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Technical Cooperation Section (TCS)

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1 Technical Cooperation Section (TCS)
Status Report Technical Cooperation Section (TCS) OAS - SEDI OAS/TCS

2 Report on Results FEMCIDI 2010/2011 Cycle
OAS/DCF Report on Results FEMCIDI 2010/2011 Cycle Final Cycle under FEMCIDI focused on: Education, Science & Tech, Tourism & Culture Focus on results rather than activities Leverage seed funding with partnerships to expand reach e.g. Microsoft, Colombia “Plan Caribe”, Catholic U. Gov’t of Serbia Emphasis on institutionalization & sustainability within member states

3 Project Results FEMCIDI
OAS/DCF Project Results FEMCIDI 2010/2011 Cycle Partnerships with private sector, NGO, academia have been developed for several projects to supplement FEMCIDI funds Webinar series to share results, challenges, opportunities and build partnerships Knowledge sharing and cooperation exchanges to continue on Cooperanet platform

4 Craft Enhancement and Business Training Program in the Caribbean
OAS/DCF Craft Enhancement and Business Training Program in the Caribbean Participant Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 398,038.00 Counterpart amount: US$ 56,179.00 Partnership Colombia Plan Caribe: US$ 14,500.00 Objective: Strengthen the productive capacity of producers to increase diversity and improve on the quality and authentic brand marketing of crafts in the Caribbean

5 Craft Enhancement in the Caribbean (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Craft Enhancement in the Caribbean (Cont’d) Results: Livelihoods of over 300 artisans enhanced: Over 50 new product lines created In Jamaica 20 new product lines certified for International market 7 virtual resource centers for artisans created and linked to tourism sites to ensure visibility and sustainability Product quality and branding improved Specialized training received on small business planning, and product development Craft exhibitions held to showcase and sell new products Agreements with hotels and shops to increase sales Triangular Cooperation Colombia-OAS-Dominica through Plan Caribe and from Bolivia to seven countries Craft council created in Jamaica to ensure sustainability “Authentic Jamaica” brand created

6 Craft Enhancement in the Caribbean (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Craft Enhancement in the Caribbean (Cont’d) Next Steps: Sign agreements with the hotel industry and shops to sell craft products Increase visibility through virtual resource center and craft shows at tourism sites Governments agree to strengthen institutional capacity for craft sector support Craft council in JA to serve as a model for other countries Lessons Learned: Association model is important for the craft sector More authentic branding needed to protect the craft sector from cheap imports “The facilitators […] taught us to use what we see around us in Dominica, what is cultural and indigenous to Dominica…” St. Vincent & the Grenadines Antigua & Barbuda Dominica Grenada Jamaica St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia

7 Culture Satellite Accounts (CSA)
OAS/DCF Culture Satellite Accounts (CSA) Participant Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 128, Counterpart Amount: US$ 85, Objective: The participating countries and members of the Andean Community wish to shape a harmonization strategy that combines different methodologies and mechanisms for measuring and producing reliable and timely cultural statistical information through the development of culture satellite accounts (CSA) and cultural statistics information systems (CSIS) in each participating country.

8 Culture Satellite Accounts (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Culture Satellite Accounts (Cont’d) Results: Analysis of cultural statistical information for four sectors: Books & Publications Audiovisual Music Performing Arts Methodology established for cultural economic data gathering Accounts created to gather information on the productivity of each sector Accounts are being updated with information from each sector A standardized approach for data collection in the cultural sector established

9 Culture Satellite Accounts (Cont´d)
OAS/DCF Culture Satellite Accounts (Cont´d) Next Steps: A guide on the Methodology will be created for the countries to follow when analyzing the information Countries institutionalizing and harmonizing the collection of information on the economic contributions of culture to the National Economies and GDP Lessons Learned: Greater awareness among public and private sector of the importance of collecting and sharing information on cultural productivity is needed Information gathering on cultural productivity needs to be integrated into national statistical systems

10 Youth Network for Creative Exchange and Artistic Production
OAS/DCF Youth Network for Creative Exchange and Artistic Production Participant Countries: Colombia Peru Uruguay FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 149,780.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 202,794.00 Objective: To create a network for ongoing exchange that provides mechanisms for the circulation of goods and services, and the creation of jobs for young people

11 Music Network (Cont´d)
OAS/DCF Music Network (Cont´d) Results: Creation and consolidation of Red Sonar ( youth network for cultural and creative exchange) Production & Recording of a CD collecting the musical exchange among the groups Strategy for the artistic and commercial exchange among the participant countries 15 Musical groups strengthened on cultural industries management 2 International workshops to exchange cultural and artistic knowledge

