appraisee will receive an and you will be able view but not change the appraisal. It will display on your home page in the following section. 9/03/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

48 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Step 5: Final sign-off and completion of process Once the Appraisee has entered final comments and submitted for final review, it will display on your home page as follows: Click on the icon next to the appraisal. Click on the Final Sign-off button to complete the appraisal. The appraisal will display as follows on your home page and can be viewed but not changed. This is the end of the formal appraisal process. You should consider scheduling regular, informal check-ins with your Appraisee throughout the year to discuss your progress. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

49 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Entering Multi-level Feedback If an Appraisee has requested that you provide them with Multi-level Feedback, you will receive an asking you to do so via the system The Multi-level Feedback tab will be displayed when you log on to the system. Click on the icon to enter the feedback. Click Apply Changes to save your data. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

50 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines
Entering comments as a second appraiser In some cases, an employee may have a primary manager (or appraiser) and a secondary manager. In most cases, the primary appraiser will meet with the appraisee and input much of the information into the system. The primary appraiser may choose (and is strongly encouraged) to meet with the employee’s second manager to form a combined viewpoint before the appraisal meeting. In addition, the second appraiser will have an opportunity to add their comments to the appraisal form before it is submitted. Professional & General Staff example shown If a second appraiser is nominates, they will receive an requesting that they log into the system an d add their comments to the appraisal form. They will not be able to change any of the appraisee or appraiser comments already entered into the form. 9/02/2017 UWA Staff Appraisal User Guidelines

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