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Goals for NJHS Upholding the honor in NJHS

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2 Goals for NJHS Upholding the honor in NJHS
Character, service, citizenship, leadership Contributing to the community School and local Fundraisers, service, charities, etc.

3 Service Hours Opportunities posted on my Teacher Site
Look for s occasionally Community involvement welcome Fill in an Hours Log Turn it in to the main office

4 Officer Positions President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Literacy Chair

5 Note to Potential Officers
Elected positions Run for President/Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer/Literacy Chair Can not hold a Student Council title Take a leadership role within NJHS Help organize this year’s induction process Speak at the induction ceremony

6 President Organize monthly NJHS Officer meetings
Role Application Process Organize monthly NJHS Officer meetings Organize Holicong Pep Rally Coordinate Induction Ceremony for next year’s NJHS members Application form with teacher signatures 1 minute speech October 20 for NJHS members

7 Vice President Create and maintain NJHS OneNote
Role Application Process Create and maintain NJHS OneNote Act as liaison between faculty and students regarding service opportunities Coordinate 7th grade tutoring program – create sign up form and communicate with 7th grade team leaders Application Form with teacher signatures 1 minute speech October 20 for NJHS members

8 Secretary Keep track of members’ hours
Role Application Process Keep track of members’ hours Record minutes from NJHS meetings Create PowerPoints and other publications for faculty meetings, Parent Council, and Holicong website 1 PowerPoint slide sent to me Slide show of all nominees shown to NJHS members on October 21

9 Treasurer Create the 9th Grade Slide Show Organize school fundraisers
Role Application Process Create the 9th Grade Slide Show Organize school fundraisers Organize activities for Teacher Appreciation Week 1 PowerPoint slide sent to me Slide show of all nominees shown to NJHS members on October 21

10 Literacy Chair Student leader of the Holicong Literacy Program
Role Application Process Student leader of the Holicong Literacy Program Oversee maintenance of the Free Little Library, book drives, and other literacy initiatives Work with literacy leaders at Holicong 1 PowerPoint slide sent to me Slide show of all nominees shown to NJHS members on October 21

11 Name Maybe a picture I represent the ideals of NJHS:
I would be an excellent NJHS Secretary, Treasurer, or Literacy Chair because:

12 Due Date President/Vice President applicants: Staple your form and speech together and turn it into the main office by Tuesday, October 18 at 2:45. Secretary/Treasurer/Literacy Chair applicants: PowerPoint slides must be ed to by Tuesday, October 18 at 2:45. No late applications will be accepted.

13 Speeches and Elections
Speeches for President and Vice President candidates will take place in front of the current NJHS during resource on Thursday, October Voting will take place at this time. Friday, October 21, NJHS will view the Secretary/Treasurer/Literacy Chair PowerPoint and vote for these officers. An announcement will be made shortly after announcing the NJHS officers.

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