12 Music Network (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Music Network (Cont’d) Next Steps: The 15 musical groups will share the knowledge and experience acquired with other groups in their countries The Red Sonar will be strengthened and promoted by the same groups to attract more participants and continue with the cultural and musical exchange Link: Video recorded at International Workshop in Providencia, Colombia on May, 2016. Start video and then forward to minute 3.04 Providencia, Colombia May, 2015

13 MERCOSUR Youth Parliament
OAS/DCF MERCOSUR Youth Parliament Participant Countries: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia Uruguay FEMCIDI Amount: US $ 327,500.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 5’106,500.00 Objective: A consolidation of the process of participation of young students of 14 to 18 years of age attending secondary schools in MERCOSUR

14 MERCOSUR Youth Parliament (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF MERCOSUR Youth Parliament (Cont’d) Results: 33, 740 schools created and adopted curriculum based on the theme “The School That We Want” on 6 topics: Inclusion, Gender, Labor, Civic Participation, Regional integration and Human rights high school engaged 3 Declarations from MERCOSUR Youth Parliament adopted at MERCOSUR Parliament 8 Modules for teacher training on the integration of the 6 topics into the curriculum developed (1 for online) 8 teacher experiences selected and published as good practices Online platform for online training and ongoing youth civic participation: National & International Youth fora: 19 national, 2 international, 3 youth parliaments

15 MERCOSUR Youth Parliament (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF MERCOSUR Youth Parliament (Cont’d) Next Steps: Knowledge transfer of the experiences to other countries Integrated the PJM to other complementary regional initiatives   Develop a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for PJM. Strengthen the online platform to include training Lessons Learned: The importance of creating spaces for dialogue in the process of systemizing youth participation in public policy formulation Buy-in from national institutions responsible for youth civic education is critical The Value-added from the involvement of different actors in process of civic education and participation

16 OAS/DCF Technology Transfer Program in Science and Engineering for the Institutional Strengthening of University-based Academic Scientific Research and the Impetus to Promote Technology Based Enterprises Participant Countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 190,000.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 337,200.00 Objective: Develop the scientific and technological capacities of human resources for the management of new, high-quality, innovative, competitive, and successful businesses, forming consolidated working networks that promote partnerships between business, state, and university as measured by socio-economic impact indicators.

17 OAS/DCF Technology Transfer Program for the Institutional Strengthening of Scientific Research (Cont’d) Results: 12 Exchange visits for knowledge transfer on: Trade, Energy Efficiency, Micro entrepreneurship, Engineering and Software development (Over 120 professors & 100 young entrepreneurs trained ) Model for business incubators developed in Bolivia based on the experiences of Mexico, Costa Rica and Brazil 40 professors trained to implement the incubator model within different faculties at the Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno

18 OAS/DCF Technology Transfer Program for the Institutional Strengthening of Scientific Research (Cont’d) Next Steps: Projects for improving research and development infrastructure to be developed Implement knowledge transfer agreements signed between universities of participating countries Implement an outreach strategy to promote business incubators within the public and private sectors in Bolivia Create a unit for managing the intellectual property on research done by UAGRM Create a network of research professors Lessons Learned: The importance of connecting the work done by the University with the community The need to systematize the processes for knowledge transfer

19 OAS/DCF Inter-Cultural Training Project for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care among the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region Participant Countries: Bolivia, Colombia and Peru FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 461,879.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 586,718.00 Objective: Family, community, and institutional caregivers apply intercultural care practices that guarantee integral human development for children aged 0 to 3 in the Tikuna, Cocama, and Yagua communities on the border between Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. Video: Early Childhood for indigenous people of the Amazon Region: Training modules for community leaders

20 OAS/DCF Inter-Cultural Training Project for the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region (Cont’d) Results: A common system for data gathering and dialogue with indigenous leaders from 54 communities developed within the three participating countries Baseline data generated on 5 indicators for early childhood education: Heath, Nutrition, Protection and Care in the 54 communities Active engagement of 1,100 families, 100 community organizers and 170 indigenous leaders  20 community observatories on early childhood education created   Publications: - A guide on cultural practices for early childhood care - Resource document: “A reference guide for early childhood care and education among indigenous communities

21 OAS/DCF Inter-Cultural Training Project for the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region (Cont’d) Next Steps The Ministries of Education of Peru and Bolivia have began implementing the project in other indigenous communities Strengthen the mechanisms for community organizing in other indigenous groups Support the community observatories with the continued implementation of the inter-cultural systems developed for early childhood care and education Strengthen the synergies developed between the local and national governments, indigenous leaders and the communities by adopting the recommendations for early child hood care and education developed under the project Lessons Learned: Secure the participation of all stakeholders for a holistic approach in the design of project to ensure success Create an early warning system to generate a situation analysis of the communities Promote cultural traditions among young people to preserve the cultural identities of indigenous communities Cooperation mechanisms created contributed to innovative training in early childhood care and education

22 Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere
OAS/DCF Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere Participant Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Belize, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Panama, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, St. Kitts & Nevis, United States and Uruguay FEMCIDI Amount: US $ 500,000.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 1’809,000.00 Objective: Provide tools and training to strengthen the capacity of the National Metrology Institutes and designated institutes in the hemisphere.

