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Using the Internet to Build Your Profile

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1 Using the Internet to Build Your Profile
Mike Naholi

2 People are fundraising!
How many of you have been secretly contacted by a brother of an ex-government official from a corrupt third –world country in Africa who wants to share $30 million left behind after a civil war but needs your bank account details to send you the money?

3 Fundraising….. Have been contacted by a friend in distress in a European country who has just been robbed and needs US$ 3,000 to settle their hotel bills?

4 The strategy is simple…
Send out thousands, if not millions of mails…. Get a few people to fall for the prank… And that enough to meet your targets! Capitalises on: Greed Concern

5 E-mail How many people have contacts and or messages attached to mail?
What kind of messages do you attach?

6 E-mail How many people receive viral mail?
How many people forward or send out viral mail?

7 The Internet Is the most powerful communication tool ever created so far Cost effective and immediate (on-demand) Offers flexible communications Fast reach and everywhere through networking Is used by billions of people

8 Opportunities to brand…
Have many opportunities to build our profile and brand on the internet…. Can you name some??????

9 Opportunities for brand building..
Websites Official communication Personal communication Viral mail Social websites You tube Media articles

10 Great Websites Designed with the user in mind. Not organization
Donor-Centric: Focus on the donor not you! Advocacy: -- Advance your mission Outreach: Support your constituents/stakeholders Fundraising: Support your organization

11 Websites - Content Content: Positive text & images that sell your organization positively Presentation: The delivery of content in a way that users easily find what they need Donations: Have a ‘donate-now’ or ‘give now’ button

12 Website Content Mission, leadership, contact information, maps, statistics, privacy disclaimer Profiles of people served Influential supporters-those who add credibility and reach Update often! Links: To partners etc

13 Website – Use-ability Should not be too heavy – take time to load
People speed-read the Internet Bulleted text that link to deeper content Quick loading pictures Use common graphic design elements

14 Attracting Visitors The fact that you build a site, does not make donors come Must market your website everywhere, targeted on print materials& telephone system Engage e-marketing services Your signature, business cards SEO-Search Engine Optimization

15 Capitalising on Search Engines
It is a technique to design a website to rank higher in search through Google,Yahoo, MSN etc Concentrate on keywords and phrases people associate with your charity work Use the above terms in headings, titles on pages, text links and in content Links to and from websites of related information can help significantly

16 - Advantages Easily available in many places( including Cyber cafes and mobile phones) Cheap media to use Reach large numbers of people Accessible in many areas. Can tailor letters.

17 Capitalizing on E-mail
More commonly used for: Sending out appeals Recruiting donors Maintaining relationships with individual donors Updates Thank you notes

18 High cost in some countries.
Challenges These include: Too much junk mail Treated as spam Ignored Irritates the prospect. Image problems- fraudulent s from Africa High cost in some countries.

19 Creating the E-Mail Network
For Campaigns, you will need to develop a database for your mailing list: Electronic newsletters Viral campaigns – shared s based on jokes, quotes etc Encourage people to send them round. Recommendations from partners/contacts data bases from friends.

20 Yes We Can! Barrack Obama: The Internet President
The 44th US President owes much of his success to the Internet Can learn from the social networking employed by the Barack Obama campaign Both Obama and Republican rival John McCain relied on the Net McCain saw the internet's potential first, but President Obama played the game better

21 Learning From Obama –Commitment
Professionalism: Campaign was run like a multi-national corporation and not a NP Commitment: Invested in online organizing & fundraising Leadership: Hired online director , and Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes to build its own social networking site,

22 Learning from Obama - Communication
Carefully designed website: Maximized group collaboration Gave individual volunteers tasks they could follow on their own schedules. Traditional Media: Used the money raised for more traditional campaigning — flooding cable markets in strategic states with television advertising. Innovation: The campaign constantly added new features even to the end. Phone Calls: Asked volunteers to make a million calls on election day to ‘get out the vote’

23 Obama - Mobilisation The Community Effect: His supporters creativity & enthusiasm manifested through multitudes of: Websites YouTube videos online. Use of appropriate strategies: Reached young voters Through text messages Conducting SMS rallies Sent out texts at strategic moments to ask for volunteer help or remind recipients to vote. Cyber wars: Launched WebPages and online action groups to fight: The underground whisper False rumors about Obama's personal background and tax policies.

24 Learning from Obama… Mobilisation
Reach: Grew from being just a medium of political junkies to a gateway for millions of ordinary Americans to participate in the political process Numerous volunteer contributions eg innovative Obama '08 iPhone and iTouch application - enabled owners to mobilize their friends and contacts in battleground states through the Apple devices. People Power: They donated their spare time to their candidate through online campaign tools.

25 Obama Fundraising…. Wholesale principle: Campaign solicited small donations from a wide swath of voters, raising record amounts online. Converted supporters to active donors: More than 2.5 million people contributed Broke Records: Raised $66 million a month on average

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