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Portfolio Management Thi-Xuan NGUYEN and Bensalem AL BAROUDI

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1 Portfolio Management Thi-Xuan NGUYEN and Bensalem AL BAROUDI
Université d’Évry Val d’Essonne Evry, Mars 09, 2017

2 Contents| Database Backtesting an Equal Weight Portfolio Strategy
Building Signals based on price Maximum Diversification Strategies for using the P/E as signals Conclusion Contents|

3 1. Database Data 505 stocks of S&P 500 constituents
Source: Yahoo Finance Period: Frequency: Daily Rebalancing: Monthly Missing value Treatment Replace NAs by the previous values Replace NAs by 0 for the stock listed after 2001 In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system. In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system. In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system

4 2. Result 1

5 2. Result 2 Portfolio Benchmark Cumulative Return 0.3605 0.2834
Portfolio Benchmark Cumulative Return 0.3605 0.2834 Annual Return 0.0195 0.0157 Annualized Sharpe Ratio 0.1027 0.0804 Annualized Volatility 0.1896 0.1959 Maximum Drawdown Max Length Drawdown 1696 1631

6 2. Result 3 Choice to use the quarterly rebalancing as a reference

7 3. Construction of signal portfolio
Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Building signal matrix Based on: daily stock return Rebalancing period: Monthly Signal at end of month = average of daily signal this month Transforming: M. signal into M. weight Signal value < 0 => weight = 0 If not, Transforming M. weight into D. weight The daily weight of next month = weight at the end of previous month Chú thích Chú thích Thêm chữ In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system. In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system. In the first part, we intro duce some und erlying financial knowledge that is necessary for the simulation as the default mo de l, the calculating metho d for main risk ind icators (VaR, EL and ES). In the s econd part, we present ab out the functional system. We will show and analyze the functional diagram of our program. Finally, the last part is dedicated to present the way we designed the system

8 3. Backtesting the performance
Return portfolio : Diagonal resulting matrix Signal PF outperform the EW and benchmark and has overall highest cumulative. Peak: beginning of 2016 Downturn: 2002 and 2009 due to the global financial crisis

9 3. Basic portfolio analytics
Signal PF: Highest annual return, Sharpe tio but also highest volatility Advisor: Holding EW if risk aversion Holding Signal PF if hope higher return but face more risky

10 4. Maximum diversification portfolio
Goal: Maximum the diversification ratio: w –weights vector of portfolio : volatility vector : Covariance- Variance matrix C: Correlation matrix : weight of synthetic stock Out put: 505 stocks reduce to invest on 64 stocks Input: Dmat: shringkage correlation Amat <- cbind(rep(1,N),diag(N) bvec <- c(1,rep(0,N) dvec <- rep(0,N) Solve QP

11 4. Backtesting the performance
The MDP Does not outperform but has the stability Has no downturn Lowest volatility lowest risky

12 5. Strategies to build signals with the P/E


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