23 Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere (Cont’d) Results: Metrology institutes equipped to: Offer new measurement services (calibration of electricity meters in Guyana; calibration of gauge blocks for Trinidad and Tobago), New certified reference materials (dissolved mercury-Uruguay), Evaluate performance quality for existing measurement services (mass and volume calibrations for Dominican Republic) Over 250 metrology and scientific professionals improved technical competence    Countries received International recognition  of measurement capabilities INM – Colombia  by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) for Time and Frequency measurement capabilities St. Lucia International Organization of Legal Metrology) for excellence in Legal Metrology for their improved measurement services. Accurate measurements in the areas of public health and safety  e.g.- anti-venom production & quality assurance) Environment, trade and conformity assessment developed

24 Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere (Cont’d)
OAS/DCF Strengthening National Metrology Institutes in the Hemisphere (Cont’d) Next Steps: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador  and the Caribbean member states (14 total) began offering trainings to local customers/partners. CARIMET announced, as a part of its 5 year strategic plan, its intentions to expand metrology education among primary and secondary schools. Countries such as Barbados and Jamaica have developed metrology education curriculum Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico and Uruguay are working towards recognition of new measurement capabilities Lessons Learned: Importance of knowledge transfer for internationally recognized accreditation, consequently facilitating international trade Value added of technical exchanges (internships)  to strengthen Institutional and human installed capacity Complex, sophisticated measurement methods and technologies in the region require coordination among all metrology institutes.

25 OAS/DCF Organic, Hydroponic, and Hybrid system Growing for Caribbean Schools and Model for Local Caribbean Entrepreneurship Participant Countries: Barbados, Guyana, Haiti, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago, and United States Amount: US$ 150,000.00 Counterpart Amount: US$ 134,070.00 Objective: The Provisions Project will transform local food production in St. Kitts & Nevis, Haiti and the Caribbean Region by making modern, organic, hydroponic, organic and hybrid agriculture techniques more widely available.

26 OAS/DCF Organic, Hydroponic, and Hybrid system Growing for Caribbean Schools and Model for Local Caribbean Entrepreneurship (Cont’d) Results: Demonstration Hydroponic systems implemented in the following schools: Training of Teachers on the model for growing in controlled environments

27 OAS/DCF Preparing Students for 21st Century Employment in the Eastern Caribbean Participant Countries: Grenada, Dominica and St. Kitts & Nevis FEMCIDI Amount: US$ 151, Counterpart Amount: US$ 162, Partnership Catholic University: US $48, Partnership Microsoft: US$ 268, Partnership Government of Serbia: US$ 10, Objective: Support principals and teachers, Education Managers and supervisors to make the change required for performing effectively in a 21st century environment, so that they can continue to have a positive impact on the youth of our countries. Teachers will be trained in the use of a variety of ICT tools for an inclusive learning environment, in support of international agreements to which the Caribbean governments are signatories.

28 OAS/DCF Preparing Students for 21st Century Employment in the Eastern Caribbean (Cont’d) Results: Technology skill assessment of teachers completed Professional development plan for teachers on the integration of ICT into the curriculum created 40 principals trained on the integration of ICT into the curriculum More than 200 teachers trained and pursuing certification as Microsoft Certified Educators IT Academies in the process being established to provide access to more than 6,000 online training courses. (partnership with Microsoft) Partnership established with The Catholic University of America to assess the integration of ICT in schools in each member state

29 OAS/DCF Preparing Students for 21st Century Employment in the Eastern Caribbean (Cont’d) Next Steps: A symposium on Policy, Practice and Partnerships scheduled for September 2016 Results of Catholic University Assessment will be shared and discussed among policy makers Private Public partnerships will be pursued for connectivity and content Charting of a way forward for the continuation of ICT integration in schools Lessons Learned: Definition of clear policy necessary for the integration of ICT in education Hardware must be equipped with the requisite content software in order to be useful Connectivity issues must be addressed particularly in rural communities Curriculum at Teacher Training institutions must include ICT integration Teacher training must be continuous

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