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Housing Advocacy in Chester County

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Advocacy in Chester County"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Advocacy in Chester County

2 Goals For Today Create understanding of budget proposal and its implications in Chester County Discuss advocacy strategy for Chester County Recruit members for Systems Change Advocacy and Awareness Committee & ongoing involvement in advocacy efforts

3 Budget Background Federal budget proposal of $54 billion reductions in non-defense discretionary spending Proposed $6.2 billion decrease (13.2%) in HUD Proposed $15.1 billion decrease (17.9%) in HHS Four programs proposed to be fully eliminated: Community Development Block Grant Home Investment Partnership Community Services Block Grant Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

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5 Community Development Block Grant
Provides funds for housing and facility rehabilitation, public services, infrastructure development, and city-planning $2,285,262 in Chester County for 2017 Serves 5877 households Phoenixville Main Street Trestle Safe Haven Improvement Project Coatesville Blocks Improvement Domestic Violence of CC Shelter Rehab KACS Homeless Prevention, Diversion, & Rapid Rehousing Fair Housing Rights Center Legal Aid ConnectPoints GAP/FSP/FIRM Programs Housing Locator Program Manor Road Sewer Installation and Road Rehab Housing Rehabilitation Program Sucker Run Stream Bank Stabilization Credit Counseling Program

6 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME)
Provides formula grants to States and localities that communities use to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people $827,333 in Chester County for 2017 Serves 59 households First Time Homebuyer Program

7 Community Services Block Grant
Provides funds to alleviate causes and conditions of poverty in communities and support community revitalization $635, 320 in Chester County for 2017 Serves 2194 households CYWA Interfaith Housing Homeless Prevention HOPWA Good Samaritan Shelter Transitional Housing Volunteer Income Tax Assistance GAP/FSP/FIRM Programs Handi-Crafters, Inc. Open Hearth Rental Assistance Housing Locator Program Home of the Sparrow Shared Housing Rapid Re-Housing (HSI & HACC) S.O.A.R. Program Safe Harbor

8 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Helps low-income families pay their heating bills. Offers assistance in the form of a cash grant, sent directly to the utility company, or a crisis grant for households in immediate danger of being without heat 6,406 households supported $1,075,583 in financial support in 2017 Average payment $168

9 Implications $1.75 billion of HUD budget is proposed to be cut without identification Other housing programs at stake (2017): $180,489 in Emergency Solutions Grant $459,604 in Housing Trust Program $1,600,000 in Continuum of Care 1625 households with Housing Choice Vouchers 800 households in Public Housing Low Income Housing Tax Credit

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12 The Strategy: Create call scripts for citizens
Write a sign-on letter for distribution Create a plan for district office visits Recruit public involvement

13 How can we get YOU involved?

14 How do we get the general public involved?

15 How can YOU help us get the general public involved?

16 What are we missing?

17 What you can do today Sign up for emails from Find your legislator
National Alliance to End Homelessness Pennsylvania Housing Alliance Low Income Housing Coalition Find your legislator ourlegislator/ Take a talking-points sheet and start talking Join the Systems Change Advocacy and Awareness Committee Next Meeting Thursday 4/27 at 8:30 a.m. in Government Services Center Room 250

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