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Origins of Civilization (Prehistory-300 B.C.)

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1 Origins of Civilization (Prehistory-300 B.C.)
Lesson 1 Learning About Our Past

2 Origins of Civilization (Prehistory-300 B.C.)
Lesson 1 Learning About Our Past Learning Objectives Learn how scholars study the historical past. Find out how anthropologists investigate the period of prehistory. Understand how discoveries in Africa and beyond have influenced anthropologists’ views about early humans and their ancestors.

3 Origins of Civilization (Prehistory-300 B.C.)
Lesson 1 Learning About Our Past Key Terms prehistory. Historians artifacts, anthropology, culture Archaeology Mary Leakey Louis Leakey Olduvai Gorge Technology Donald Johanson.

4 Studying Prehistory More than 5,000 years ago, groups of people in different parts of the world began to keep written records. The development and use of writing marked the beginning of recorded history. Humans and their ancestors, however, had lived on Earth for many tens of thousands of years before recorded history. The long period of time before people invented writing is called prehistory.

5 Studying Prehistory Understanding Our Past

6 Studying Prehistory Studying ancient footprints is one way scientists can learn about the past. These footprints, preserved in volcanic ash, were made in Tanzania some 3.5 million years ago.

7 Investigating Prehistory
The study of prehistory began in the 1800s, when scholars and scientists started to investigate the age of the Earth and the life it supported. They developed fascinating new fields of study that shed light on people and their lives, from prehistoric times to the present.

8 Investigating Prehistory
The Field of Anthropology The Field of Archaeology Archaeologists at Work Scientists Help Archaeologists

9 Investigating Prehistory
Analyze Charts Which dating method would you use to determine the age of a fossilized tooth fragment?

10 Investigating Prehistory
An archaeologist looks for clues in a Maya royal tomb.

11 Investigating Prehistory
Apply Concepts How would scientists know whether bones they found in 2003 were those of a new species of hominids?

12 Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
Since the 1870s, scholars have worked to learn about the ancestors of modern humans. They have examined fossils, or remains of ancient life preserved in ancient rock. Fossils might include footprints, impressions of leaves, bones, or even skeletons.

13 Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
East Africa Early Hominid Groups Evidence of Homo Sapiens

14 Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
“Lucy” was discovered in Ethiopia in Scientists date the skeleton to at least 3 million years ago. It was the first time archaeologists had enough of one skeleton to reconstruct and view an actual hominid.

15 Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
As the centuries passed, hominid groups developed physically and gained new skills.

16 Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
Analyze Maps Homo sapiens migrated along the routes shown on the map. Why would early Homo sapiens follow large herds of animals?

17 Quiz: Studying Prehistory
What type of evidence would give a historian the best first-hand account of what occurred in the past? A. written documents B. clothing C. artwork D. tombstone etchings

18 Quiz: Investigating Prehistory
How might a biologist best use his or her expertise to add to the historical record of an archaeological site? A. A biologist can analyze the types of materials used in ancient weapons. B. A biologist can help date the rocks at an archaeological site. C. A biologist can analyze the mineralogical makeup of rocks. D. A biologist can analyze human bones as well as bloodstains on weapons or tools.

19 Quiz: Discoveries in Africa and Beyond
What have anthropologists learned about how Homo habilis used the tools they fashioned? A. Homo habilis used stone tools to create weapons that made them fierce warriors. B. Homo habilis used stone tools for cutting, scraping, chopping and sawing plants, animals and wood. C. Homo habilis used stone tools for chopping plants and wood, proving they only used plants and did not have a high protein diet. D. Homo habilis used stone tools for creating rough farm implements, showing they relied on farming more than hunting.

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